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      Short communication: Molecular epidemiology of HIV type 1 infection in northern Greece (2009-2010): Evidence of a transmission cluster of HIV Type 1 Subtype A1 drug-resistant strains among men who have sex with men 

      Antoniadou, Zoi Anna; Kousiappa, Ioanna; Skoura, Lemonia G.; Pilalas, Dimitrios; Metallidis, Simeon A.; Nicolaidis, Pavlos; Malisiovas, Nikolaos; Kostrikis, Leontios G. (2014)
      A prospective molecular epidemiology study of HIV-1 infection was conducted in newly diagnosed and antiretroviral-naive patients in Northern Greece between 2009 and 2010 using a predefined enrolling strategy. Phylogenetic ...
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      Transmission of drug-resistant HIV-1 is stabilizing in Europe 

      Vercauteren, J.; Wensing, A. M. J.; Van De Vijver, D. A. M. C.; Albert, Jan; Balotta, Claudia; Hamouda, O.; Kücherer, C.; Struck, D.; Schmit, J. -C; Åsjö, Birgitta; Bruckova, M.; Camacho, Ricardo J.; Clotet, B.; Coughlan, S.; Grossman, Z.; Horban, A.; Korn, K.; Kostrikis, Leontios G.; Nielsen, C.; Paraskevis, Dimitrios N.; Poljak, M.; Puchhammer-Stöckl, E.; Riva, C.; Ruiz, L.; Salminen, M.; Schuurman, R.; Sonnerborg, A.; Stanekova, D.; Stanojevic, M.; Vandamme, A. M.; Boucher, C. A. B. (2009)
      The SPREAD Programme investigated prospectively the time trend from September 2002 through December 2005 of transmitted drug resistance (TDR) among 2793 patients in 20 European countries and in Israel with newly diagnosed ...
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      Transmission of HIV drug resistance and the predicted effect on current first-line regimens in Europe 

      Moutschen, M.; Hofstra, Laura Marije Arije; Sauvageot, Nicolas; Albert, Jan; Alexiev, Ivailo; Garcia, F.; Struck, D.; Van De Vijver, D. A. M. C.; Åsjö, Birgitta; Beshkov, Danail; Coughlan, S.; Descamps, D.; Griskevicius, A.; Hamouda, O.; Horban, A.; Van Kasteren, M.; Kolupajeva, T.; Kostrikis, Leontios G.; Liitsola, K.; Linka, M.; Mor, O.; Nielsen, C.; Otelea, D.; Paraskevis, Dimitrios N.; Paredes, R.; Poljak, M.; Puchhammer-Stöckl, E.; Sönnerborg, A.; Staneková, D.; Stanojevic, M.; Van Laethem, K.; Zazzi, M.; Lepej, S. Z.; Boucher, C. A. B.; Schmit, J. -C; Wensing, A. M. J.; Puchhammer-Stockl, E.; Sarcletti, M.; Schmied, B.; Geit, M.; Balluch, G.; Vandamme, A. M.; Vercauteren, J.; Derdelinckx, I.; Sasse, A.; Bogaert, M.; Ceunen, H.; De Roo, A.; De Wit, S.; Echahidi, F.; Fransen, K.; Goffard, J. -C; Goubau, P.; Goudeseune, E.; Yombi, J. -C; Lacor, P.; Liesnard, C.; Pierard, D.; Rens, R.; Schrooten, Y.; Vaira, D.; Vandekerckhove, L. P. R.; Van Den Heuvel, A.; Van Der Gucht, B.; Van Ranst, M.; Van Wijngaerden, E.; Vandercam, B.; Vekemans, M.; Verhofstede, C.; Clumeck, N.; Van Laethem, K.; Beshkov, Danail; Alexiev, Ivailo; Lepej, S. Z.; Begovac, J.; Kostrikis, Leontios G.; Demetriades, Ioannis; Kousiappa, Ioanna; Demetriou, Victoria L.; Hezka, Johana; Linka, M.; Maly, M.; Machala, L.; Nielsen, C.; Jørgensen, L. B.; Gerstoft, J.; Mathiesen, L.; Pedersen, C.; Nielsen, H.; Laursen, A.; Kvinesdal, B.; Liitsola, K.; Ristola, M.; Suni, J.; Sutinen, J.; Descamps, D.; Assoumou, L.; Castor, G.; Grude, M.; Flandre, P.; Storto, A.; Hamouda, O.; Kücherer, C.; Berg, T.; Braun, P.; Poggensee, G.; Däumer, M.; Eberle, J.; Heiken, H.; Kaiser, R.; Knechten, H.; Korn, K.; Müller, H.; Neifer, S.; Schmidt, B.; Walter, H.; Gunsenheimer-Bartmeyer, B.; Harrer, T.; Paraskevis, Dimitrios N.; Hatzakis, Angelos E.; Zavitsanou, Assimina; Vassilakis, A.; Lazanas, Marios C.; Chini, Maria C.; Lioni, A.; Sakka, V.; Kourkounti, Sofia; Paparizos, Vassilios A.; Antoniadou, Anastasia C.; Papadopoulos, Antonios I.; Poulakou, Garyphallia G.; Katsarolis, I.; Protopapas, K.; Chryssos, Georgios; Drimis, Stylianos; Gargalianos, Panagiotis; Xylomenos, Georgios; Lourida, G.; Psichogiou, Mina A.; Daikos, George L.; Sipsas, N. V.; Kontos, Athanasios N.; Gamaletsou, M. N.; Koratzanis, Georgios; Sambatakou, E.; Mariolis, H.; Skoutelis, A.; Papastamopoulos, V.; Georgiou, O.; Panagopoulos, Periklis; Maltezos, E.; Coughlan, S.; De Gascun, C.; Byrne, C.; Duffy, M.; Bergin, C.; Reidy, D.; Farrell, G.; Lambert, J.; O'Connor, E.; Rochford, A.; Low, J.; Coakely, P.; O'Dea, S.; Hall, W.; Mor, O.; Levi, I.; Chemtob, D.; Grossman, Z.; Zazzi, M.; De Luca, A.; Balotta, Claudia; Riva, C.; Mussini, C.; Caramma, I.; Capetti, A.; Colombo, M. C.; Rossi, C.; Prati, F.; Tramuto, F.; Vitale, F.; Ciccozzi, M.; Angarano, G.; Rezza, G.; Kolupajeva, T.; Kolupajeva, T.; Vasins, O.; Griskevicius, A.; Lipnickiene, V.; Schmit, J. C.; Struck, D.; Sauvageot, Nicolas; Hemmer, R.; Arendt, V.; Michaux, C.; Staub, T.; Sequin-Devaux, C.; Wensing, A. M. J.; Boucher, C. A. B.; Van Kessel, A.; Van Bentum, P. H. M.; Brinkman, K.; Connell, B. J.; Van Der Ende, M. E.; Hoepelman, I. M.; Van Kasteren, M.; Kuipers, M.; Langebeek, N.; Richter, C.; Santegoets, R. M. W. J.; Schrijnders-Gudde, L.; Schuurman, R.; Van De Ven, B. J. M.; Åsjö, Birgitta; Kran, A. -M B.; Ormaasen, V.; Aavitsland, P.; Horban, A.; Stanczak, J. J.; Stanczak, G. P.; Firlag-Burkacka, E.; Wiercinska-Drapalo, A.; Jablonowska, E.; Maolepsza, E.; Leszczyszyn-Pynka, M.; Szata, W.; Camacho, Ricardo J.; Palma, C.; Borges, F.; Paixão, T.; Duque, V.; Araújo, F.; Otelea, D.; Paraschiv, S.; Tudor, A. M.; Cernat, R.; Chiriac, C.; Dumitrescu, F.; Prisecariu, L. J.; Jevtovic, Dj; Salemovic, D.; Stanekova, D.; Habekova, M.; Chabadová, Z.; Drobkova, T.; Bukovinova, P.; Shunnar, A.; Truska, P.; Poljak, M.; Lunar, M.; Babic, Dunja Z.; Tomazic, J.; Vidmar, L.; Vovko, T.; Karner, P.; Garcia, F.; Paredes, R.; Monge, S.; Moreno, S.; Del Amo, J.; Asensi, V.; Sirvent, J. L.; De Mendoza, C.; Delgado, R.; Gutiérrez, F.; Berenguer, J.; Garcia-Bujalance, S.; Stella, Natalia C.; Blanco, J. R.; Dalmau, D.; Rivero, M.; Segura, F.; Elıás, Marıá Jesús Pérez; Alvarez, M.; Chueca, N.; Rodríguez-Martín, C.; Vidal, C.; Palomares, J. C.; Viciana, I.; Viciana, P.; Cordoba, J.; Aguilera, A.; Domingo, P.; Galindo, M. J.; Miralles, C.; Del Pozo, M. A.; Ribera, E.; Iribarren, J. A.; Ruiz, L.; De La Torre, J.; Vidal, F.; Clotet, B.; Albert, Jan; Heidarian, A.; Aperia-Peipke, K.; Axelsson, M.; Mild, M.; Karlsson, A.; Sönnerborg, A.; Thalme, A.; Navér, L.; Bratt, G.; Karlsson, A.; Blaxhult, A.; Gisslén, M.; Svennerholm, B.; Bergbrant, I.; Björkman, Per; Säll, C.; Mellgren, Å.; Lindholm, A.; Kuylenstierna, N.; Montelius, R.; Azimi, F.; Johansson, B.; Carlsson, M.; Johansson, E.; Ljungberg, B.; Ekvall, H.; Strand, A.; Mäkitalo, S.; Öberg, S.; Holmblad, P.; Höfer, M.; Holmberg, H.; Josefson, P.; Ryding, U.; De Los Santos, I. (2016)
      Background. Numerous studies have shown that baseline drug resistance patterns may influence the outcome of antiretroviral therapy. Therefore, guidelines recommend drug resistance testing to guide the choice of initial ...
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      Trends and predictors of transmitted drug resistance (TDR) and clusters with TDR in a local Belgian HIV-1 epidemic 

      Pineda-Peña, A. -C; Schrooten, Y.; Vinken, L.; Ferreira, F.; Li, G.; Trovão, N. S.; Khouri, R.; Derdelinckx, I.; De Munter, P.; Kuc̈herer, C.; Kostrikis, Leontios G.; Nielsen, C.; Littsola, K.; Wensing, A.; Stanojevic, M.; Paredes, R.; Balotta, Claudia; Albert, Jan; Boucher, C.; Gomez-Lopez, A.; Van Wijngaerden, E.; Van Ranst, M.; Vercauteren, J.; Vandamme, A. M.; Van Laethem, K. (2014)
      We aimed to study epidemic trends and predictors for transmitted drug resistance (TDR) in our region, its clinical impact and its association with transmission clusters. We included 778 patients from the AIDS Reference ...