• Article  

      An enriched subspace finite element method for convection-diffusion problems 

      Kellogg, R. B.; Xenophontos, Christos A. (2010)
      We consider a one-dimensional convection-diffusion boundary value problem, whose solution contains a boundary layer at the outflow boundary, and construct a finite element method for its approximation. The finite element ...
    • Article  

      Finite element approximation of convection–diffusion problems using an exponentially graded mesh 

      Xenophontos, Christos A.; Franz, S.; Ludwig, L. (2016)
      We present the analysis of an h version Finite Element Method for the approximation of the solution to convection–diffusion problems. The method uses piece-wise polynomials of degree p≥1, defined on an exponentially graded ...
    • Article  

      Finite element computations for the Reissner-Mindlin plate model 

      Xenophontos, Christos A. (1998)
      We consider the finite element (FE) approximation of the Reissner - Mindlin (RM) plate model, and indicate how to design meshes that yield accurate results when the p/hp version of the standard FE method is used. These ...
    • Article  

      Finite element methods for a singularly perturbed transmission problem 

      Nicaise, S.; Xenophontos, Christos A. (2009)
      We consider a one-dimensional singularly perturbed transmission problem with two different diffusion coefficients. The solution will contain boundary layers only in the part of the domain where the diffusion coefficient ...
    • Article  

      Flow development in compression of a finite amount of a Bingham plastic 

      Florides, G. C.; Alexandrou, Andreas N.; Georgiou, Georgios C. (2007)
      The flow and shape evolution during the compression of a finite amount of a Bingham plastic is investigated by means of numerical simulations. The problem relates to the popular compression test used for the rheological ...
    • Article  

      Flow development in compression of a finite amount of a Bingham plastic 

      Florides, G. C.; Alexandrou, Andreas N.; Georgiou, G. C. (2007)
      The flow and shape evolution during the compression of a finite amount of a Bingham plastic is investigated by means of numerical simulations. The problem relates to the popular compression test used for the rheological ...
    • Article  

      An hp finite element method for a 4th order singularly perturbed boundary value problem in two dimensions 

      Constantinou, P.; Xenophontos, Christos A. (2017)
      We consider a fourth order singularly perturbed boundary value problem posed in a square and the approximation of its solution by the hp version of the finite element method on the so-called Spectral Boundary Layer mesh. ...
    • Article  

      The hp finite element method for problems in mechanics with boundary layers 

      Schwab, C.; Suri, M.; Xenophontos, Christos A. (1998)
      Boundary layer phenomena are well-known in the study of fluid flow problems. Perhaps less known, but equally ubiquitous, is their existence in thermal, plate and shell analysis, where they also play a very significant role. ...
    • Article  

      The hp finite element method for singularly perturbed problems in nonsmooth domains 

      Xenophontos, Christos A. (1999)
      We consider the numerical approximation of singularly perturbed elliptic boundary value problems over nonsmooth domains. We use a decomposition of the solution that contains a smooth part, a corner layer part and a boundary ...
    • Article  

      hp finite element methods for fourth order singularly perturbed boundary value problems 

      Xenophontos, Christos A.; Melenk, M.; Madden, N.; Oberbroeckling, L.; Panaseti, Pandelitsa; Zouvani, A. (2013)
      We consider fourth order singularly perturbed boundary value problems (BVPs) in one-dimension and the approximation of their solution by the hp version of the Finite Element Method (FEM). If the given problem's boundary ...
    • Doctoral Thesis  Open Access

      Hybrid cable bending-active structures 

      Alexandrou, Kristis C. (Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου, Πολυτεχνική Σχολή / University of Cyprus, Faculty of Engineering, 2018-05)
      Τις τελευταίες δεκαετίες, ο τομέας της Προσαρμοστικής Αρχιτεκτονικής με έμφαση στη στατική επάρκεια, στις μεταβαλλόμενες μορφολογικές ικανότητες και στην εναλλακτική σχεδιαστική προσέγγιση για ελεύθερη μορφή, ...
    • Article  

      Identification and reconstruction of a small leak zone in a pipe by a spectral element method 

      Belhachmi, Z.; Karageorghis, Andreas; Taous, K. (2006)
      This paper deals with the identification of a zone permitting fluid to leak out of a drain. Using the analogy with crack identification by boundary measurements, we give uniqueness and stability results and we propose an ...
    • Conference Object  

      Injection molding of dilute and semi-dilute fiber suspensions 

      Alexandrou, Andreas N.; Ahmed, Alauddin (Publ by ASME, 1992)
      The focus of this paper is unsteady flow of semi-dilute fiber suspensions in complex geometries. These flows are typical of injection molding problems in which the raw material in granular form, usually plastic resin mixed ...
    • Doctoral Thesis  Open Access

      Investigation of the response and behaviour of ancient columns and colonnades under seismic excitations using the discrete element method 

      Papaloizou, Loizos (Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου, Πολυτεχνική Σχολή / University of Cyprus, Faculty of Engineering, 2009-05)
      Η διερεύνηση της σεισμικής συμπεριφοράς αρχαίων μνημειακών κατασκευών με σπονδυλωτούς κίονες παρουσιάζει μεγάλο επιστημονικό ενδιαφέρον αφού η απόκρισή τους περιέχει εξαιρετικά σύνθετα φαινόμενα λικνισμού και ολισθήσεων. ...
    • Article  

      Mechanism for extrusion instabilities in polymer melts 

      Fyrillas, Marios M.; Georgiou, Georgios C.; Vlassopoulos, Dimitris; Hatzikiriakos, Savvas George (1999)
      A mechanism for explaining some of the instabilities observed during the extrusion of polymer melts is further explored. This is based on the combination of non-monotonic slip and elasticity, which permits the existence ...
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      Microstructure-based, multiscale modeling for the mechanical behavior of hydrated fiber networks 

      Barocas, V. Η; Chandran, P. L.; Stylianopoulos, T. (2008)
      A multiscale formulation is derived for the mechanics of a dilute fiber network microstructure, as occurs in in vitro reconstituted collagen gels, to accommodate the deterministic solution of a uniform-stress condition in ...
    • Conference Object  

      MIMO disturbance and plant uncertainty attenuation by feedback 

      Djouadi, S. M.; Charalambous, Charalambos D. (2002)
      This paper investigates the ability of feedback to reduce plant and disturbance uncertainties in the MIMO case, by solving two fundamental problems posed by Zames in the late seventies. The approach used here is Banach ...
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      Modelling and Simulation of Bolted Joints under Harmonic Excitation 

      Oldfield, M.; Ouyang, H.; Mottershead, J. E.; Kyprianou, Andreas (2003)
      Bolted metal joints under harmonic loading exhibit hysteretic behaviour. This is the major source of damping in frame structures with bolted joints, since the material damping of these structures is very small. In this ...
    • Doctoral Thesis  Open Access

      Modelling of fluid driven fractures in cohesive poroelastoplastic formations 

      Sarris, Ernestos N. (Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου, Πολυτεχνική Σχολή / University of Cyprus, Faculty of Engineering, 2011-05)
      Το πρόβλημα της υδραυλικής ρωγμής συναντάται στη τεχνική της υδραυλικής θραύσης, που εφαρμόζεται από την πετρελαϊκή βιομηχανία για την αύξηση της ανάκτησης υδρογονανθράκων. Κατά την εφαρμογή της τεχνικής, προσοχή δίδεται ...
    • Article  

      Multiscale modelling of solid tumour growth: the effect of collagen micromechanics 

      Wijeratne, P. A.; Vavourakis, V.; Hipwell, J. H.; Voutouri, C.; Papageorgis, P.; Stylianopoulos, T.; Evans, A.; Hawkes, D. J. (2016)
      Here we introduce a model of solid tumour growth coupled with a multiscale biomechanical description of the tumour microenvironment, which facilitates the explicit simulation of fibre–fibre and tumour–fibre interactions. ...