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dc.contributor.authorEfstathiou, Angelos M.en
dc.contributor.authorChafik, T.en
dc.contributor.authorBianchi, D.en
dc.contributor.authorBennett, C. O.en
dc.creatorEfstathiou, Angelos M.en
dc.creatorChafik, T.en
dc.creatorBianchi, D.en
dc.creatorBennett, C. O.en
dc.description.abstractThe chemisorption of CO and hydrogenation of surface adsorbed carbon species formed after reaction of CO/He with Rh/MgO catalyst in the range 300-573 K were studied by transient methods employing both FTIR and mass spectroscopy in separate flow and reactor systems. Exposure of Rh/MgO to CO/He at 523 K results in a rapid formation of linear and bridged CO species. It was found that formation of gem-dicarbonyl CO species during CO chemisorption at 300 K is strongly affected by CO/He treatment at 523 K and H2 reduction conditions. Experiments with labelled CO (13CO and 18CO) indicate that linear and bridged CO species readily exchange with gaseous CO species. Transient hydrogenation results for adsorbed carbon-containing species formed after CO/He reaction at 523 K provide evidence that H2 chemisorption decreases after cycles of reaction in CO/He at 523 K followed by H2 reduction at 673 K. However, the surface coverages of adsorbed CO species are not affected by such treatments. Oxygen pretreatment of the catalyst at 623 K followed by H2 reduction, after CO/He reaction at 523 K, greatly affects the transient kinetics of hydrogenation of adsorbed CO species at 523 K but not their respective surface coverages. This result is related to a change in the hydrogen chemisorption sites by oxygen treatment which resulted in the removal of inactive carbon not hydrogenated at 723 K. A kinetic model for the hydrogenation of the various adsorbed carbon-containing species is proposed which accounts for the interpretation of the CH4 transient responses obtained. © 1994 Academic Press, Inc.en
dc.sourceJournal of Catalysisen
dc.titleCO chemisorption and hydrogenation of surface carbon species formed after CO/He reaction on Rh/MgO: A transient kinetic study using FTIR and mass spectroscopyen
dc.description.endingpage37 Σχολή Θετικών και Εφαρμοσμένων Επιστημών / Faculty of Pure and Applied SciencesΤμήμα Χημείας / Department of Chemistry
dc.description.notes<p>Cited By :18</p>en
dc.contributor.orcidEfstathiou, Angelos M. [0000-0001-8393-8800]

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