Now showing items 1-20 of 935

    • Book  

      Social Contract-building for Peace: Dissonant Duello of Subnational Social Contracts in Cyprus 

      Lordos, Alexandros; Dagli-Hustings, I. (Wits School of Governance Working Paper Series, 2018)
      Executive Summary The protracted conflict in Cyprus produced two competing governance structures that nurtured their own competing and ethnocentric subnational social contracts for almost five decades. Competing loyalties ...
    • Article  

      Large-scale associations between the leukocyte transcriptome and BOLD responses to speech differ in autism early language outcome subtypes 

      Lombardo, Michael V.; Pramparo, Tiziano; Gazestani, Vahid; Warrier, Varun; Bethlehem, Richard A. I.; Carter Barnes, Cynthia; Lopez, Linda; Lewis, Nathan E.; Eyler, Lisa; Pierce, Karen; Courchesne, Eric (2018)
      Heterogeneity in early language development in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is clinically important and may reflect neurobiologically distinct subtypes. Here, we identified a large-scale association between multiple ...
    • Book Chapter  

      Star City, Mars 

      Lordos, G.; Lordos, Alexandros (The Mars Society, 2019)
    • Article  

      EU-AIMS Longitudinal European Autism Project (LEAP): the autism twin cohort 

      Isaksson, Johan; Tammimies, Kristiina; Neufeld, Janina; Cauvet, Élodie; Lundin, Karl; Buitelaar, Jan K.; Loth, Eva; Murphy, Declan G. M.; Spooren, Will; Bölte, Sven; Ahmad, Jumana; Ambrosino, Sara; Auyeung, Bonnie; Banaschewski, Tobias; Baron-Cohen, Simon; Baumeister, Sarah; Beckmann, Christian; Bourgeron, Thomas; Bours, Carsten; Brammer, Michael; Brandeis, Daniel; Brogna, Claudia; de Bruijn, Yvette; Chakrabarti, Bhismadev; Charman, Tony; Crawley, Daisy; Cornelissen, Ineke; Dell’ Acqua, Flavio; Dumas, Guillaume; Durston, Sarah; Ecker, Christine; Frouin, Vincent; Garcés, Pilar; Goyard, David; Ham, Lindsay; Hayward, Hannah; Hipp, Joerg; Holt, Rosemary J.; Johnson, Mark H.; Jones, Emily J. H.; Kundu, Prantik; Lai, Meng-Chuan; D’ardhuy, Xavier Liogier; Lombardo, Michael; Lythgoe, David J.; Mandl, René; Mason, Luke; Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas; Moessnang, Carolin; Mueller, Nico; O’Dwyer, Laurence; Oldehinkel, Marianne; Oranje, Bob; Pandina, Gahan; Persico, Antonio M.; Ruggeri, Barbara; Ruigrok, Amber; Sabet, Jessica; Sacco, Roberto; Cáceres, Antonia San José; Simonoff, Emily; Tillmann, Julian; Toro, Roberto; Tost, Heike; Waldman, Jack; Williams, Steve C. R.; Wooldridge, Caroline; Zwiers, Marcel P.; the EU-AIMS LEAP group (2018)
      EU-AIMS is the largest European research program aiming to identify stratification biomarkers and novel interventions for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Within the program, the Longitudinal European Autism Project (LEAP) ...
    • Book  

      An evidence-based analysis of the psychosocial adaptability of conflict-exposed adolescents and the role of the education system as a protective environment 

      Lordos, Alexandros; Morin, Herve; Fanti, Kostas; Lemishka, Oksana; Guest, Alexander; Symeou, Maria; Kontoulis, Maria; Hadjimina, Eleana (UNICEF, 2019)
      The ongoing armed conflict in eastern Ukraine, now in its fifth year, remains omnipresent in the daily lives of young people across the country including through its far-reaching socio-economic consequences and, for those ...
    • Article  

      Mindfulness and dynamic functional neural connectivity in children and adolescents 

      Marusak, Hilary A.; Elrahal, Farrah; Peters, Craig A.; Kundu, Prantik; Lombardo, Michael V.; Calhoun, Vince D.; Goldberg, Elimelech K.; Cohen, Cindy; Taub, Jeffrey W.; Rabinak, Christine A. (2018)
      BACKGROUND: Interventions that promote mindfulness consistently show salutary effects on cognition and emotional wellbeing in adults, and more recently, in children and adolescents. However, we lack understanding of the ...
    • Book  

      Forging Resilient Social Contracts: A Pathway to Preventing Violent Conflict and Sustaining Peace (Summary Findings) 

      McCandless, E.; Hollender, R.; Zahar, M.; Schwoebel, M.; Menochal, A.; Lordos, Alexandros (UNDP Oslo Governance Centre, 2018)
    • Article  

      The ASD Living Biology: from cell proliferation to clinical phenotype 

      Courchesne, Eric; Pramparo, Tiziano; Gazestani, Vahid H.; Lombardo, Michael V.; Pierce, Karen; Lewis, Nathan E. (2019)
      Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has captured the attention of scientists, clinicians and the lay public because of its uncertain origins and striking and unexplained clinical heterogeneity. Here we review genetic, genomic, ...
    • Article  

      Neural self-representation in autistic women and association with ‘compensatory camouflaging’: 

      Lai, Meng-Chuan; Lombardo, Michael V.; Chakrabarti, Bhismadev; Ruigrok, Amber NV; Bullmore, Edward T.; Suckling, John; Auyeung, Bonnie; Happé, Francesca; Szatmari, Peter; Baron-Cohen, Simon (2019)
      Prior work has revealed sex/gender-dependent autistic characteristics across behavioural and neural/biological domains. It remains unclear whether and how neura...
    • Article  

      Sex Differences in the Adult Human Brain: Evidence from 5216 UK Biobank Participants 

      Ritchie, Stuart J.; Cox, Simon R.; Shen, Xueyi; Lombardo, Michael V.; Reus, Lianne M.; Alloza, Clara; Harris, Mathew A.; Alderson, Helen L.; Hunter, Stuart; Neilson, Emma; Liewald, David C. M.; Auyeung, Bonnie; Whalley, Heather C.; Lawrie, Stephen M.; Gale, Catharine R.; Bastin, Mark E.; McIntosh, Andrew M.; Deary, Ian J. (2018)
      Abstract. Sex differences in the human brain are of interest for many reasons: for example, there are sex differences in the observed prevalence of psychiatric
    • Article  

      Altered Connectivity Between Cerebellum, Visual, and Sensory-Motor Networks in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Results from the EU-AIMS Longitudinal European Autism Project 

      Oldehinkel, Marianne; Mennes, Maarten; Marquand, Andre; Charman, Tony; Tillmann, Julian; Ecker, Christine; Dell'Acqua, Flavio; Brandeis, Daniel; Banaschewski, Tobias; Baumeister, Sarah; Moessnang, Carolin; Baron-Cohen, Simon; Holt, Rosemary; Bölte, Sven; Durston, Sarah; Kundu, Prantik; Lombardo, Michael V.; Spooren, Will; Loth, Eva; Murphy, Declan G. M.; Beckmann, Christian F.; Buitelaar, Jan K.; EU-AIMS LEAP group (2019)
      BACKGROUND: Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging-based studies on functional connectivity in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have generated inconsistent results. Interpretation of findings is further hampered ...
    • Article  

      The effect of age on vertex-based measures of the grey-white matter tissue contrast in autism spectrum disorder 

      Mann, Caroline; Bletsch, Anke; Andrews, Derek; Daly, Eileen; Murphy, Clodagh; Murphy, Declan; Ecker, Christine; MRC AIMS Consortium; Lombardo, Michael V. (2018)
      Histological evidence suggests that autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is accompanied by a reduced integrity of the grey-white matter boundary. This has also recently been confirmed by a structural neuroimaging study in vivo ...
    • Article  

      A Machine Learning Approach to Reveal the NeuroPhenotypes of Autisms 

      Górriz, Juan M.; Ramírez, Javier; Segovia, F.; Martínez, Francisco J.; Lai, Meng-Chuan; Lombardo, Michael V.; Baron-Cohen, Simon; MRC AIMS Consortium; Suckling, John (2019)
      Although much research has been undertaken, the spatial patterns, developmental course, and sexual dimorphism of brain structure associated with autism remains enigmatic. One of the difficulties in investigating differences ...
    • Article  

      Maternal immune activation dysregulation of the fetal brain transcriptome and relevance to the pathophysiology of autism spectrum disorder 

      Lombardo, Michael V.; Moon, H. M.; Su, J.; Palmer, T. D.; Courchesne, E.; Pramparo, T. (2018)
      Maternal immune activation (MIA) via infection during pregnancy is known to increase risk for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). However, it is unclear how MIA disrupts fetal brain gene expression in ways that may explain ...
    • Article  

      Factorial Structure, Gender Invariance, and Predictive Validity of the Students’ Conceptions of Assessment-VI Inventory 

      Michaelides, Michalis P.; Solomonidou, Georgia (2019)
      Abstract. Student conceptions about assessment may be positive or negative, exemplify various beliefs and expectations, and are hypothesized to relate to student outcomes, for example, grades. The current study investigates ...
    • Article  

      Negative Keying Effects in the Factor Structure of TIMSS 2011 Motivation Scales and Associations with Reading Achievement 

      Michaelides, Michalis P. (2019)
      The Student Background survey administered along with achievement tests in studies of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement includes scales of student motivation, competence, and ...
    • Article  

      Sex-specific impact of prenatal androgens on social brain default mode subsystems 

      Lombardo, Michael V.; Auyeung, Bonnie; Pramparo, Tiziano; Courraud, Jérémie; Holt, Rosemary J.; Waldman, Jack; Ruigrok, Amber N. V.; Mooney, Natasha; Bethlehem, Richard A. I.; Lai, Meng-Chuan; Kundu, Prantik; Bullmore, Edward T.; Mandel, Jean-Louis; Piton, Amélie; Baron-Cohen, Simon; Quartier, Angélique (2018)
      Early-onset neurodevelopmental conditions (e.g., autism) affect males more frequently than females. Androgens may play a role in this male-bias by sex-differentially impacting early prenatal brain development, particularly ...
    • Article  

      Teachers' Conceptions of Assessment: A Global Phenomenon or a Global Localism 

      Brown, Gavin T. L.; Gebril, Atta; Michaelides, Michalis P. (2019)
      How teachers conceive of the nature and purpose of assessment matters to the implementation of classroom assessment and the preparation of students for high-stakes external examinations or qualifications. It is highly ...
    • Article  

      Adolescents’ reasons for consuming energy drinks: Validation and factor structure of a new scale 

      Karekla, Maria; Christodoulou, Nafsika; Michaelides, Michalis P.; Constantinou, Marios (2019)
      Energy drinks (EnDs) are popular caffeinated beverages, especially among youth. Despite high consumption, links with risky behaviors, and adverse health effects, very few measures exist for examining reasons that drive ...
    • Article  

      Experiential Avoidance as a Common Psychological Process in European Cultures 

      Monestès, Jean-Louis; Karekla, Maria; Jacobs, Nele; Michaelides, Michalis P.; Hooper, Nic; Kleen, Marco; Ruiz, Francisco J.; Miselli, Giovanni; Presti, Giovambattista; Luciano, Carmen; Villatte, Matthieu; Bond, Frank W.; Kishita, Naoko; Hayes, Steven C. (2018)
      Abstract. Experiential avoidance, the tendency to rigidly escape or avoid private psychological experiences, represents one of the most prominent transdiagnostic psychological processes with a known role in a wide variety ...