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dc.contributor.authorPapagiorgis, Panagiotisen
dc.contributor.authorStavrinadis, A.en
dc.contributor.authorOthonos, Andreas S.en
dc.contributor.authorKonstantatos, G.en
dc.contributor.authorItskos, Grigoriosen
dc.creatorPapagiorgis, Panagiotisen
dc.creatorStavrinadis, A.en
dc.creatorOthonos, Andreas S.en
dc.creatorKonstantatos, G.en
dc.creatorItskos, Grigoriosen
dc.description.abstractWe report on an extensive spectroscopic investigation of the impact of substitutional doping on the optoelectronic properties of PbS colloidal quantum dot (CQD) solids. N-doping is provided by Bi incorporation during CQD synthesis as well as post-synthetically via cation exchange reactions. The spectroscopic data indicate a systematic quenching of the excitonic absorption and luminescence and the appearance of two dopant-induced contributions at lower energies to the CQD free exciton. Temperature-dependent photoluminescence indicates the presence of temperature-activated detrapping and trapping processes of photoexcitations for the films doped during and after synthesis, respectively. The data are consistent with a preferential incorporation of the dopants at the QDs surface in the case of the cation-exchange treated films versus a more uniform doping profile in the case of in-situ Bi incorporation during synthesis. Time-resolved experiments indicate the presence of fast dopant- and excitation-dependent recombination channels attributed to Auger recombination of negatively charged excitons, formed due to excess of dopant electrons. The data indicate that apart from dopant compensation and filling of dopant induced trap states, a fraction of the Bi ionized electrons feeds the QD core states resulting in n-doping of the semiconductor, confirming reported work on devices based on such doped CQD material.en
dc.sourceScientific Reportsen
dc.titleThe influence of doping on the optoelectronic properties of PbS colloidal quantum dot solidsen
dc.description.volume6Σχολή Θετικών και Εφαρμοσμένων Επιστημών / Faculty of Pure and Applied SciencesΤμήμα Φυσικής / Department of Physics
dc.description.notes<p>Cited By :6</p>en
dc.contributor.orcidItskos, Grigorios [0000-0003-3971-3801]
dc.contributor.orcidOthonos, Andreas S. [0000-0003-0016-9116]

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