Browsing by Subject "Decision support systems"
Now showing items 1-20 of 21
Conference Object
Application of artificial neural networks in the prediction of earnings
(IEEE, 1994)The feasibility of using artificial neural networks (ANNs) for predicting future earnings by stock market and capital market investors was evaluated. A multilayer perceptron feedforward neural network architecture with an ...
Conference Object
Building and validating a reduced TPC-H benchmark
(2006)The properties of computer system such as performance, energy, reliability, etc. are commonly evaluated by running benchmarks. However, the benchmarking process is complicated to set-up and use and running the benchmarks ...
Cache optimization for memory-resident decision support commercial workloads
(1999)Dramatic increases in the main-memory size of computers is allowing some applications to shift their main data storage area from disk to main memory and, as a result, increase their performance. This trend is at work in ...
Categorized sliding window in streaming data management systems
(2008)For many applications, data is collected at very large rates from various sources. Applications that produce results from this data have a requirement for very efficient processing in order to achieve timely decisions. An ...
Conference Object
A computer simulation scenario analysis approach as a decision support tool for transportation systems planning
(2007)As the level of traffic congestion rises and the complexity of traffic networks increases, the development of effective transportation strategies becomes the most challenging task for every transport authority. Meanwhile, ...
Conference Object
Data parallel acceleration of decision support queries using cell/BE and GPUs
(2009)Decision Support System (DSS) workloads are known to be one of the most time-consuming database workloads that processes large data sets. Traditionally, DSS queries have been accelerated using large-scale multiprocessor. ...
A dynamic stochastic programming model for international portfolio management
(2008)We develop a multi-stage stochastic programming model for international portfolio management in a dynamic setting. We model uncertainty in asset prices and exchange rates in terms of scenario trees that reflect the empirical ...
A dynamic stochastic programming model for international portfolio management
(2008)We develop a multi-stage stochastic programming model for international portfolio management in a dynamic setting. We model uncertainty in asset prices and exchange rates in terms of scenario trees that reflect the empirical ...
Conference Object
Estimating cognitive overload in mobile applications for decision support within the medical domain
(2012)Mobile applications have the potential to improve the quality of care received by patients from their primary care physicians (PCP). They can allow doctors to access the information they need when and where they need it ...
Expert Systems Technology
(1987)Reviews the book "Expert Systems Technology: A Guide," by L. Johnson and E.T. Keravnou.
Conference Object
Exploring database workloads on future clustered many-core architectures
(2011)Decision Support System (DSS) workloads are known to be one of the most time-consuming database workloads that process large data sets. Traditionally, DSS queries have been accelerated using large-scale multiprocessor. In ...
Doctoral Thesis Open Access
Extending structural and functional properties of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps
(Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου, Σχολή Θετικών και Εφαρμοσμένων Επιστημών / University of Cyprus, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, 2017-05)Ο κύριος άξονας της έρευνας που διεξήχθη στα πλαίσια αυτής της διδακτορικής διατριβής είναι η εξερεύνηση διαφόρων λύσεων σε θέματα που αφορούν τον σχεδιασμό, την κατασκευή και την λειτουργικότητα των Ασαφών Γνωστικών Χαρτών ...
Doctoral Thesis Open Access
A framework for developing intelligent information systems to support decision making in complex and uncertain environments
(Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου, Σχολή Θετικών και Εφαρμοσμένων Επιστημών / University of Cyprus, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, 2009-01)Πολλές υπάρχουσες μέθοδοι ομαδοποίησης αντικειμένων/κόμβων σε γράφους ιδιοτήτων θεωρούν ότι οι ιδιότητες των αντικειμένων είναι το ίδιο σημαντικές ή αγνοούν την ύπαρξη συνδέσεων πολλαπλών τύπων. Επίσης, ανακαλύπτουν ομάδες ...
Conference Object
Getting ready for approximate computing: Trading parallelism for accuracy for dss workloads
(Association for Computing Machinery, 2014)Processors have evolved dramatically in the last years and current multicore systems deliver very high performance. We are observing a rapid increase in the number of cores per processor thus resulting in more dense and ...
Conference Object
Memory performance of DSS commercial workloads in shared-memory multiprocessors
(IEEE, 1997)Although cache-coherent shared-memory multiprocessors are often used to run commercial workloads, little work has been done to characterize how well these machines support such workloads. In particular, we do not have much ...
Conference Object Open Access
New interactive decision games implemented in dega environment
(Pedagogical Faculty of University of Ostrava, 2001)Interactive decision games are specifically designed to simulate options and issues of the uncertainty and complexity involved in decision making. Games are used in a PBL (problem based learning) situations, where students ...
Conference Object
Non-invasive trisomy 21 diagnosis using fuzzy cognitive maps
(Springer Verlag, 2016)A fuzzy Diagnostic Decision Support System (DDSS) has been developed, exploiting the possibilities of a specific algorithm which transforms a crisp dataset into fuzzy. The purpose of the developed fuzzy DDSS is the diagnosis ...
Reducing TPC-H benchmarking time
(2005)Benchmarking a system can be a time consuming operation. Therefore, many researchers have developed kernels and microbenchmarks. Nevertheless, these programs are not able to capture the details of a full application. One ...
A Review of Decision Support Systems in Telecare
(2003)This paper presents an overview of the state-of-the-art on decision support systems (DSS) in telecare. The main aspect examined is the use of smaller subsystems -components in an integrated DSS, with emphasis on two ...
Doctoral Thesis Open Access
Roadway pavement condition assessment utilizing computer vision, machine learning and entropy
(Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου, Πολυτεχνική Σχολή / University of Cyprus, Faculty of Engineering, 2018-12)Οι δρόμοι, οι οποίοι αποτελούν αναπόσπαστο στοιχείο των μεταφορικών συστημάτων, επηρεάζουν σημαντικά την κοινωνική πρόοδο και την ευημερία, εξυπηρετώντας την κινητικότητα και συμβάλλοντας στην παραγωγικότητα. Παρά την ...