Browsing by Subject "entropy"
Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Adsorption of hexavalent chromium on dunite
(2011)The paper presents and discusses the effect of various physicochemical parameters (e.g. pH, ionic strength, Cr(VI) initial concentration, amount of the adsorbent, temperature and contact time between metal ion and adsorbent) ...
Adsorption of hexavalent uranium on biomass by-product
(2007)The effectiveness of the uranium removal by olive cake from aqueous solutions has been demonstrated in batch type experiments under normal atmospheric conditions. The adsorption capacity has been evaluated by using both ...
Copper(II) removal from aqueous solutions by adsorption on non-treated and chemically modified cactus fibres
(2013)The adsorption efficiency of a biomass by-product (cactus fibres) regarding the removal of copper(II) from aqueous solutions has been investigated before and after its chemical treatment. The chemical treatment of the ...
Enthalpic Contribution to Protein Stability: Insights from Atom-Based Calculations and Statistical Mechanics
(1995)This chapter discusses published analyses of protein stability based on model compound data and outlines the assumptions that have been made. The enthalpy of protein folding is considered and a thermodynamic cycle is used ...
A magnetostructural investigation of an abrupt spin transition for 1-phenyl-3-trifluoromethyl-1,4-dihydrobenzo[e][1,2,4]triazin-4-yl
(2014)1-Phenyl-3-trifluoromethyl-1,4-dihydrobenzo[e][1,2,4]triazin-4-yl is the first example of a hydrazyl radical that shows a reversible sharp spin transition fully completed within 5(1) K. The nominally first-order transition ...
Quality evaluation of ultrasound imaging in the carotid artery based on normalization and speckle reduction filtering
(2006)Image quality is important when evaluating ultrasound images of the carotid for the assessment of the degree of atherosclerotic disease, or when transferring images through a telemedicine channel, and/or in other image ...
Quantitative texture analysis of brain white matter lesions derived from T2-weighted MR images in MS patients with clinically isolated syndrome
(2015)Introduction: This study investigates the application of texture analysis methods on brain T2-white matter lesions detected with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for the prognosis of future disability in subjects diagnosed ...