Now showing items 81-100 of 2168

    • Article  

      Portfolio diversification in the sovereign credit swap markets 

      Consiglio, Andrea; Lotfi, Somayyeh; Zenios, Stavros A. (2018)
      We develop models for portfolio diversification in the sovereign credit default swaps (CDS) markets and show that, despite literature findings that sovereign CDS spreads are affected by global factors, there is sufficient ...
    • Article  

      Disruptive Innovation, Market Entry and Production Flexibility in Heterogeneous Oligopoly 

      Chevalier‐Roignant, Benoît; Flath, Christoph M.; Trigeorgis, Lenos (2019)
      We develop a model of oligopoly competition involving innovation effort, market entry and production flexibility under demand uncertainty. Several heterogeneous firms make efforts to develop new prototypes
    • Article  

      An empirical analysis of changes in the relative timeliness of issuer-paid vs. investor-paid ratings 

      Berwart, Erik; Guidolin, Massimo; Milidonis, Andreas (2019)
      We investigate the lead-lag relationships between issuer-paid and investor-paid credit rating agencies (CRAs), after the regulatory reforms in the U.S. (2002–2006) also including outlooks. Over our sample period, ratings ...
    • Conference Object  

      Who are the winners in POS. Emprical evidence for the U.S 

      Charitou, Andreas; Karamanou, Irene; Loizides, G. (European Accounting Association, 2018)
    • Article  

      CEO Inside Debt and Risk Taking: Evidence From Property–Liability Insurance Firms 

      Milidonis, Andreas; Nishikawa, Takeshi; Shim, Jeungbo (2019)
      We examine the incentive effects of CEO inside debt holdings (pensions and deferred compensation) on risk taking using the sample of U.S. publicly traded property–liability insurers. To represent managerial risk taking, ...
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      Pricing sovereign contigent convertible debt 

      Consiglio, Andrea; Tumminello, Michele; Zenios, Stavros A. (2018)
      We develop a pricing model for Sovereign Contingent Convertible bonds (S-CoCo) with payment standstills triggered by a sovereign’s Credit Default Swap (CDS) spread. We model CDS spread regime switching, which is prevalent ...
    • Conference Object  

      Non-GAAP Earnings Disclosures on the Face of the Income Statement by UK Firms: The Effect on Market Liquidity 

      Charitou, Andreas; Floropoulos, Nikolaos; Karamanou, Irene; Loizides, George (European Accounting Association, 2018)
    • Article  

      Robust VaR and CVaR optimization under joint ambiguity in distributions, means, and covariances 

      Lotfi, Somayyeh; Zenios, Stavros A. (2018)
      We develop robust models for optimization of the VaR (value at risk) and CVaR (conditional value at risk) risk measures with a minimum expected return constraint under joint ambiguity in distribution, mean returns, and ...
    • Article  

      Independent directors and defined benefit pension plan freezes 

      Vafeas, Nikos; Vlittis, Adamos (2018)
      We study the role of outside directors in defined benefit pension plan freezes, where the interests of shareholders are in apparent conflict with the interests of firm employees. We examine the effect of independent directors ...
    • Article  

      National culture and bank risk-taking 

      Mourouzidou-Damtsa, Stella; Milidonis, Andreas; Stathopoulos, Konstantinos (2019)
      We investigate the relation between national cultural values and bank risk. Despite the rigid transnational regulatory oversight of systemic European banks, we find evidence of an economically significant association between ...
    • Article  

      Bulk volume classification and information detection 

      Panayides, Marios A.; Shohfi, Thomas D.; Smith, Jared D. (2019)
      Using European stock data from two different venues and time periods for which we can identify each trade's aggressor, we test the performance of the bulk volume classification (Easley et al. (2016)
    • Article  

      Common Ownership and Competition in Product Markets 

      Koch, Andrew M.; Panayides, Marios A.; Thomas, Shawn (2019)
      We investigate the relation between common institutional ownership of the firms in an industry and product market competition. We find that common ownership is neither robustly positively related with industry profitability ...
    • Article  

      Board executive committees, board decisions, and firm value 

      Vafeas, Nikos; Vlittis, Adamos (2019)
      We study board executive committees for which, despite their broad powers, there exists limited empirical evidence. We find empirically robust evidence that firms with executive committees have lower market values. We also ...
    • Article  

      Are analyst stock recommendation revisions more informative in the post-IFRS period? 

      Charitou, Andreas; Karamanou, Irene; Kopita, Anastasia (2018)
      This paper investigates whether the mandatory IFRS adoption has affected the informativeness of analyst recommendation revisions in Europe. Although prior studies document that IFRS adoption improved analyst forecast ...
    • Article  

      Private information in currency markets 

      Michaelides, Alexander; Milidonis, Andreas; Nishiotis, George P. (2019)
      Using daily abnormal currency returns for the universe of countries with flexible exchange rates, we show local currency depreciations ahead of unscheduled, public sovereign debt downgrade announcements. Consistent with ...
    • Article  

      Put-call parity violations and return predictability: Evidence from the 2008 short sale ban 

      Nishiotis, George P.; Rompolis, Leonidas S. (2019)
      We investigate the link between stock and options markets during the 2008 U.S. short sale ban. First, we find definitive evidence that the ban indeed caused stock overvaluation. Second, we show that the short sale ban ...
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      Do Financial Analysts Restrain Insiders’ Informational Advantage? 

      Ellul, Andrew; Panayides, Marios (2018)
      By collecting and disseminating price-sensitive information, financial analysts should reduce firm insiders’ informational advantage with a consequent impact on trading dynamics and market quality. We empirically examine ...
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      Non-GAAP Earnings Disclosures on the Face of the Income Statement by UK Firms: The Effect on Market Liquidity 

      Charitou, Andreas; Floropoulos, Nikolaos; Karamanou, Irene; Loizides, George (2018)
      This study benefits by a special feature of the UK information environment which allows UK firms to disclose non-GAAP earnings on the face of the income statement to examine two interrelated questions. First, we ask whether ...
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      Analysts to the rescue? 

      Charitou, Andreas; Karamanou, Irene; Lambertides, Neophytos (2019)
      In this study we use the SEC's decision to eliminate the reconciliation requirement for cross-listed companies to examine whether this loss of information prompted financial analysts to provide more informative research ...
    • Article  

      The determinants and valuation effects of classification choice on the statement of cash flows 

      Charitou, Andreas; Karamanou, Irene; Kopita, Anastasia (2018)
      In this paper we exploit the choice allowed by International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) regarding the presentation of interest payments on the cash flow statement to answer two related questions: First, whether ...