• Article  

      How Bob Laughlin tamed the giant graviton from Taub-NUT space 

      Bernevig, B. A.; Susskind, L.; Toumbas, Nicolaos K.; Brodie, J. H. (2001)
      In this paper we show how two dimensional electron systems can be modeled by strings interacting with D-branes. The dualities of string theory allow several descriptions of the system. These include descriptions in terms ...
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      Invasion of the giant gravitons from anti-de Sitter space 

      McGreevy, J.; Susskind, L.; Toumbas, Nicolaos K. (2000)
      It has been known for some time that the AdS/CFT correspondence predicts a limit on the number of single particle states propagating on the compact spherical component of the AdS x S geometry. The limit is called the stringy ...
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      The IR/UV connection in non-commutative gauge theories 

      Matusis, Alec; Susskind, L.; Toumbas, Nicolaos K. (2000)
      Quantum field theory on non-commutative spaces does not enjoy the usual ultraviolet-infrared decoupling that forms the basis for conventional renormalization. The high momentum contributions to loop integrations can lead ...
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      Negative energy, superluminosity, and holography 

      Polchinski, J.; Susskind, L.; Toumbas, Nicolaos K. (1999)
      The holographic connection between large N super Yang-Mills (SYM) theory and gravity in anti-de Sitter (AdS) space requires unfamiliar behavior of the SYM theory in the limit that the curvature of the AdS geometry becomes ...
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      Space/time non-commutativity and causality 

      Seiberg, N.; Susskind, L.; Toumbas, Nicolaos K. (2000)
      Field theories based on non-commutative spacetimes exhibit very distinctive non-local effects which mix the ultraviolet with the infrared in bizarre ways. In particular if the time coordinate is involved in the non-commutativity ...
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      Strings in background electric field, space/time noncommutativity and a new noncritical string theory 

      Seiberg, N.; Susskind, L.; Toumbas, Nicolaos K. (2000)
      Searching for space/time noncommutativity we reconsider open strings in a constant background electric field. The main difference between this situation and its magnetic counterpart is that here there is a critical electric ...
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      Wilson loops as precursors 

      Susskind, L.; Toumbas, Nicolaos K. (2000)