• Article  

      Differences in language performance in variations of lateralization 

      Natsopoulos, Demetrios; Koutselini, Mary; Kiosseoglou, G.; Koundouris, F. (2002)
      Language proficiency was studied in 489 primary-school-aged children classified as extreme left-, extreme right-, mild left-, and mild right-handers on the basis of both hand-preference and hand-skill, using a test battery ...
    • Article  

      Structure and coherence of reasoning ability in Down Syndrome adults and typically developing children 

      Natsopoulos, Demetrios; Christou, Constantinos; Koutselini, Mary; Raftopoulos, Athanassios; Karefillidou, C. (2002)
      The present study investigates the ability of Down Syndrome (DS) adults to reason: (a) deductively with transitivity (linear and reverse relations) and categorical syllogisms (all-some relations); (b) inductively with ...