008 Φιλοσοφική Σχολή / Faculty of Letters
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Group Minds in Ancient Greek Historiography and the Ancient Greek Novel: Herodian's History and chariton's Callirhoe
(Cambridge University Press, 2024-03-01)This article explores Herodian’s History of the Roman Empire alongside Chariton’s novel Callirhoe with an eye to how the minds of collective entities are represented and function in the two narratives. It argues that ...
Book Chapter
Ryle and Sartre against Hume’s theory of the imagination
(Bloomsbury, 2024-04-18)Combining perspectives from both continental and analytic philosophy, this timely volume explores how imagination today both shapes and is shaped by technology, art and ethics. Imagination is one of the most significant ...
Schlick on intuition and prediction
(Taylor & Francis, 2024-11-08)Textor's The Disappearance of the Soul and the Turn Against Metaphysics examines the voluntarist background of Schlick's epistemology, including his conception of knowledge as essentially involving judgements that relate ...
Article Open Access
Digressions in Herodian’s History of the Empire
(De Gruyter, 2024)This chapter offers a comprehensive examination of the narratological presence and role of digressions in Herodian’s History of the Roman Empire. It contends that Herodian’s digressions do not simply ...
Article Open Access
Demythologising the Given: Schlick, Cornelius, and Adorno contra Husserl
(MDPI, 2024-10-22)After the attempt at collaboration between the Frankfurt School and the Vienna Circle failed in the late 1930s, Adorno stood at the forefront of critical theory’s polemics against ‘positivism’. Given these later polemical ...
Article Open Access
Another way of parting: Horkheimer, Schlick, Bergson
(2024)Despite its formative influence on the subsequent emergence of a supposed ‘divide’ between ‘analytic’ and ‘continental’ philosophy, the clash between the phenomenological tradition and early analytic philosophy is only a ...
The life sciences and the history of analytic philosophy
(Springer, 2024-08-01)Comparative to the commonplace focus onto developments in mathematics and physics, the life sciences appear to have received relatively sparse attention within the early history of analytic philosophy. This paper addresses ...
Moritz Schlick's evolutionary game theory
(University of Illinois Press, 2023)The early Schlick developed an evolutionary biological account of play. He contrasted play with work. Where work encompasses all activity that is undertaken for the sake of some practical outcome, play renders what was ...
Schlick, intuition, and the history of epistemology
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2024)Maria Rosa Antognazza's work has issued a historical challenge to the thesis that the analysis of knowledge (as justified true belief) attacked by epistemologists from Gettier onwards was indeed the standard view traditionally ...
The cultural politics of analytic philosophy: britishness and the spectre of Europe
(Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2011)
Bertrand Russell and the Edwardian philosophers: constructing the world, by Omar W. Nasim
(Oxford University Press, 2016)
Is the Royaumont Colloquium the locus classicus of the divide between analytic and continental philosophy? reply to Overgaard
(Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2013)In his recent article, titled ‘Royaumont Revisited’, Overgaard challenges Dummett's view that one needs to go as far back as the late nineteenth century in order to discover examples of genuine dialogue between ‘analytic’ ...
Article Open Access
Legacies of German idealism: from the Great War to the analytic-continental divide
(Melbourne School of Continental PhilosophyPhilosophy at the University of Dundee, 2015)
Wittgenstein and the phenomenological movement: reply to Monk
(Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2014)Monk’s ‘The Temptations of Phenomenology’ examines what the term ‘Phänomenologie’ meant for Wittgenstein. Contesting various other scholars, Monk claims that Wittgenstein’s relation to ‘Phänomenologie’ began and ended ...
Analytic versus Continental: arguments on the methods and value of philosophy
(Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2011)
Modernism and the Vienna Circle's critique of Heidegger
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2012)
The Brentano School and the History of Analytic Philosophy: Reply to Röck
(Springer, 2018)In ‘Brentano’s Methodology as a Path through the Divide’, Röck makes two related claims. (A) Röck argues that there exists a philosophical dilemma between description and logical analysis, and that the current divide between ...
State-nationalisms in the Ottoman Empire, Greece and Turkey: Orthodox and Muslims, 1830s-1945
(Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2017)Tracing the emergence of minorities and their institutions from the late nineteenth century to the eve of the Second World War, this book provides a comparative study of government policies and ideologies of two states ...
European Modernity and Islamic Reformism among Muslims of the Balkans in the Late-Ottoman and Post-Ottoman Period (1830s-1945)
(Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2009)
The "Analytic"/"Continental" divide and the question of philosophy's relation to literature
(Johns Hopkins University Press, 2019)