Browsing by Subject "Costs"
Now showing items 1-20 of 34
Algebraic properties of evolution partial differential equations modelling prices of commodities
(2008)Schwartz (J. Finance 1997
Broadcast scheduling with multiple concurrent costs
(2012)Data dissemination via periodic broadcasting considers a set of items, each with a given request probability, size and scheduling cost. The goal is to construct a broadcast schedule that minimizes the mean query serving ...
Conference Object
The complexity of equilibria for risk-modeling valuations
(2016)Following the direction pioneered by Fiat and Papadimitriou in their 2010 paper [12], we study the complexity of deciding the existence of mixed equilibria for minimization games where players use valuations other than ...
A cost mechanism for fair pricing of resource usage
(2005)We propose a simple and intuitive cost mechanism which assigns costs for the competitive usage of m resources by n selfish agents. Each agent has an individual demand
The cost of concurrent, low-contention Read&Modify&Write
(2005)The possibility or impossibility and the corresponding costs of devising concurrent, low-contention implementations of atomic Read&Modify&Write (or RMW) operations in a distributed system were addressed. A natural class ...
Facets of the fully mixed Nash equilibrium conjecture
(2010)In this work, we continue the study of the many facets of the Fully Mixed Nash Equilibrium Conjecture, henceforth abbreviated as the FMNE Conjecture, in selfish routing for the special case of n identical users over two ...
Conference Object
Infinite horizon average cost dynamic programming subject to ambiguity on conditional distribution
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2015)This paper addresses the optimality of stochastic control strategies based on the infinite horizon average cost criterion, subject to total variation distance ambiguity on the conditional distribution of the controlled ...
Insight and perspectives for Content Delivery Networks
(2006)Content delivery over the Web has become an important element of improving web performance. Content delivery Networks (CDN) has been proposed to maximize bandwidth, improve accessibility, and maintain correctness through ...
Isolating stock prices variation with neural networks
(2009)In this study we aim to define a mapping function that relates the general index value among a set of shares to the prices of individual shares. In more general terms this is problem of defining the relationship between ...
Least-cost planning sequence estimation in labelled Petri nets
(2011)This paper develops a recursive algorithm for estimating the least-cost planning sequence in a manufacturing system that is modelled by a labelled Petri net. We consider a setting where we are given a sequence of labels ...
Least-cost transition firing sequence estimation in labeled Petri nets with unobservable transitions
(2011)This paper proposes an approach for estimating the least-cost transition firing sequence(s) that matches (match) the observation of a sequence of labels produced by transition activity in a given labeled Petri net. Each ...
Linearizability in the presence of drifting clocks and under different delay assumptions
(1999)The cost of usingmessag e-passing to implement linearizable read/write objects for shared memory multiprocessors with drifting clocks is studied. We take as cost measures the response times for performingread and write ...
Conference Object
Low temperature and cost-effective growth of vertically aligned carbon nanofibers using spin-coated polymer-stabilized palladium nanocatalysts
(2015)We describe a fast and cost-effective process for the growth of carbon nanofibers (CNFs) at a temperature compatible with complementary metal oxide semiconductor technology, using highly stable polymer-Pd nanohybrid colloidal ...
Conference Object
Modeling the implications of DRAM failures and protection techniques on datacenter TCO
(IEEE Computer Society, 2015)Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) is a key optimization metric for the design of a datacenter. This paper proposes, for the first time, a framework for modeling the implications of DRAM failures and DRAM error protection ...
Conference Object
A modular modeling approach for the design of reconfigurable machine tools
(Affiliation: Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, United StatesAffiliation: Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, University of Cyprus, CyprusCorrespondence Address: Ersal, T.Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United Statesemail: [email protected], 2004)A new generation of machine tools called Reconfigurable Machine Tools (RMTs) is emerging as a means for industry to be more competitive in a market that experiences frequent changes in demand. New methodologies and tools ...
Nash equilibria in discrete routing games with convex latency functions
(2004)We study Nash equilibria in a discrete routing game that combines features of the two most famous models for non-cooperative routing, the KP model [16] and the Wardrop model [27]. In our model, users share parallel links. ...
A new model for selfish routing
(2004)In this work, we introduce and study a new model for selfish routing over non-cooperative networks that combines features from the two such best studied models, namely the KP model and the Wardrop model in an interesting ...
Parametric study and cost analysis of a solar-heating-and-cooling system for detached single-family households in hot climates
(2015)A solar-heating-and-cooling (SHC) system, consisting of a flat-plate solar collector array, a hot water storage tank, and an absorption chiller unit is designed and modeled to satisfy thermal loads (space heating, domestic ...