Browsing by Subject "amino terminal sequence"
Now showing items 1-11 of 11
Activation of endogenous FAK via expression of its amino terminal domain in xenopus embryos
(2012)Background: The Focal Adhesion Kinase is a well studied tyrosine kinase involved in a wide number of cellular processes including cell adhesion and migration. It has also been shown to play important roles during embryonic ...
Addressing the Functional Determinants of FAK during Ciliogenesis in Multiciliated Cells
(2017)We previously identified focal adhesion kinase (FAK) as an important regulator of ciliogenesis in multiciliated cells. FAK and other focal adhesion (FA) proteins associate with the basal bodies and their striated rootlets ...
Combination of theoretical and experimental approaches for the design and study of fibril-forming peptides
(2014)Self-assembling peptides that can form supramolecular structures such as fibrils, ribbons, and nanotubes are of particular interest to modern bionanotechnology and materials science. Their ability to form biocompatible ...
Histone H3 tail clipping regulates gene expression
(2009)Induction of gene expression in yeast and human cells involves changes in the histone modifications associated with promoters. Here we identify a histone H3 endopeptidase activity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that may ...
Loss of Nat4 and its associated histone H4 N-terminal acetylation mediates calorie restriction-induced longevity
(2016)Changes in histone modifications are an attractive model through which environmental signals, such as diet, could be integrated in the cell for regulating its lifespan. However, evidence linking dietary interventions with ...
Molecular Dynamics in Drug Design: New Generations of Compstatin Analogs
(2012)We report the computational and rational design of new generations of potential peptide-based inhibitors of the complement protein C3 from the compstatin family. The binding efficacy of the peptides is tested by extensive ...
N-alpha-terminal Acetylation of Histone H4 Regulates Arginine Methylation and Ribosomal DNA Silencing
(2013)Post-translational modifications of histones play a key role in DNA-based processes, like transcription, by modulating chromatin structure. N-terminal acetylation is unique among the numerous histone modifications because ...
New compstatin peptides containing n-terminal extensions and non-natural amino acids exhibit potent complement inhibition and improved solubility characteristics
(2015)Compstatin peptides are complement inhibitors that bind and inhibit cleavage of complement C3. Peptide binding is enhanced by hydrophobic interactions
PKD2, a gene for polycystic kidney disease that encodes an integral membrane protein
(1996)A second gene for autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease was identified by positional cloning. Nonsense mutations in this gene (PKD2) segregated with the disease in three PKD2 families. The predicted 968-amino acid ...
Split-Inteins for Simultaneous, site-specific conjugation of Quantum Dots to multiple protein targets In vivo
(2011)Background: Proteins labelled with Quantum Dots (QDs) can be imaged over long periods of time with ultrahigh spatial and temporal resolution, yielding important information on the spatiotemporal dynamics of proteins within ...
A translation frameshift mutation induced by a cytosine insertion in the Polycystic Kidney Disease 2 gene (PKD2)
(1997)Mutations in the PKD2 gene on the long arm of chromosome 4 are responsible for ~ 15% of cases of polycystic kidney disease. Perhaps the only difference from the more common ADPKD1 cases is the rate of progression of cystic ...