Mobile station position and velocity computerbased Estimation using adaptive algorithms and Smart antennas

Προβολή/ Open
Papadimitriou, D.Vardiambasis, I. O.
Melesanaki, T.
Vardiambasis, K.
University of CyprusPlace of publication
CY - ΛευκωσίαSource
CBLIS Conference Proceedings 2007 Contemporary Perspective on new technologies in science and educationGoogle Scholar check
Εμφάνιση πλήρους εγγραφήςΕπιτομή
The increasing demand for mobile communication services without a corresponding increase in radio frequency spectrum allocation motivates the need for new techniques to improve spectrum utilization. An approach that shows real spectrum utilization for substantial capacity enhancement is the use of smart antennas. The smart antennas are capable of automatically forming beams in the direction of the desired signal and steering nulls in the directions of the interfering signals. Another approach that satisfies the demand for quality of services in a mobile communication system is the communication system’s capability to estimate and predict the location of a mobile user. In this paper we present a computer-based system that tracks the position and estimates the velocity of a mobile user, using smart antennas on the base stations. The mobile user is moving in an area where the GSM principles are applied, while the position and velocity estimations’ accuracy are checked using four different adaptive algorithms.