Now showing items 1592-1611 of 1633

    • Article  

      Viscoplastic flow in an extrusion damper 

      Syrakos, A.; Dimakopoulos, Yannis; Georgiou, Georgios C.; Tsamopoulos, J. (2016)
      Numerical simulations of the flow in an extrusion damper are performed using a finite volume method. The damper is assumed to consist of a shaft, with or without a spherical bulge, oscillating axially in a containing ...
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      Viscoplastic fluids: From theory to application (VPF2009), Limassol, Cyprus, 1-5 November, 2009 

      Alexandrou, Andreas N.; Georgiou, Georgios C.; Ovarlez, G. (2011)
    • Article  

      Viscoplastic Poiseuille flow in a rectangular duct with wall slip 

      Damianou, Y.; Georgiou, Georgios C. (2014)
      We solve numerically the Poiseuille flow of a Herschel-Bulkley fluid in a duct of rectangular cross section under the assumption that slip occurs along the wall following a slip law involving a non-zero slip yield stress. ...
    • Article  

      The Voltera model and its relation to the Toda lattice 

      Damianou, Pantelis A. (1991)
      An integrable system associated with a lattice deformation of the Virasoro algebra is studied. It is shown that this system, known as the Volterra model, is dynamically and algebraically equivalent to the finite non-periodic ...
    • Article  

      Volterra's realization of the KM-system 

      Agrotis, Maria A.; Damianou, Pantelis A. (2007)
      We construct a symplectic realization of the KM-system and obtain the higher order Poisson tensors and commuting flows via the use of a recursion operator. This is achieved by doubling the number of variables through ...
    • Article  

      Wall shear rates in circular couette flow of a Herschel-Bulkley fluid 

      Chatzimina, Maria Evangelia; Georgiou, Georgios C.; Alexandrou, Andreas N. (2009)
      The objective of this work is to study quantitatively the errors introduced by the standard Newtonian and power-law assumptions used in the determination of the material properties of viscoplastic fluids from circular ...
    • Article  

      A warp-speed method for conducting Monte Carlo experiments involving bootstrap estimators 

      Giacomini, R.; Politis, Dimitris Nicolas; White, H. (2013)
      We analyze fast procedures for conducting Monte Carlo experiments involving bootstrap estimators, providing formal results establishing the properties of these methods under general conditions. © 2012 Cambridge University Press.
    • Book Chapter  

      Water management in Cyprus through a decision-support system 

      Kazeli, H.; Christofides, Tasos C.; Keravnou-Papailiou, Elpida T. (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2003)
    • Article  

      Wave energy potential in the Eastern Mediterranean Levantine Basin. An integrated 10-year study 

      Zodiatis, George; Galanis, G.; Nikolaidis, A.; Kalogeri, C.; Hayes, D.; Georgiou, Georgios C.; Chu, P. C.; Kallos, George B. (2014)
      The main characteristics of wave energy potential over Eastern Mediterranean Levantine Basin, an area of increased interest for energy resources exploration/exploitation, is presented in this work. In particular, an ...
    • Article  

      Wavelet analysis and its statistical applications 

      Abramovich, F.; Bailey, T. C.; Sapatinas, Theofanis (2000)
      In recent years there has been a considerable development in the use of wavelet methods in statistics. As a result, we are now at the stage where it is reasonable to consider such methods to be another standard tool of the ...
    • Article  

      Wavelet coefficients measuring smoothness in H p(ℝd) 

      Kyriazis, George C. (1996)
      We investigate the connection between Besov spaces and certain approximation subspaces of the Hardy spaces Hp(ℝd), 0 < p ≤ 1. In particular, we establish the wavelet decompositions for the Hp(ℝd) spaces and we characterize ...
    • Article  

      Wavelet compression and nonlinear n-widths 

      DeVore, R. A.; Kyriazis, George C.; Leviatan, D.; Tikhomirov, V. M. (1993)
      It is shown that certain algorithms of compression based on wavelet decompositions are optimal in the sense of nonlinear n-widths. © 1993 J.C. Baltzer AG, Science Publishers.
    • Article  

      Wavelet density estimation for weighted data 

      Cutillo, L.; De Feis, I.; Nikolaidou, C.; Sapatinas, Theofanis (2014)
      We consider the estimation of a density function on the basis of a random sample from a weighted distribution. We propose linear and nonlinear wavelet density estimators, and provide their asymptotic formulae for mean ...
    • Article  

      Wavelet estimators in nonparametric regression: A comparative simulation study 

      Antoniadis, Anestis; Bigot, J.; Sapatinas, Theofanis (2001)
      Wavelet analysis has been found to be a powerful tool for the nonparametric estimation of spatially-variable objects. We discuss in detail wavelet methods in nonparametric regression, where the data are modelled as ...
    • Article  

      Wavelet instruments for efficiency gains in generalized method of moment models 

      Michis, A.; Sapatinas, Theofanis (2007)
      We propose a simple computational method in the context of generalized method of moments for improving the efficiency of regression coefficient estimates. The gains in efficiency arise by incorporating additional moment ...
    • Article  

      Wavelet methods for continuous-time prediction using Hilbert-valued autoregressive processes 

      Antoniadis, Anestis; Sapatinas, Theofanis (2003)
      We consider the prediction problem of a continuous-time stochastic process on an entire time-interval in terms of its recent past. The approach we adopt is based on the notion of autoregressive Hilbert processes that ...
    • Article  

      Wavelet packet transfer function modelling of nonstationary time series 

      Nason, G. P.; Sapatinas, Theofanis (2002)
      This article shows how a non-decimated wavelet packet transform (NWPT) can be used to model a response time series, Yt in terms of an explanatory time series, Xt. The proposed computational technique transform the explanatory ...
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      Wavelet shrinkage for natural exponential families with quadratic variance functions 

      Antoniadis, Anestis; Sapatinas, Theofanis (2001)
      We propose a wavelet shrinkage methodology for univariate natural exponential families with quadratic variance functions, covering the Gaussian, Poisson, gamma, binomial, negative binomial and generalised hyperbolic secant ...
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      Wavelet thresholding via a Bayesian approach 

      Abramovich, F.; Sapatinas, Theofanis; Silverman, B. W. (1998)
      We discuss a Bayesian formalism which gives rise to a type of wavelet threshold estimation in nonparametric regression. A prior distribution is imposed on the wavelet coefficients of the unknown response function, designed ...
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