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      Colorectal cancer screening awareness in European primary care 

      Mauri, D.; Pentheroudakis, George; Milousis, A.; Xilomenos, A.; Panagoulopoulou, E.; Bristianou, M.; Zacharias, G.; Christidis, D.; Mustou, E. A.; Gkinosati, A.; Pavlidis, Nicholas (2006)
      Background: Adjustment for stage at diagnosis markedly reduces USA versus European colorectal cancer survival differences and a screening bias was therefore suspected. Moreover, little is known about colorectal cancer ...
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      History of mastectomy 

      Malliou, S.; Ajnantis, N.; Pavlidis, Nicholas; Kappas, A. M.; Kriaras, J.; Geroulanos, S. (2006)
      Incidents of breast cancer have been documented back to the early Egyptians. Hippocrates was the first who used the term of cancer "karkinos" or "karkinoma" of the nose, the uterus, the breasts and the neck. He believed ...
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      Human immunodeficiency virus in injecting drug users in Europe following a reported increase of cases in Greece and Romania, 2011 

      Pharris, Anastasia; Wiessing, L.; Sfetcu, O.; Hedrich, D.; Botescu, A.; Fotiou, Anastasios; Nikolopoulos, Georgios K.; Malliori-Minerva, Melpomeni; Salminen, M.; Suk, J. E.; Griffiths, P.; Laar, M. J. van de (2011)
      Greece and Romania reported an increased number of HIV cases among injecting drug users (IDUs) during 2011. Most European countries reported no changes in the rate of newly diagnosed cases of HIV or HIV prevalence in IDUs; ...
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      Zucconi, V.; Balestra, F.; Magris, D.; Storici, E.; Pavlidis, Nicholas (1963)
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