Browsing by Title
Now showing items 21509-21528 of 24685
U(VI) adsorption by biochar fiber–MnO2 composites
(2019)The removal of U(VI) by biochar fibers from aqueous solutions has been investigated prior and after MnO2 surface-deposition. The removal efficiency has been studied as a function of pH, U(VI) concentration, ionic strength, ...
U(VI) mono-hydroxo humate complexation
(2007)The complexation of the uranyl ion with humic acid is investigated. The humic acid ligand concentration is described as the concentration of reactive humic acid molecules based on the number of humic acid molecules, taking ...
U-statistics on a lattice of I.I.D. random variables
(1998)Partial sums and sample means of r-dimensionally indexed arrays of independent random variables have been studied by Dunford (1951), Zygmund (1951), Kuelbs (1968), Wichura (1969), Smythe (1973), Gut (1978, 1992), Etemadi ...
U-statistics on associated random variables
(2004)We consider the class of U-statistics which are based on a collection of associated random variables. Since independent random variables are associated, the class of U-statistics introduced by Hoeffding (Ann. Math. Statist. ...
The UAW book about urban awareness
(Korea : Kyoungwon Suh. 2013; 1st ed, 2013)
Conference Object
The UbiCARS Model-Driven Framework: Automating Development of Recommender Systems for Commerce
(Springer International Publishing, 2018)Recommendations of products to customers are proved to boost sales, increase customer satisfaction and improve user experience, making recommender systems an important tool for retail businesses. With recent technological ...
Ubiquitous recommender systems
(2014)Ubiquitous recommender systems combine characteristics from ubiquitous systems and recommender systems in order to provide personalized recommendations to users in ubiquitous environments. Although not a new research area, ...
Conference Object
The ubiquity of organizational diversity : a social constructivist perspective.
(Warwick Business School, Research Bureau, 1994)
Conference Object
UbiRS4Tourism: Design and Development of Point-of-Interest Recommender Systems Made Easy
(e-Review of Tourism Research, 2019)Point-of-Interest (POI) recommender systems recommend POIs to users based on their preferences. POI recommender systems can be utilized in a variety of mobile and web applications for tourism, touristic websites, travel ...
Conference Object Open Access
Ubuntu and African Prison Intellectuals
(2012-07)In his Theses on Feuerbach, Marx famously quipped: The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point is to change it. And yet, I wonder, does this aphorism make sense to a prisoner, especially ...
UCYMICRA: Distributed indexing of the web using migrating crawlers
(2003)Due to the tremendous increase rate and the high change frequency of Web documents, maintaining an up-to-date index for searching purposes (search engines) is becoming a challenge. The traditional crawling methods are no ...
Uderstanding underwater photogrammetry for maritime archaeology through immersive virtual reality
Book Chapter Open Access
The UK and the World: Environmental Law
(Kluwer Law International, 2016)The EU has over the years engaged in extensive environmental policy action and developed considerable legislation addressing different kinds of environmental problems. The influence of EU environmental law is visible in ...
“The UK Approach to the Emergence of European Constitutionalism - Repositioning the Debate: Departure from Constitutional Ontology and the Introduction of the Typological Discussion
(2006)The purpose of this report is to offer a description of the English approach to the emergence of European constitutionalism and an analysis of the different manifestations that the process of constitutionalism could take ...
Book Chapter
Ultima multis – The last day for many [Ultima Multis – Για πολλούς η τελευταία μέρα]
(Wattle Publishing, 2014)
Conference Object
Ultra High Performance Concretes
Conference Object