Now showing items 21-40 of 2168

    • Article  

      Noisy Introspection in the 11–20 Game 

      Goeree, Jacob K.; Louis, Philippos; Zhang, Jingjing (2018)
      Previous experiments based on the 11–20 game have produced evidence for the level-k model with observed levels of strategic thinking consistently ranging from 0 to 3. Our baseline treatment uses the 11–20 game and replicates ...
    • Article  

      The effect of entry on R&D networks 

      Petrakis, Emmanuel; Tsakas, Nikolas (2018)
      We investigate the effect of potential entry on the formation and stability of R&D networks considering farsighted firms. The presence of a potential entrant often alters the incentives of incumbents to collaborate. Incumbent ...
    • Article  

      On Decay Centrality 

      Tsakas, Nikolas (2018)
      We establish a relationship between decay centrality and two widely used measures of centrality, namely degree and closeness. We show that for low values of the decay parameter the nodes with maximum decay centrality also ...
    • Report  

      Inflation Expectations and Monetary Policy in Europe 

      Andreou, Elena; Eminidou, Snezana; Zachariadis, Marios (Social Science Research Network, 2016)
      We use monthly data across fifteen euro-area economies for the period 1985:1-2015:3 to obtain different monetary policy shocks pertaining to more versus less informed individuals. We then investigate how these affect ...
    • Article  

      Does Exposure to the Refugee Crisis Make Natives More Hostile? 

      Hangartner, Dominik; Dinas, Elias; Marbach, Moritz; Matakos, Konstantinos; Xefteris, Dimitrios (2019)
      Although Europe has experienced unprecedented numbers of refugee arrivals in recent years, there exists almost no causal evidence regarding the impact of the refugee crisis on natives’ attitudes, policy preferences, and ...
    • Article  

      Electoral Competition with Primaries and Quality Asymmetries 

      Grofman, Bernard; Troumpounis, Orestis; Xefteris, Dimitrios (2019)
      We introduce primaries—both closed and open—into a Downsian model of two-party electoral competition allowing the two candidates in each party’s primary to differ in valence as well as in policy platform. The good news is ...
    • Article  

      Enforcement actions on banks and the structure of loan syndicates 

      Delis, Manthos D.; Iosifidi, Maria; Kokas, Sotirios; Xefteris, Dimitrios; Ongena, Steven (2020)
      We investigate the effect of regulatory enforcement actions on banks' reputation by estimating the effect of non-compliance with laws and regulations among lead arrangers on the structure of syndicated loans. Consistent ...
    • Article  

      Electoral rules, strategic entry and polarization 

      Bol, Damien; Matakos, Konstantinos; Troumpounis, Orestis; Xefteris, Dimitrios (2019)
      How does electoral rule disproportionality affect the structure of the party system (i.e. the number and the policy platforms of the competing parties)? By studying a model where both party entry and platform choice are ...
    • Article  

      Strategic voting when participation is costly 

      Xefteris, Dimitrios (2019)
      We study a general multiparty model of plurality rule elections with costly participation, and prove that strategic voting – that is, situations in which some voters abandon their most preferred alternative and vote ...
    • Article  

      Economic insecurity and political stability: a case for growth-targeting systemic vote 

      Matakos, Konstantinos; Xefteris, Dimitrios (2020)
      Abstract. In this paper, we focus on the years before the Great Recession (1960–2007) and, after addressing possible issues of endogeneity, we study the effect
    • Article  

      Social welfare with net utilities 

      Eguia, Jon X.; Xefteris, Dimitrios (2019)
      We consider a society facing a binary choice, in an environment in which differences in utility are comparable across individuals. In such an environment, net utility is the difference between the utility that an individual ...
    • Article  

      Waking Up the Golden Dawn: Does Exposure to the Refugee Crisis Increase Support for Extreme-Right Parties? 

      Dinas, Elias; Matakos, Konstantinos; Xefteris, Dimitrios; Hangartner, Dominik (2019)
      Does exposure to the refugee crisis fuel support for extreme-right parties? Despite heated debates about the political repercussions of the refugee crisis in Europe, there exists very little—and sometimes conflicting—evidence ...
    • Article  

      Candidate valence in a spatial model with entry 

      Xefteris, Dimitrios (2018)
      This paper studies electoral competition between two purely office-motivated and heterogeneous (in terms of valence) established candidates when the entry of a lesser-valence third candidate is anticipated. In this model, ...
    • Article  

      Electoral Spillovers in an Intertwined World: Brexit Effects on the 2016 Spanish Vote 

      Delis, Agelos; Matakos, Konstantinos; Xefteris, Dimitrios (2020)
      he Brexit vote took place three days before the June 26, 2016, Spain’s parliamentary elections, in which anti-systemic parties performed worse compared to the previous elections (December 2015) despite the optimistic ...
    • Article  

      Electoral competition under costly policy implementation 

      Xefteris, Dimitrios; Zudenkova, Galina (2018)
      This paper analyzes a unidimensional electoral competition model between two policy-motivated candidates, assuming that the elected candidate has to incur an idiosyncratic policy implementation cost. Think of this as the ...
    • Article  

      Electoral competition with third party entry in the lab 

      Tsakas, Nikolas; Xefteris, Dimitrios (2018)
      Electoral competition between two vote-share maximizing candidates in the context of the unidimensional spatial model leads to platform convergence: both candidates end up proposing the ideal policy of the median voter ...
    • Article  

      The Labor Market Effects of U.S. Reemployment Policy: Lessons from an Analysis of Four Programs during the Great Recession 

      Michaelides, Marios; Mueser, Peter (2019)
      We present experimental evidence on four U.S. reemployment programs targeting Unemployment Insurance (UI) recipients during the Great Recession. All programs reduced UI spells, produced UI savings that exceeded program ...
    • Article  

      Intergenerational Earnings Mobility in Post-Soviet Russia 

      Borisov, Gleb V.; Pissarides, Christopher A. (2020)
      We make use of longitudinal data for the Russian economy over 1994–2016 to obtain earnings information about parents and children. We show that rank correlations give reliable estimates, and find intergenerational correlations ...
    • Article  

      China’s Mobility Barriers and Employment Allocations 

      Ngai, L. Rachel; Pissarides, Christopher A.; Wang, Jin (2019)
      China's hukou system imposes two main barriers to population movements. Agricultural workers get land to cultivate but are unable to trade it in a frictionless market. Social transfers (education, health, etc.) are conditional ...
    • Book Chapter  

      Green Job Creation 

      Pissarides, Christopher A. (Saint-Petersburg State University Press, 2018)