Browsing by Subject "nerve cell"
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
Behavioral plasticity through the modulation of switch neurons
(2016)A central question in artificial intelligence is how to design agents capable of switching between different behaviors in response to environmental changes. Taking inspiration from neuroscience, we address this problem by ...
A Biophysical Model of Endocannabinoid-Mediated Short Term Depression in Hippocampal Inhibition
(2013)Memories are believed to be represented in the synaptic pathways of vastly interconnected networks of neurons. The plasticity of synapses, that is, their strengthening and weakening depending on neuronal activity, is ...
Distinguishing the causes of firing with themembrane potential slope
(2012)In this letter, we aim to measure the relative contribution of coincidence detection and temporal integration to the firing of spikes of a simple neuron model. To this end, we develop a method to infer the degree of synchrony ...
Does high firing irregularity enhance learning?
(2011)In this note, we demonstrate that the high firing irregularity produced by the leaky integrate-and-fire neuron with the partial somatic reset mechanism, which has been shown to be the most likely candidate to reflect the ...
KIF2β, a new kinesin superfamily protein in non-neuronal cells, is associated with lysosomes and may be implicated in their centrifugal translocation
(1998)Lysosomes concentrate juxtanuclearly in the region around the microtubule-organizing center by interaction with microtubules. Different experimental and physiological conditions can induce these organelles to move to the ...
Learning optimisation by high firing irregularity
(2012)In a network of leaky integrate-and-fire (LIF) neurons, we investigate the functional role of irregular spiking at high rates. Irregular spiking is produced by either employing the partial somatic reset mechanism on every ...
Measuring input synchrony in the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck neuronal model through input parameter estimation
(2013)We present a method of estimating the input parameters and through them, the input synchrony, of a stochastic leaky integrate-and-fire neuronal model based on the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process when it is driven by time-dependent ...
Multiagent reinforcement learning: Spiking and nonspiking agents in the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma
(2011)This paper investigates multiagent reinforcement learning (MARL) in a general-sum game where the payoffs' structure is such that the agents are required to exploit each other in a way that benefits all agents. The contradictory ...
Near Poisson-type firing produced by concurrent excitation and inhibition
(2000)The effect of inhibition on the firing variability is examined in this paper using the biologically-inspired temporal noisy-leaky integrator (TNLI) neuron model. The TNLI incorporates hyperpolarising inhibition with negative ...
Overexpression of the m4 and mα genes of the E(spl)-Complex antagonizes Notch mediated lateral inhibition
(1999)Intercellular signalling mediated by Notch proteins is crucial to many cell fate decisions in metazoans. Its profound effects on cell fate and proliferation require that a complex set of responses involving positive and ...
A spiking neuron model: Applications and learning
(2002)This paper presents a biologically inspired, hardware-realisable spiking neuron model, which we call the Temporal Noisy-Leaky Integrator (TNLI). The dynamic applications of the model as well as its applications in Computational ...
Synchrony measure for a neuron driven by excitatory and inhibitory inputs and its adaptation to experimentally-recorded data
(2017)The aim of the current work is twofold: firstly to adapt an existing method measuring the input synchrony of a neuron driven only by excitatory inputs in such a way so as to account for inhibitory inputs as well and secondly ...