Τμήμα Κοινωνικών και Πολιτικών Επιστημών / Department of Social and Political Sciences
Recent Submissions
The origins of capitalism in Turkey: the transition debate revisited
(Springer Nature, 2024-09-17)The transition to capitalism has been one of the most perennial questions in the field of historical sociology. A distinct brand of historical materialism known as Political Marxism (PM) has offered critical insights into ...
Le Mort Saisit Le Vif: Jacobinism and Capitalism in World Historical Perspective
(SAGE Publications, 2024-08-01)This commentary responds to the six symposium pieces that critically engage my book Capitalism, Jacobinism, International Relations: Revisiting Turkish Modernity (CJIR). I am grateful for and challenged by this engaging, ...
Article Open Access
Karl Polanyi against postcolonial theory: beyond Eurocentric anti-Eurocentrism
(Springer, 2024)Postcolonial theory has been at the forefront of attempts to remedy the problem of Eurocentrism. This article argues that postcolonial theory has not progressed far enough in successfully treating the problem of Eurocentrism, ...
‘Videography as performance’ in the service of social movement visibility and interaction amidst the pandemic: the case of the support art workers initiative in Greece.
(Routledge, 2024-08-29)This study aims to contribute to scholarship on online video activism by looking at mobilization videos created by the Support Art Workers (SAW) movement which emerged during the COVID-19 crisis in Greece. Our main observation ...
Television Vs Web 2.0 in the new media age: the effects of information upon university students
(LABCOM, 2014)Information mechanisms tend to adopt new forms in order to adjust their functions in the overwhelming power of the Web. The Television Vs Web ‘competition’ brings ahead several effects, especially when it comes ...
Book Chapter
Broadcast journalism: television
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2019)This entry provides a broad overview of broadcast journalism in television. Tracing the historical evolution of television reporting, this entry describes both traditional and new forms of broadcast journalism in television, ...
Book Chapter
Big data, gender, and civic engagement
(John Wiley & Sons, 2020)Civic engagement is essential to democracy in the sense that it secures social justice for all genders. To this end, understanding data, and more importantly Big Data, is very important in the area of gender studies, and ...
Book Chapter
Affective labour and perceptions of trauma journalism in crisis-ridden countries: a qualitative approach
(Emerald Publishing Limited, 2020)This chapter assesses the trauma that media professionals experience as eye-witnesses of the disturbing and intense events associated with their everyday working routine. In particular, this chapter examines recent ...
Book Chapter
Misinformation and user-generated content: applying participatory practices in fact-checking
(Cardiff University Press, 2020)In the evolving news media landscape, the proliferation of user-generated content in online news outlets and social media platforms has triggered changes in traditional processes and relationships. However, the coexistence ...
Reporting on health issues: communicating public health through the press in times of crisis
(2015)Concern for public health is considered to be of crucial societal value for the national policy of every democratic government. As usually happens, the status and changes to social policy may be widely communicated by the ...
Media Plurality Report for 2022: Cyprus, Greece and Malta
(MedDMO Consortium, 2023)This report presents and assesses the plurality and diversity of news media ecosystems in 2022 in the three countries comprising the Mediterranean Digital Media Observatory (MedDMO) Hub.
From PSB to Privatisation: Structures and Vulnerabilities of the Greek-Cypriot Broadcasting sector
(2017)Around the world, the historical evolution of television follows every country’s history and is closely related to the structures of every society within which it operates. In Cyprus, broadcasting remained under the direct ...
Watch-dog Journalism or hush puppies silencing? Framing the banking crisis in Cyprus through the press
(Intellect, 2017)From Ida Tarbell to Bob Woodward, journalists crusading for truth have bravely defended democracy from the incursions of corruption and undue influence despite being forced to live with the ‘consequences’ of their actions. ...
Book Chapter
Representation of gender relations in the Cypriot popular culture: the cases of the Cypriot Radio Sketch and Lifestyle Magazines
(Brill, 2013)Mass media concurrently shape and are shaped by social norms, in Cyprus as in all other cultures. Specific images, speech and/or actions are gendered in the media and such gendering is both linked to, and influential of, ...
The Utilization of journalistic sources in the national press: Communicating the transition from economic crisis to sustainable growth
(CNS, 2017)This paper discusses the role and utilization of journalistic sources in the process of communicating the transitional path of a society in crisis towards economic and sustainable growth. It is mainly concerned with the ...
Book Chapter
Journalism Education in the era beyond digitalization: the impact of fact-checking and verification techniques upon journalism students
(2020)Fact checking and verification techniques have been called to tackle disinformation (Silverman, 2014) as a significant problem for journalists and news organizations around the world. A thorough understanding of how to ...
Book Chapter
Embedding a chatbot in a news article: design and implementation
(Association for Computing Machinery, 2019)Since the information communication conversion took place during the two last decades of the twentieth century, significant changes occurred in the media industry. The journalistic narrative has been enriched with multimedia ...
Television beyond digitalization: Economics, competitiveness and future perspectives
(Intellect, 2018)In an unstable and fragmented global media environment, beset by an economic crisis and technological changes, the future of traditional television seems bleak and uncertain. The age of digitalization brought a series of ...
The Mediated Data Model of Communication Flow: Big Data and Data Journalism
(Hungarian Communication Studies Association, 2018)In recent decades, journalism has undergone considerable transformation, initially fuelled by the digitalization of journalistic work flows and subsequently by the introduction of the Internet, its services, and its effects. ...
Visual Infotainment in the political news: A cultural approach in the post-truth era
(MedieKultur, 2019)Th is article introduces the concept of visual infotainment, the aspects of infotain-ment found in visual artefacts employed in the news. Using a case study, we examine the photographs published in the digital media to ...