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dc.contributor.authorNikolopoulos, Georgios K.en
dc.contributor.authorSmyrnov, Pavloen
dc.contributor.authorWilliams, Leslie D.en
dc.contributor.authorKorobchuk, Aniaen
dc.contributor.authorSazonova, Yanaen
dc.contributor.authorSkaathun, Britten
dc.contributor.authorMorgan, Ethanen
dc.contributor.authorSchneider, Johnen
dc.contributor.authorVasylyeva, Tetyana I.en
dc.contributor.authorFriedman, Samuel R.en
dc.creatorNikolopoulos, Georgios K.en
dc.creatorSmyrnov, Pavloen
dc.creatorWilliams, Leslie D.en
dc.creatorKorobchuk, Aniaen
dc.creatorSazonova, Yanaen
dc.creatorSkaathun, Britten
dc.creatorMorgan, Ethanen
dc.creatorSchneider, Johnen
dc.creatorVasylyeva, Tetyana I.en
dc.creatorFriedman, Samuel R.en
dc.description.abstractIntroduction Providing HIV healthcare and Treatment as Prevention both depend on diagnosing HIV cases, preferably soon after initial infection. We hypothesized that tracing risk networks recruits higher proportions of undiagnosed positives than outreach-based testing or respondent-driven sampling (RDS) in Odessa, Ukraine. Methods The Transmission Reduction Intervention Project (TRIP) used risk network tracing to recruit sexual and injection networks of recently-infected and longer-term infected (LTs) seeds (2013 to 2016). Integrated Biobehavioural Surveillance (IBBS) (2013) used RDS to recruit people who inject drugs (PWID). Outreach Testing tested PWID for HIV at community outreach sites (2013 to 2016). Proportions of undiagnosed positives among those tested were compared TRIP versus IBBSen
dc.description.abstractTRIP versus Outreach Testing and between TRIP arms. Costs were compared across the projects. Results TRIP tested 1252 people (21% women) in seeds’ risk networksen
dc.description.abstractIBBS tested 400 (18% women)en
dc.description.abstractOutreach Testing 13,936 (31% women). TRIP networks included a higher proportion of undiagnosed positives (14.6%) than IBBS (5.0%) or Outreach Testing (2.4%)en
dc.description.abstractodds ratio (OR) 3.25 (95% CI 2.07, 5.12) versus IBBS and 7.03 (CI 5.95, 8.31) versus Outreach Testing respectively. Findings remained significant in analyses stratified by sex and when PWID in TRIP networks were compared with Outreach Testing and IBBS. Within TRIP, recently-infected participants’ networks contained higher proportions of undiagnosed positives (16.3%) than LTs’ networks (12.2%)en
dc.description.abstractOR 1.41 (CI 1.01, 1.95). TRIP located undiagnosed positives less expensively than did RDS or Outreach Testing. Conclusions TRIP's recruiting techniques, including prioritizing networks of the recently infected, find undiagnosed HIV-positive people efficiently. They should be integrated with standard practice to improve case-finding. Research should test these techniques in other socio-epidemiologic contexts. Clinical trial registry Registered NCT01827228.en
dc.sourceJournal of the International AIDS Societyen
dc.titleRisk network approaches to locating undiagnosed HIV cases in Odessa, Ukraineen
dc.description.issue1Ιατρική Σχολή / Medical SchoolΙατρική Σχολή / Medical School
dc.contributor.orcidNikolopoulos, Georgios K. [0000-0002-3307-0246]

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