• Conference Object  Open Access

      Computing in education: new technologies applied to the senior high teaching 

      Ferreira, Jeane Silva; Moreira Pinto, Evaldinolia Gilbertoni; Sá Fernandes, Eveline de Jesus; Fook, Karla Donato (Department of Educational Sciences, University of Cyprus, 2003)
      The present paper proposes a modeling for a Support Tool to the Cooperative Teaching (STCT) applied to the senior high school teaching. Such a modeling has been developed based on the result of researches with students, ...
    • Conference Object  Open Access

      Evaluation of courseware and learning environments in an electromagnetics course enhanced by computer assisted instruction 

      Martín i Batlle, Cristina; de Bruijn, Imme; Mul de, Frits F.M. (Pedagogical Faculty of University of Ostrava, 2001)
      At the University of Twente the first year electromagnetism course has been restructured. A web-based course consisting of different exercises (most of them using a link with Maple) and PowerPoint presentations has been ...
    • Article  

      The role of research in using technology to enhance learning in science 

      Zacharia, Zacharias C.; Constantinou, Constantinos P. (Taylor & Francis, 2005)
      This issue is compiled as an attempt to explore the field of technology-enhanced teaching and learning in order to highlight a range of approaches in using research evidence to promote authentic learning through effective ...