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dc.contributor.authorAndreou, Panayiotis G.en
dc.contributor.authorZeinalipour-Yazdi, Constantinos D.en
dc.contributor.authorChrysanthis, Panos K.en
dc.contributor.authorSamaras, George S.en
dc.creatorAndreou, Panayiotis G.en
dc.creatorZeinalipour-Yazdi, Constantinos D.en
dc.creatorChrysanthis, Panos K.en
dc.creatorSamaras, George S.en
dc.description.abstractIn this paper, we present an innovative framework for efficiently monitoring Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Our framework, coined KSpot, utilizes a novel top-k query processing algorithm we developed, in conjunction with the concept of in-network views, in order to minimize the cost of query execution. For ease of exposition, consider a set of sensors acquiring data from their environment at a given time instance. The generated information can conceptually be thought as a horizontally fragmented base relation R. Furthermore, the results to a user-defined query Q, registered at some sink point, can conceptually be thought as a view V. Maintaining consistency between V and R is very expensive in terms of communication and energy. Thus, KSpot focuses on a subset V′(⊆V) that unveils only the k highest-ranked answers at the sink, for some user defined parameter k. To illustrate the efficiency of our framework, we have implemented a real system in nesC, which combines the traditional advantages of declarative acquisition frameworks, like TinyDB, with the ideas presented in this work. Extensive real-world testing and experimentation with traces from UC-Berkeley, the University of Washington and Intel Research Berkeley, show that KSpot provides an up to 66% of energy savings compared to TinyDB, minimizes both the size and number of packets transmitted over the network (up to 77%), and prolongs the longevity of a WSN deployment to new scales. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.en
dc.sourceDistributed and Parallel Databasesen
dc.subjectInformation retrievalen
dc.subjectSensor networksen
dc.subjectWireless sensor networksen
dc.subjectEnergy savingen
dc.subjectReal systemsen
dc.subjectQuery processingen
dc.subjectIn-network aggregationen
dc.subjectPower efficiencyen
dc.subjectQuery executionen
dc.subjectReal-world testingen
dc.subjectTime instancesen
dc.subjectTop-k query processingen
dc.subjectUniversity of Washingtonen
dc.subjectUser-defined parametersen
dc.titlePower efficiency through tuple ranking in wireless sensor network monitoringen
dc.description.endingpage150 Σχολή Θετικών και Εφαρμοσμένων Επιστημών / Faculty of Pure and Applied SciencesΤμήμα Πληροφορικής / Department of Computer Science
dc.description.notes<p>Cited By :6</p>en
dc.source.abbreviationDistrib Parallel Databasesen
dc.contributor.orcidZeinalipour-Yazdi, Constantinos D. [0000-0002-8388-1549]
dc.contributor.orcidAndreou, Panayiotis G. [0000-0002-6369-1094]
dc.contributor.orcidChrysanthis, Panos K. [0000-0001-7189-9816]

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