Now showing items 41-60 of 2168

    • Article  

      Optimal education policy and human capital accumulation in the context of brain drain 

      Djajić, Slobodan; Michael, Michael S.; Docquier, Frédéric (2019)
      This paper revisits the question of how brain drain affects the optimal education policy of a developing economy. Our framework of analysis highlights the complementarity between public spending on education and students' ...
    • Article  

      The efficiency of decentralized environmental policies under global pollution and tradable emission permits 

      Tsakiris, Nikos; Hatzipanayotou, Panos; Michael, Michael S. (2018)
      We build a two asymmetric regions model with cross-border pollution related to production. Each region issues emission permits and revenues from their sales finance public pollution abatement. The decentralized level of ...
    • Article  

      Strategic vote trading under complete information 

      Xefteris, Dimitrios; Ziros, Nicholas (2018)
      We study two-party elections considering that: (a) prior to the voting stage voters are free to trade votes for money according to the rules of the Shapley–Shubik strategic market games
    • Article  

      Vertical Fiscal Externalities and Federal Tax-Transfers under Variable Factor Supplies 

      Tsakiris, Nikos; Hatzipanayotou, Panos; Michael, Michael S. (2019)
      Abstract. Within a model of variable supply of capital due to international mobility and variable labor supply due to endogenous labor-leisure choice, we revis
    • Article  

      Market games as social dilemmas 

      Barreda-Tarrazona, Iván; García-Gallego, Aurora; Georgantzís, Nikolaos; Ziros, Nicholas (2018)
      In an experimental exchange market based on Shapley and Shubik (1977), two types of players with different preferences and endowments independently submit quantities of the goods they wish to exchange. In this context, ...
    • Article  

      Border Tax Adjustments and Tariff-Tax Reforms with Consumption Pollution 

      Tsakiris, Nikos; Hatzipanayotou, Panos; Michael, Michael S. (2019)
      We develop a model of a small open economy, where pollution per unit of consumption between domestically produced and imported quantities of the same good differs. We show that the first-best policy combination calls for ...
    • Article  

      Are Reemployment Services Effective? Experimental Evidence from the Great Recession 

      Michaelides, Marios; Mueser, Peter (2018)
      We examine an experimental-design reemployment program implemented in Nevada during the Great Recession that required Unemployment Insurance (UI) recipients to: (1) undergo an eligibility review to confirm they were qualified ...
    • Article  

      Gender bias in the spending of child benefits: evidence from a natural policy reform 

      Lyssiotou, Panayiota (2018)
      We examine the causal relationship between child benefits and household spending on child and adult goods. In particular, we examine whether it matters if it is the husband or wife who controls this income transfer. We ...
    • Article  

      Does Delegation Increase Worker Training? 

      Bilanakos, Christos; Heywood, John S.; Sessions, John G.; Theodoropoulos, Nikolaos (2018)
      We model a principal-firm offering training to its agent-worker under two alternative organizational structures: integration, where the principal retains authority to overrule the investment project recommended by the worker
    • Article  

      Does demand for product quality increase worker training? 

      Bilanakos, Christos; Heywood, John S.; Sessions, John; Theodoropoulos, Nikolaos (2018)
      We uniquely examine the relationship between firm-organized training and the sensitivity of consumer demand to product quality. Cross section, panel fixed effect and instrumental variable estimates confirm that British ...
    • Article  

      Robust portfolio optimization: a categorized bibliographic review 

      Xidonas, Panos; Steuer, Ralph; Hassapis, Christis (2020)
      Robust portfolio optimization refers to finding an asset allocation strategy whose behavior under the worst possible realizations of the uncertain inputs, e.g., returns and covariances, is optimized. The robust approach ...
    • Article  

      Barriers to price convergence 

      Glushenkova, Marina; Kourtellos, Andros; Zachariadis, Marios (Wiley, 2018)
      This paper uncovers novel empirical patterns in the cross-country price mechanism using a nonlinear factor model and threshold regression analysis based on individual goods retail price data for a large panel of countries. ...
    • Book Chapter  

      Immigration and Job Creation 

      Chassamboulli, Andri (Springer International Publishing, 2020)
      Chassamboulli discusses recent research on the effect of immigration policies on job creation. New findings show that various types of immigrants can have a positive impact on employers’ incentives to post vacancies and ...
    • Book Chapter  

      Becoming a new SHARE country - Cyprus 

      Theodoropoulos, Nikos; Polycarpou, A. (Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy, 2019)
    • Article  

      The role of economic uncertainty in forecasting exchange rate returns and realized volatility: Evidence from quantile predictive regressions 

      Christou, Christina; Gupta, Rangan; Hassapis, Christis; Suleman, Tahir (2018)
      In this paper, we investigate whether the news-based measure of economic policy uncertainty (EPU) can be used to forecast exchange rate returns and volatility using a quantile regression approach, which accounts for ...
    • Article  

      Nonlinear equilibrium adjustment dynamics and predictability of the term structure of interest rates 

      Bekiros, Stelios; Avdoulas, Christos; Hassapis, Christis (2018)
      We analyze money market dynamics under a long-run equilibrium framework where commonly-monitored spreads serve as error correction terms, derived from a structural model incorporating autocorrelated risk premia, interest ...
    • Article  

      Sectoral linkages and economic crisis: An input-output analysis of the Cypriot economy 

      Giannakis, Elias; Mamuneas, Theofanis P. (2018)
      The objective of this paper is to analyse the inter-industry linkages and interdependencies in Cyprus economy during the recent economic crisis. The input-output multiplier analysis indicates that the food manufacturing ...
    • Article  

      Multi-horizon wealth effects across the G7 economies 

      Apergis, Nicholas; Bouras, Christos; Christou, Christina; Hassapis, Christis (2018)
      This paper investigates the nature of the intertemporal relationship between household wealth and private consumption across the G7 countries. We make use of the multistep non-causality test, recommended by Dufour et al. ...
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      Investors’ fear and herding in the stock market 

      Economou, Fotini; Hassapis, Christis; Philippas, Nikolaos (2018)
      In this article, we examine herding in three developed stock markets testing for the impact of investors’ ‘fear’ on herding estimations. To this end, we employ daily data of all listed stocks from USA, UK and Germany from ...
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      Greenhouse Emissions and Productivity Growth 

      Kalaitzidakis, Pantelis; Mamuneas, Theofanis P.; Stengos, Thanasis (2018)
      In this paper, we examine the effect of emissions, as measured by carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), on economic growth among a set of OECD countries during the period 1981–1998. We examine the relationship between total factor ...