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dc.contributor.authorKorfiatis, Konstantinos J.en
dc.contributor.authorStamou, Anastasia G.en
dc.contributor.authorParaskevopoulos, S.en
dc.creatorKorfiatis, Konstantinos J.en
dc.creatorStamou, Anastasia G.en
dc.creatorParaskevopoulos, S.en
dc.description.abstractIn this article, the environmental content of the textbooks used for the teaching of natural sciences in Greek primary schools was examined. Specifically, by employing the method of content analysis, both representational (metaphors, depictions, values, etc.) and cognitive (ecological concepts) elements, building images of nature, and shaping our opinion and attitudes towards the environment were examined. The results of the analysis revealed that a coherent whole was produced, where nature was in a condition of oscillating balance, with everything being connected with something else, and humans having absolute control over a nature whose only value was its usefulness as a resource for food and raw material. However, seen qualitatively, the edifice included many contradictory elements and inconsistencies, which, having evolved out of a specific context, might spread confusion and deprive pupils from critical thinking. On the other hand, the image of nature dominating disagreed with both a standpoint advocating an equal relationship between humans and nature and with that supporting a relationship of stewardship and care for nature, while it failed to provide students with proper and sufficient environmental knowledgeen
dc.sourceScience Educationen
dc.titleImages of Nature in the Textbooks of Elementary Schools in Greece.en
dc.description.endingpage89Σχολή Κοινωνικών Επιστημών και Επιστημών Αγωγής / Faculty of Social Sciences and EducationΤμήμα Επιστημών της Αγωγής / Department of Education
dc.contributor.orcidKorfiatis, Konstantinos [0000-0003-0297-6499]

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