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dc.contributor.authorPedeli, Xanthien
dc.contributor.authorKarlis, Dimitrisen
dc.creatorPedeli, Xanthien
dc.creatorKarlis, Dimitrisen
dc.titleOn composite likelihood estimation of a multivariate INAR(1) modelen
dc.description.endingpageonlineΣχολή Θετικών και Εφαρμοσμένων Επιστημών / Faculty of Pure and Applied SciencesΤμήμα Μαθηματικών και Στατιστικής / Department of Mathematics and Statistics
dc.description.notes<p>ID: 1178en
dc.description.notesIn: JOURNAL OF TIME SERIES ANALYSIS volume 34 issue 2 page 206.en
dc.description.notesSummary: Abstract In several circumstances the collected data are counts observed in different time points, while the counts at each time point are correlated. Current models are able to account for serial correlation but usually fail to account for cross‐correlation. Motivated by the lack of appropriate tools for handling such type of data, we define a multivariate integer‐valued autoregressive process of order 1 (MINAR(1)) and examine its basic statistical properties. Apart from the general specification of the MINAR(1) process, we also study two specific parametric cases that arise under the assumptions of a multivariate Poisson and a multivariate negative binomial distribution for the innovations of the process. To overcome the computational difficulties of the maximum likelihood approach we suggest the method of composite likelihood. The performance of the two methods of estimation, that is, maximum likelihood and composite likelihood, is compared through a small simulation experiment. Extensions of the time‐invariant model to a regression model are also discussed. The proposed model is applied to a trivariate data series related to daily traffic accidents in three areas in the Netherlands..</p>en
dc.contributor.orcidPedeli, Xanthi [0000-0002-2627-2990]
dc.contributor.orcidKarlis, Dimitris [0000-0003-3711-1575]

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