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dc.contributor.authorPhtiaka, Helenen
dc.creatorPhtiaka, Helenen
dc.description.abstractThe article attempts to address some complex issues and arrive at some conclusions regarding teacher education for a complex new world. The national identity suggested here has less to do with economics, and more to do with geography and culture. Economics is part of it,to the extent that it may well define the position of a small country in a big board game. National citizens will be the guardians of the global democracy. These citizens have to be inspired by teachers who share such a vision. Apart from being a very important part of higher education, teacher education has the ability to reproduce itself and extend its effect to the other three levels of education (preschool, primary and secondary education), multiplying its outcome. It is particularly urgent, therefore, to look at teacher education as a bearer of democratic values at a time of serious challenge to beliefs and values. Due to guaranteed employment and job security at the end of it, a teaching degree is the most valued degree. Entrance requirements for the Department of Education and attainment levels within it are very high, although the choice to be a student teacher is often based on purely instrumental factors. A good knowledge of a variety of cultures would of course be preferable. The most important skill that teacher education can provide to a citizen of the global village is a deep commitment to social justice.en
dc.sourceInternational Studies in Sociology of Educationen
dc.subjectTeacher trainingen
dc.subjectEducation & stateen
dc.subjectCollege entrance examinationsen
dc.subjectEmployment (economic theory)en
dc.subjectJob securityen
dc.subjectNational characteristicsen
dc.subjectSocial justiceen
dc.titleTeacher Education for a New Worlden
dc.description.endingpage374Σχολή Κοινωνικών Επιστημών και Επιστημών Αγωγής / Faculty of Social Sciences and EducationΤμήμα Επιστημών της Αγωγής / Department of Education

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