Τμήμα Νομικής / Department of Law
Recent Submissions
Book Chapter
Surrogacy in the ECtHR and the European institutions
(Edward Elgar, 2024)The majority of European States have taken a broadly conservative approach towards surrogacy by prohibiting it in their territory. As a result of this, persons who wish to have a child through surrogacy travel to a state ...
Book Chapter
EU gender politics and law: the case of sexual minorities
(Edward Elgar, 2024-06-13)This chapter will aim to consider the meaning of the notions of ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ under EU anti-discrimination law. For this purpose, the chapter will focus on a case-study which will examine the position of the EU towards ...
Article Open Access
The new Greek legislation opening marriage to same-sex couples: an analysis
(Pacini Guiridica, 2024-05)In February 2024, Greece became the 36th country in the world to open marriage to same-sex couples. This important change in the family law of Greece has come about through the promulgation of new legislation – Law 5089/2024 ...
The cross-border legal recognition of parenthood under European law: current law and future prospects
(Taylor and Francis, 2024-05-02)Historically, the issue of who were a child’s parents was in most instances settled as it was considered that the nuclear family was the (only) valid family formation and, as such, should be the (only) family configuration ...
Report Open Access
Lesbian rights under EU law
(2020)The report was commissioned as a research paper by the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. The results of the study do not represent Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. They ...
Contribution To Periodical
The ECJ recognises the right of rainbow families to move freely between EU Member States: The V.M.A. ruling
(Sweet and Maxwell, 2022)Three years after its landmark ruling in the case of Coman, concerning the cross-border legal recognition of same-sex marriages for the purposes of EU free movement law, the Court of Justice delivered its ruling in the VMA ...
Contribution To Periodical
Το δικαίωμα στην οικογενειακή επανένωση των οικογενειών "Ουράνιο Τόξο" κάτω από το γνωσιακό δίκαιο: ποια η ευθύνη της Ένωσης;
(Νομική Βιβλιοθήκη, 2022)Οι οικογένειες "ουράνιο τόξο" είναι οικογένειες που έχουν δημιουργηθεί από ζευγάρια του ίδιου φύλου και αποτελούνται από το ζευγάρι μόνο ή από το ζευγάρι και το παιδί ή τα παιδιά τους. Το γεγονός ότι η Ένωση δεν έχει ...
Book Chapter
Unrecognised 'States' and EU Law: Anastasiou I
(Hart, 2022)Anastasiou I is the first in a trilogy of cases in the so-called ‘Anastasiou saga’, in which the Court was called for the first time to rule on issues relating to the Cyprus problem. Although, at first glance, the subject ...
Book Chapter
Homophobic Speech and its Prohibition under EU Anti-discrimination Law: Opinion of Advocate General Sharpston in NH
(Hart, 2022)In the NH case, the Court of Justice of the EU was faced, once more, with homophobic speech and its prohibition under EU anti-discrimination law. The first time that the Court had to consider this issue was in 2013, when ...
Reverse Discrimination in EC Law
(Kluwer Law International, 2009)The spectre of reverse discrimination arises when it can be shown that a group is treated more favourably than another group that is normally favoured, as a consequence of positive action measures. Until recently, EC ...
Book Chapter
Free movement of persons, services and capital chapter 1 workers
(Springer, 2021)
Report Open Access
Obstacles to the free movement of rainbow families in the EU
(European Union, 2021)This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the PETI Committee, examines: (i) the obstacles that rainbow families (same-sex ...
Book review: Compendium of inclusive family law, Søren Laursen, LGBT komiteen
(Oxford University Press, 2021)
Book Chapter
EU law and the right of rainbow families to move freely between EU Member States
(Routledge, 2020)EU citizens and – through them – certain of their family members, derive from EU law the right to move between EU Member States and reside in the Member State of their choice. When rainbow families (i.e. families comprised ...
Article Open Access
Case C-507/18 NH v Associazione Avvocatura per i diritti LGBTI - Rete Lenford: homophobic speech and EU anti-discrimination law
(Sage Publications, 2020)In the NH case – which can be characterised as a sequel to the Asociaţia Accept ruling delivered in 2013 – the Court of Justice of the European Union was confronted, once more, with an incident of homophobic speech. In ...
Contribution To Periodical Open Access
Positive state obligations under European law: a tool for achieving substantive equality for sexual minorities in Europe
(Eleven International Publishing, 2020)This article seeks to examine the development of positive obligations under European law in the specific context of the rights of sexual minorities. It is clear that the law should respect and protect all sexualities and ...
Book Chapter Open Access
Rainbow families and EU free movement law
(Intersentia, 2019)This chapter examines the position of the children of rainbow families (i.e. families comprising a same-sex couple and their children) in cases where such families move between European Union (EU) Member States and include ...
Contribution To Periodical Open Access
EU free movement law and the children of rainbow families: children of a lesser God?
(Oxford University Press, 2019)EU citizens and—through them—certain of their family members, derive from EU law the right to move between EU Member States and reside in the Member State of their choice. This right is enjoyed by all Union citizens ...
Contribution To Periodical
The ECJ recognises the right of same-sex spouses to move freely between EU Member States: the Coman ruling
(Sweet & Maxwell, 2019)In its recent Coman ruling, the European Court of Justice held that the term “spouse” includes the same-sex spouse of a Union citizen, for the purpose of the grant of family reunification rights in free movement cases. ...
Contribution To Periodical
Introductory note to Relu Adrian Coman and others v. Inspectoratul General Pentru Imigrari and Ministerul Afacerilor Interne (C.J.E.U.)
(American Society of International LawCambridge University Press, 2019)On June 5, 2018, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU or Court) delivered its judgment in the case of Coman. In this important ruling, the Court made it clear that under EU law, the same-sex spouse of an EU ...