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dc.contributor.authorSavva, Maria
dc.contributor.authorAlexandropoulos, Dimitris I.
dc.contributor.authorPissas, Michael
dc.contributor.authorPerlepes, Spyros P.
dc.contributor.authorPapatriantafyllopoulou, Constantina
dc.contributor.authorSanakis, Yiannis
dc.contributor.authorTasiopoulos, Anastasios J.
dc.contributor.editorMorris, Russellen
dc.coverage.spatialCambridge, UKen
dc.description.abstractThe synthesis, crystal structures, Mössbauer spectra and variable temperature dc and ac magnetic susceptibility studies of a new family of trinuclear heterometallic Fe3+/Ln3+ complexes, [Fe2Ln(PhCO2)3((py)2CO2)((py)2C(OMe)O)2(NO3)Cl] (Ln = Gd (1/Gd), Tb (1/Tb), Dy (1/Dy), and Ho (1/Ho)), where (py)2CO22− and (py)2C(OMe)O− are the anions of the gem-diol and hemiketal derivatives of di-2-pyridyl ketone, are reported. Compounds 1/Ln are based on an asymmetric “V-shaped” [Fe3+(μ-OR)Ln(μ-OR)2Fe3+]6+ structural core formed from the connection of the two terminal Fe3+ centers to the central Ln3+ ion either through one or two alkoxide groups originating from the alkoxide-type bridging ligands. Direct current magnetic susceptibility studies reveal the presence of weak antiferromagnetic interactions between the Fe3+ ions. Alternating current magnetic studies indicate the presence of a slow-magnetic relaxation process in 1/Dy with an energy barrier Ueff = 6.7 (±0.3) K and a pre-exponential factor, τ0 = 2.2 (±0.4) × 10−7 s. The electronic, magnetic and relaxation properties of the complexes were further monitored by variable temperature 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy. At T > 80 K the spectra from the complexes comprise two quadrupole doublets the hyperfine parameters of which reflect the distinct coordination environment of the two Fe3+ terminal sites. At T < 20 K, the Mössbauer spectra for 1/Dy are affected by magnetic relaxation effects. At 1.5 K, the spectrum of 1/Dy comprises well defined magnetic sextets indicating relaxation times slower than the characteristic time of the Mössbauer technique (10−7 s) in agreement with the dynamic magnetic measurements. 1/Gd exhibits broad unresolved magnetic sextets at 1.5 K indicating that the spin relaxation time is of the order of the Mössbauer characteristic time at this temperature. For 1/Tb, 1/Ho the Mössbauer spectra exhibit slight broadening even at the lowest available temperature consistent with magnetic relaxation times less than 10−7 s.en
dc.publisherRoyal Society of Chemistryen
dc.rightsCC0 1.0 Universal*
dc.sourceDalton transactionsen
dc.subjectEngineering controlled termsen
dc.subjectCoordination reactionsen
dc.subjectDielectric relaxationen
dc.subjectMagnetic relaxationen
dc.subjectMagnetic susceptibilityen
dc.subjectRelaxation timeen
dc.subjectSolid state reactionsen
dc.subjectSynthesis (chemical) Engineering uncontrolled terms Alkoxidesen
dc.subjectCharacteristic timeen
dc.subjectFe 3+en
dc.subjectHeterometallic clustersen
dc.subjectMagnetic sexteten
dc.subjectMossbauer spectraen
dc.subjectStructural coreen
dc.subjectVariable temperatureen
dc.subjectEngineering main heading Ionsen
dc.titleHeterometallic clusters based on an uncommon asymmetric “V-shaped” [Fe3+(μ-OR)Ln3+(μ-OR)2Fe3+]6+ (Ln = Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho) structural core and the investigation of the slow relaxation of the magnetization behaviour of the [Fe2Dy] analogueen
dc.description.endingpage7008en Σχολή Θετικών και Εφαρμοσμένων Επιστημών / Faculty of Pure and Applied SciencesΤμήμα Χημείας / Department of Chemistry
dc.description.notes© 2023 The Royal Society of Chemistry.en
dc.contributor.orcidAlexandropoulos, Dimitris I. [0000-0002-8759-9495]en
dc.contributor.orcidPerlepes, Spyros P. [0000-0002-3378-6228]en
dc.contributor.orcidPapatriantafyllopoulou, Constantina [0000-0002-5652-7747]en
dc.contributor.orcidSanakis, Yiannis [0000-0002-2672-8273]en
dc.contributor.orcidTasiopoulos, Anastasios J. [0000-0002-4804-3822]en

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CC0 1.0 Universal
Except where otherwise noted, this item's license is described as CC0 1.0 Universal