• Article  

      A ligand-independent integrin β1 mechanosensory complex guides spindle orientation 

      Petridou, Nicoletta I.; Skourides, Paris A. (2016)
      Control of spindle orientation is a fundamental process for embryonic development, morphogenesis and tissue homeostasis, while defects are associated with tumorigenesis and other diseases. Force sensing is one of the ...
    • Article  

      Activation of endogenous FAK via expression of its amino terminal domain in xenopus embryos 

      Petridou, Nicoletta I.; Stylianou, Panayiota; Christodoulou, Neophytos; Rhoads, Daniel S.; Guan, Junlin; Skourides, Paris A. (2012)
      Background: The Focal Adhesion Kinase is a well studied tyrosine kinase involved in a wide number of cellular processes including cell adhesion and migration. It has also been shown to play important roles during embryonic ...
    • Doctoral Thesis  Open Access

      Diverse roles of Focal Adhesion Kinase in vertebrate development 

      Petridou, Nicoletta I. (Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου, Σχολή Θετικών και Εφαρμοσμένων Επιστημών / University of Cyprus, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, 2015-11)
      Η κινάση των εστιακών προσκολλήσεων (Focal Adhesion Kinase, FAK) είναι μία μη-υποδοχέας κινάση τυροσίνης σημαντική για σηματοδότηση προερχόμενη από αλληλεπιδράσεις ιντεγκρινών-εξωκυττάριου υποστρώματος και εμπλέκεται σε ...
    • Article  

      A dominant-negative provides new insights into FAK regulation and function in early embryonic morphogenesis 

      Petridou, Nicoletta I.; Stylianou, Panayiota; Skourides, Paris A. (2013)
      FAK is a non-receptor tyrosine kinase involved in a wide variety of biological processes and crucial for embryonic development. In this manuscript, we report the generation of a new FAK dominant negative (FF), composed of ...
    • Article  

      FAK transduces extracellular forces that orient the mitotic spindle and control tissue morphogenesis 

      Petridou, Nicoletta I.; Skourides, Paris A. (2014)
      Spindle orientation is critical for proper morphogenesis of organs and tissues as well as for the maintenance of tissue morphology. Although significant progress has been made in understanding the mechanisms linking the ...