• Article  

      Measurement of the ratios of branching fractions B(Bs0→Ds- π+π+π-)/B(B0→D-π+π+π-) and B(Bs0→Ds-π+)/ B(B0→D-π+) 

      Abulencia, A.; Adelman, J.; Affolder, T.; Akimoto, T.; Albrow, M. G.; Ambrose, D.; Amerio, S.; Amidei, D.; Anastassov, A.; Anikeev, K.; Annovi, A.; Antos, J.; Aoki, M.; Apollinari, G.; Arguin, J. -F; Arisawa, T.; Artikov, A.; Ashmanskas, W.; Attal, A.; Azfar, F.; Azzi-Bacchetta, P.; Azzurri, P.; Bacchetta, N.; Badgett, W.; Barbaro-Galtieri, A.; Barnes, V. E.; Barnett, B. A.; Baroiant, S.; Bartsch, V.; Bauer, G.; Bedeschi, F.; Behari, S.; Belforte, S.; Bellettini, G.; Bellinger, J.; Belloni, A.; Benjamin, D.; Beretvas, Andrew; Beringer, J.; Berry, T.; Bhatti, A.; Binkley, M.; Bisello, D.; Blair, R. E.; Blocker, C.; Blumenfeld, B.; Bocci, A.; Bodek, A.; Boisvert, V.; Bolla, G.; Bolshov, A.; Bortoletto, D.; Boudreau, J.; Boveia, A.; Brau, B.; Brigliadori, L.; Bromberg, C.; Brubaker, E.; Budagov, J.; Budd, H. S.; Budd, S.; Budroni, S.; Burkett, K.; Busetto, G.; Bussey, P.; Byrum, K. L.; Cabrera, S.; Campanelli, M.; Campbell, M.; Canelli, Florencia M.; Canepa, A.; Carillo, S.; Carlsmith, D.; Carosi, R.; Casarsa, M.; Castro, A.; Catastini, P.; Cauz, D.; Cavalli-Sforza, M.; Cerri, A.; Cerrito, L.; Chang, S. H.; Chen, Y. C.; Chertok, M.; Chiarelli, G.; Chlachidze, G.; Chlebana, F.; Cho, I.; Cho, K.; Chokheli, D.; Chou, J. P.; Choudalakis, G.; Chuang, S. H.; Chung, K.; Chung, W. H.; Chung, Y. S.; Ciljak, M.; Ciobanu, C. I.; Ciocci, M. A.; Clark, A.; Clark, D.; Coca, M.; Compostella, G.; Convery, M. E.; Conway, J.; Cooper, B.; Copic, K.; Cordelli, M.; Cortiana, G.; Crescioli, F.; Cuenca Almenar, C.; Cuevas, J.; Culbertson, R.; Cully, J. C.; Cyr, D.; Daronco, S.; D'Auria, S.; Davies, T.; D'Onofrio, M.; Dagenhart, D.; De Barbaro, P.; De Cecco, S.; Deisher, A.; De Lentdecker, Gilles; Dell'Orso, M.; Delli Paoli, F.; Demortier, L.; Deng, J.; Deninno, M.; De Pedis, D.; Derwent, P. F.; Di Giovanni, G. P.; Dionisi, Carlo; Di Ruzza, B.; Dittmann, J. R.; Dituro, P.; Dörr, C.; Donati, S.; Donegà, Mauro; Dong, P.; Donini, J.; Dorigo, T.; Dube, S.; Efron, J.; Erbacher, R.; Errede, D.; Errede, S.; Eusebi, R.; Fang, H. C.; Farrington, S.; Fedorko, I.; Fedorko, W. T.; Feild, R. G.; Feindt, M.; Fernandez, J. P.; Field, R.; Flanagan, G.; Foland, A.; Forrester, S.; Foster, G. W.; Franklin, M.; Freeman, J. C.; Furic, I.; Gallinaro, M.; Galyardt, J.; Garcia, J. E.; Garberson, F.; Garfinkel, A. F.; Gay, C.; Gerberich, H.; Gerdes, D.; Giagu, S.; Giannetti, P.; Gibson, A.; Gibson, K.; Gimmell, J. L.; Ginsburg, C.; Giokaris, N.; Giordani, M.; Giromini, P.; Giunta, M.; Giurgiu, G.; Glagolev, V.; Glenzinski, D.; Gold, M.; Goldschmidt, N.; Goldstein, J.; Gomez, G.; Gomez-Ceballos, G.; Goncharov, M.; González, O.; Gorelov, I.; Goshaw, A. T.; Goulianos, Konstantin; Gresele, A.; Griffiths, M.; Grinstein, S.; Grosso-Pilcher, C.; Group, R. C.; Grundler, U.; Guimaraes Da Costa, J.; Gunay-Unalan, Z.; Haber, C.; Hahn, K.; Hahn, S. R.; Halkiadakis, Eva; Hamilton, A.; Han, B. -Y; Han, J. Y.; Handler, R.; Happacher, F.; Hara, K.; Hare, M.; Harper, S.; Harr, R. F.; Harris, R. M.; Hartz, M.; Hatakeyama, K.; Hauser, J.; Heijboer, A.; Heinemann, B.; Heinrich, J.; Henderson, C.; Herndon, M.; Heuser, J.; Hidas, D.; Hill, C. S.; Hirschbuehl, D.; Hocker, A.; Holloway, A.; Hou, S.; Houlden, M.; Hsu, S. -C; Huffman, B. T.; Hughes, R. E.; Husemann, U.; Huston, J.; Incandela, J.; Introzzi, G.; Iori, M.; Ishizawa, Y.; Ivanov, A.; Iyutin, B.; James, E.; Jang, D.; Jayatilaka, B.; Jeans, D.; Jensen, H.; Jeon, E. J.; Jindariani, S.; Jones, M.; Joo, K. K.; Jun, S. Y.; Jung, J. E.; Junk, T. R.; Kamon, T.; Karchin, P. E.; Kato, Y.; Kemp, Y.; Kephart, R.; Kerzel, U.; Khotilovich, V.; Kilminster, B.; Kim, D. H.; Kim, H. S.; Kim, J. E.; Kim, M. J.; Kim, S. B.; Kim, S. H.; Kim, Y. K.; Kimura, N.; Kirsch, L.; Klimenko, S.; Klute, M.; Knuteson, B.; Ko, B. R.; Kondo, K.; Kong, D. J.; Konigsberg, J.; Korytov, A.; Kotwal, A. V.; Kovalev, A.; Kraan, A. C.; Kraus, J.; Kravchenko, I.; Kreps, M.; Kroll, J.; Krumnack, N.; Kruse, M.; Krutelyov, V.; Kubo, T.; Kuhlmann, S. E.; Kuhr, T.; Kusakabe, Y.; Kwang, S.; Laasanen, A. T.; Lai, S.; Lami, S.; Lammel, S.; Lancaster, M.; Lander, R. L.; Lannon, K.; Lath, A.; Latino, G.; Lazzizzera, I.; Lecompte, T.; Lee, J.; Lee, J.; Lee, Y. J.; Lee, S. W.; Lefèvre, R.; Leonardo, N.; Leone, S.; Levy, S.; Lewis, J. D.; Lin, C.; Lin, C. S.; Lindgren, M.; Lipeles, E.; Lister, A.; Litvintsev, D. O.; Liu, T.; Lockyer, N. S.; Loginov, A.; Loreti, M.; Loverre, P.; Lu, R. -S; Lucchesi, D.; Lujan, P.; Lukens, P.; Lungu, G.; Lyons, L.; Lys, J.; Lysak, R.; Lytken, E.; MacK, P.; MacQueen, D.; Madrak, R.; Maeshima, K.; Makhoul, K.; Maki, T.; Maksimovic, P.; Malde, S.; Manca, G.; Margaroli, F.; Marginean, R.; Marino, C.; Marino, C. P.; Martin, A.; Martin, M.; Martin, V.; Martínez, M.; Maruyama, T.; Mastrandrea, P.; Masubuchi, T.; Matsunaga, H.; Mattson, M. E.; Mazini, R.; Mazzanti, P.; McFarland, K. S.; McIntyre, P.; McNulty, R.; Mehta, A.; Mehtala, P.; Menzemer, S.; Menzione, A.; Merkel, P.; Mesropian, C.; Messina, A.; Miao, T.; Miladinovic, N.; Miles, J.; Miller, R.; Mills, C.; Milnik, M.; Mitra, A.; Mitselmakher, G.; Miyamoto, A.; Moed, S.; Moggi, N.; Mohr, B.; Moore, R.; Morello, M.; Movilla Fernández, Pedro A.; Mülmenstädt, J.; Mukherjee, A.; Muller, Th; Mumford, R.; Murat, P.; Nachtman, J.; Nagano, A.; Naganoma, J.; Nakano, I.; Napier, A.; Necula, V.; Neu, C.; Neubauer, M. S.; Nielsen, J.; Nigmanov, T.; Nodulman, L.; Norniella, O.; Nurse, E.; Oh, S. H.; Oh, Y. D.; Oksuzian, I.; Okusawa, T.; Oldeman, R.; Orava, R.; Osterberg, K.; Pagliarone, C.; Palencia, E.; Papadimitriou, Vaia; Paramonov, A. A.; Parks, B.; Pashapour, S.; Patrick, J.; Pauletta, G.; Paulini, M.; Paus, C.; Pellett, D. E.; Penzo, A.; Phillips, T. J.; Piacentino, G.; Piedra, J.; Pinera, L.; Pitts, K.; Plager, C.; Pondrom, L.; Portell, X.; Poukhov, O.; Pounder, N.; Prakoshyn, F.; Pronko, A.; Proudfoot, J.; Ptohos, Fotios; Punzi, G.; Pursley, J.; Rademacker, J.; Rahaman, A.; Ranjan, N.; Rappoccio, S.; Reisert, B.; Rekovic, V.; Renton, P.; Rescigno, M.; Richter, S.; Rimondi, F.; Ristori, L.; Robson, A.; Rodrigo, T.; Rogers, E.; Rolli, S.; Roser, R.; Rossi, M.; Rossin, R.; Ruiz, A.; Russ, J.; Rusu, V.; Saarikko, H.; Sabik, S.; Safonov, A.; Sakumoto, W. K.; Salamanna, G.; Saltó, O.; Saltzberg, D.; Sánchez, C.; Santi, L.; Sarkar, S.; Sartori, L.; Sato, K.; Savard, P.; Savoy-Navarro, A.; Scheidle, T.; Schlabach, P.; Schmidt, E. E.; Schmidt, M. P.; Schmitt, M.; Schwarz, T.; Scodellaro, L.; Scott, A. L.; Scribano, A.; Scuri, F.; Sedov, A.; Seidel, S.; Seiya, Y.; Semenov, A.; Sexton-Kennedy, L.; Sfyrla, A.; Shapiro, M. D.; Shears, T.; Shepard, P. F.; Sherman, D.; Shimojima, M.; Shochet, M.; Shon, Y.; Shreyber, I.; Sidoti, A.; Sinervo, P.; Sisakyan, A.; Sjolin, J.; Slaughter, A. J.; Slaunwhite, J.; Sliwa, K.; Smith, J. R.; Snider, F. D.; Snihur, R.; Soderberg, M.; Soha, A.; Somalwar, S.; Sorin, V.; Spalding, J.; Spinella, F.; Spreitzer, T.; Squillacioti, P.; Stanitzki, M.; Staveris-Polykalas, A.; St. Denis, R.; Stelzer, B.; Stelzer-Chilton, O.; Stentz, D.; Strologas, John; Stuart, D.; Suh, J. S.; Sukhanov, A.; Sun, H.; Suzuki, T.; Taffard, A.; Takashima, R.; Takeuchi, Y.; Takikawa, K.; Tanaka, M.; Tanaka, R.; Tecchio, M.; Teng, P. K.; Terashi, K.; Thom, J.; Thompson, A. S.; Thomson, E.; Tipton, P.; Tiwari, V.; Tkaczyk, S.; Toback, D.; Tokar, S.; Tollefson, K.; Tomura, T.; Tonelli, D.; Torre, S.; Torretta, D.; Tourneur, S.; Trischuk, W.; Tsuchiya, R.; Tsuno, S.; Turini, N.; Ukegawa, F.; Unverhau, T.; Uozumi, S.; Usynin, D.; Vallecorsa, S.; Van Remortel, Nick; Varganov, A.; Vataga, E.; Vázquez, F.; Velev, G.; Veramendi, G.; Veszprémi, V.; Vidal, R.; Vila, I.; Vilar, R.; Vine, T.; Vollrath, I.; Volobouev, I.; Volpi, G.; Würthwein, F.; Wagner, P.; Wagner, R. G.; Wagner, R. L.; Wagner, J.; Wagner, W.; Wallny, R.; Wang, S. M.; Warburton, A.; Waschke, S.; Waters, D.; Wester, W. C.; Whitehouse, B.; Whiteson, D.; Wicklund, A. B.; Wicklund, E.; Williams, G.; Williams, H. H.; Wilson, P.; Winer, B. L.; Wittich, P.; Wolbers, S.; Wolfe, C.; Wright, T.; Wu, X.; Wynne, S. M.; Yagil, A.; Yamamoto, K.; Yamaoka, J.; Yamashita, T.; Yang, C.; Yang, U. K.; Yang, Y. C.; Yao, W. M.; Yeh, G. P.; Yoh, J.; Yorita, K.; Yoshida, T.; Yu, G. B.; Yu, I.; Yu, S. S.; Yun, J. C.; Zanello, L.; Zanetti, A.; Zaw, I.; Zhang, X.; Zhou, J.; Zucchelli, S. (2007)
      Using 355pb-1 of data collected by the CDF II detector in pp̄ collisions at s=1.96TeV at the Fermilab Tevatron, we study the fully reconstructed hadronic decays B(s)0→D(s)-π+ and B(s)0→D(s)- π+π+π-. We present the first ...
    • Article  

      Measurement of the ratios of branching fractions B(Bs0→Ds-π+)/ B(B0→D-π+) and B(B+→D̄0π+)/B(B0→D-π+) 

      Abulencia, A.; Acosta, D.; Adelman, J.; Affolder, T.; Akimoto, T.; Albrow, M. G.; Ambrose, D.; Amerio, S.; Amidei, D.; Anastassov, A.; Anikeev, K.; Annovi, A.; Antos, J.; Aoki, M.; Apollinari, G.; Arguin, J. -F; Arisawa, T.; Artikov, A.; Ashmanskas, W.; Attal, A.; Azfar, F.; Azzi-Bacchetta, P.; Azzurri, P.; Bacchetta, N.; Bachacou, H.; Badgett, W.; Barbaro-Galtieri, A.; Barnes, V. E.; Barnett, B. A.; Baroiant, S.; Bartsch, V.; Bauer, G.; Bedeschi, F.; Behari, S.; Belforte, S.; Bellettini, G.; Bellinger, J.; Belloni, A.; Ben-Haim, E.; Benjamin, D.; Beretvas, Andrew; Beringer, J.; Berry, T.; Bhatti, A.; Binkley, M.; Bisello, D.; Bishai, M.; Blair, R. E.; Blocker, C.; Bloom, K.; Blumenfeld, B.; Bocci, A.; Bodek, A.; Boisvert, V.; Bolla, G.; Bolshov, A.; Bortoletto, D.; Boudreau, J.; Bourov, S.; Boveia, A.; Brau, B.; Bromberg, C.; Brubaker, E.; Budagov, J.; Budd, H. S.; Budd, S.; Burkett, K.; Busetto, G.; Bussey, P.; Byrum, K. L.; Cabrera, S.; Campanelli, M.; Campbell, M.; Canelli, Florencia M.; Canepa, A.; Carlsmith, D.; Carosi, R.; Carron, S.; Casarsa, M.; Castro, A.; Catastini, P.; Cauz, D.; Cavalli-Sforza, M.; Cerri, A.; Cerrito, L.; Chang, S. H.; Chapman, J.; Chen, Y. C.; Chertok, M.; Chiarelli, G.; Chlachidze, G.; Chlebana, F.; Cho, I.; Cho, K.; Chokheli, D.; Chou, J. P.; Chu, P. H.; Chuang, S. H.; Chung, K.; Chung, W. H.; Chung, Y. S.; Ciljak, M.; Ciobanu, C. I.; Ciocci, M. A.; Clark, A.; Clark, D.; Coca, M.; Connolly, A.; Convery, M. E.; Conway, J.; Cooper, B.; Copic, K.; Cordelli, M.; Cortiana, G.; Cruz, A.; Cuevas, J.; Culbertson, R.; Cyr, D.; DaRonco, S.; D'Auria, S.; D'onofrio, M.; Dagenhart, D.; de Barbaro, P.; de Cecco, S.; Deisher, A.; De Lentdecker, Gilles; Dell'Orso, M.; Demers, S.; Demortier, L.; Deng, J.; Deninno, M.; de Pedis, D.; Derwent, P. F.; Dionisi, Carlo; Dittmann, J.; DiTuro, P.; Dörr, C.; Dominguez, A.; Donati, S.; Donegà, Mauro; Dong, P.; Donini, J.; Dorigo, T.; Dube, S.; Ebina, K.; Efron, J.; Ehlers, J.; Erbacher, R.; Errede, D.; Errede, S.; Eusebi, R.; Fang, H. C.; Farrington, S.; Fedorko, I.; Fedorko, W. T.; Feild, R. G.; Feindt, M.; Fernandez, J. P.; Field, R.; Flanagan, G.; Flores-Castillo, L. R.; Foland, A.; Forrester, S.; Foster, G. W.; Franklin, M.; Freeman, J. C.; Fujii, Y.; Furic, I.; Gajjar, A.; Gallinaro, M.; Galyardt, J.; Garcia, J. E.; Garcia Sciverez, M.; Garfinkel, A. F.; Gay, C.; Gerberich, H.; Gerchtein, E.; Gerdes, D.; Giagu, S.; Giannetti, P.; Gibson, A.; Gibson, K.; Ginsburg, C.; Giolo, K.; Giordani, M.; Giunta, M.; Giurgiu, G.; Glagolev, V.; Glenzinski, D.; Gold, M.; Goldschmidt, N.; Goldstein, J.; Gomez, G.; Gomez-Ceballos, G.; Goncharov, M.; González, O.; Gorelov, I.; Goshaw, A. T.; Gotra, Y.; Goulianos, Konstantin; Gresele, A.; Griffiths, M.; Grinstein, S.; Grosso-Pilcher, C.; Grundler, U.; Guimaraes da Costa, J.; Haber, C.; Hahn, S. R.; Hahn, K.; Halkiadakis, Eva; Hamilton, A.; Han, B. -Y; Handler, R.; Happacher, F.; Hara, K.; Hare, M.; Harper, S.; Harr, R. F.; Harris, R. M.; Hatakeyama, K.; Hauser, J.; Hays, C.; Hayward, H.; Heijboer, A.; Heinemann, B.; Heinrich, J.; Hennecke, M.; Herndon, M.; Heuser, J.; Hidas, D.; Hill, C. S.; Hirschbuehl, D.; Hocker, A.; Holloway, A.; Hou, S.; Houlden, M.; Hsu, S. -C; Huffman, B. T.; Hughes, R. E.; Huston, J.; Ikado, K.; Incandela, J.; Introzzi, G.; Iori, M.; Ishizawa, Y.; Ivanov, A.; Iyutin, B.; James, E.; Jang, D.; Jayatilaka, B.; Jeans, D.; Jensen, H.; Jeon, E. J.; Jones, M.; Joo, K. K.; Jun, S. Y.; Junk, T. R.; Kamon, T.; Kang, J.; Karagoz-Unel, M.; Karchin, P. E.; Kato, Y.; Kemp, Y.; Kephart, R.; Kerzel, U.; Khotilovich, V.; Kilminster, B.; Kim, D. H.; Kim, H. S.; Kim, J. E.; Kim, M. J.; Kim, M. S.; Kim, S. B.; Kim, S. H.; Kim, Y. K.; Kirby, M.; Kirsch, L.; Klimenko, S.; Klute, M.; Knuteson, B.; Ko, B. R.; Kobayashi, H.; Kondo, K.; Kong, D. J.; Konigsberg, J.; Korytov, A.; Kotwal, A. V.; Kovalev, A.; Kraus, J.; Kravchenko, I.; Kreps, M.; Kreymer, A.; Kroll, J.; Krumnack, N.; Kruse, M.; Krutelyov, V.; Kuhlmann, S. E.; Kusakabe, Y.; Kwang, S.; Laasanen, A. T.; Lai, S.; Lami, S.; Lami, S.; Lammel, S.; Lancaster, M.; Lander, R. L.; Lannon, K.; Lath, A.; Latino, G.; Lazzizzera, I.; Lecci, C.; LeCompte, T.; Lee, J.; Lee, J.; Lee, S. W.; Lefèvre, R.; Leonardo, N.; Leone, S.; Levy, S.; Lewis, J. D.; Li, K.; Lin, C.; Lin, C. S.; Lindgren, M.; Lipeles, E.; Liss, T. M.; Lister, A.; Litvintsev, D. O.; Liu, T.; Liu, Y.; Lockyer, N. S.; Loginov, A.; Loreti, M.; Loverre, P.; Lu, R. -S; Lucchesi, D.; Lujan, P.; Lukens, P.; Lungu, G.; Lyons, L.; Lys, J.; Lysak, R.; Lytken, E.; Mack, P.; MacQueen, D.; Madrak, R.; Maeshima, K.; Maksimovic, P.; Manca, G.; Margaroli, F.; Marginean, R.; Marino, C.; Martin, A.; Martin, M.; Martin, V.; Martínez, M.; Maruyama, T.; Matsunaga, H.; Mattson, M. E.; Mazini, R.; Mazzanti, P.; McFarland, K. S.; McGivern, D.; McIntyre, P.; McNamara, P.; McNulty, R.; Mehta, A.; Menzemer, S.; Menzione, A.; Merkel, P.; Mesropian, C.; Messina, A.; von der Mey, M.; Miao, T.; Miladinovic, N.; Miles, J.; Miller, R.; Miller, J. S.; Mills, C.; Milnik, M.; Miquel, R.; Miscetti, S.; Mitselmakher, G.; Miyamoto, A.; Moggi, N.; Mohr, B.; Moore, R.; Morello, M.; Movilla Fernández, Pedro A.; Mülmenstädt, J.; Mukherjee, A.; Mulhearn, M.; Muller, T.; Mumford, R.; Murat, P.; Nachtman, J.; Nahn, S.; Nakano, I.; Napier, A.; Naumov, D.; Necula, V.; Neu, C.; Neubauer, M. S.; Nielsen, J.; Nigmanov, T.; Nodulman, L.; Norniella, O.; Ogawa, T.; Oh, S. H.; Oh, Y. D.; Okusawa, T.; Oldeman, R.; Orava, R.; Osterberg, K.; Pagliarone, C.; Palencia, E.; Paoletti, R.; Papadimitriou, Vaia; Papikonomou, A.; Paramonov, A. A.; Parks, B.; Pashapour, S.; Patrick, J.; Pauletta, G.; Paulini, M.; Paus, C.; Pellett, D. E.; Penzo, A.; Phillips, T. J.; Piacentino, G.; Piedra, J.; Pitts, K.; Plager, C.; Pondrom, L.; Pope, G.; Portell, X.; Poukhov, O.; Pounder, N.; Prakoshyn, F.; Pronko, A.; Proudfoot, J.; Ptohos, Fotios; Punzi, G.; Pursley, J.; Rademacker, J.; Rahaman, A.; Rakitin, A.; Rappoccio, S.; Ratnikov, F.; Reisert, B.; Rekovic, V.; Van Remortel, Nick; Renton, P.; Rescigno, M.; Richter, S.; Rimondi, F.; Rinnert, K.; Ristori, L.; Robertson, W. J.; Robson, A.; Rodrigo, T.; Rogers, E.; Rolli, S.; Roser, R.; Rossi, M.; Rossin, R.; Rott, C.; Ruiz, A.; Russ, J.; Rusu, V.; Ryan, D.; Saarikko, H.; Sabik, S.; Safonov, A.; Sakumoto, W. K.; Salamanna, G.; Salto, O.; Saltzberg, D.; Sanchez, C.; Santi, L.; Sarkar, S.; Sato, K.; Savard, P.; Savoy-Navarro, A.; Scheidle, T.; Schlabach, P.; Schmidt, E. E.; Schmidt, M. P.; Schmitt, M.; Schwarz, T.; Scodellaro, L.; Scott, A. L.; Scribano, A.; Scuri, F.; Sedov, A.; Seidel, S.; Seiya, Y.; Semenov, A.; Semeria, F.; Sexton-Kennedy, L.; Sfiligoi, I.; Shapiro, M. D.; Shears, T.; Shepard, P. F.; Sherman, D.; Shimojima, M.; Shochet, M.; Shon, Y.; Shreyber, I.; Sidoti, A.; Sinervo, P.; Sisakyan, A.; Sjolin, J.; Skiba, A.; Slaughter, A. J.; Sliwa, K.; Smirnov, D.; Smith, J. R.; Snider, F. D.; Snihur, R.; Soderberg, M.; Soha, A.; Somalwar, S.; Sorin, V.; Spalding, J.; Spinella, F.; Squillacioti, P.; Stanitzki, M.; Staveris-Polykalas, A.; Denis, R. S.; Stelzer, B.; Stelzer-Chilton, O.; Stentz, D.; Strologas, John; Stuart, D.; Suh, J. S.; Sukhanov, A.; Sumorok, K.; Sun, H.; Suzuki, T.; Taffard, A.; Tafirout, R.; Takashima, R.; Takeuchi, Y.; Takikawa, K.; Tanaka, M.; Tanaka, R.; Tecchio, M.; Teng, P. K.; Terashi, K.; Tether, S.; Thom, J.; Thompson, A. S.; Thomson, E.; Tipton, P.; Tiwari, V.; Tkaczyk, S.; Toback, D.; Tollefson, K.; Tomura, T.; Tonelli, D.; Tönnesmann, M.; Torre, S.; Torretta, D.; Tourneur, S.; Trischuk, W.; Tsuchiya, R.; Tsuno, S.; Turini, N.; Ukegawa, F.; Unverhau, T.; Uozumi, S.; Usynin, D.; Vacavant, L.; Vaiciulis, A.; Vallecorsa, S.; Varganov, A.; Vataga, E.; Velev, G.; Veramendi, G.; Veszprémi, V.; Vickey, T.; Vidal, R.; Vila, I.; Vilar, R.; Vollrath, I.; Volobouev, I.; Würthwein, F.; Wagner, P.; Wagner, R. G.; Wagner, R. L.; Wagner, W.; Wallny, R.; Walter, T.; Wan, Z.; Wang, M. J.; Wang, S. M.; Warburton, A.; Ward, B.; Waschke, S.; Waters, D.; Watts, T.; Weber, M.; Wester III, W. C.; Whitehouse, B.; Whiteson, D.; Wicklund, A. B.; Wicklund, E.; Williams, H. H.; Wilson, P.; Winer, B. L.; Wittich, P.; Wolbers, S.; Wolfe, C.; Worm, S.; Wright, T.; Wu, X.; Wynne, S. M.; Yagil, A.; Yamamoto, K.; Yamaoka, J.; Yamashita, Y.; Yang, C.; Yang, U. K.; Yao, W. M.; Yeh, G. P.; Yoh, J.; Yorita, K.; Yoshida, T.; Yu, I.; Yu, S. S.; Yun, J. C.; Zanello, L.; Zanetti, A.; Zaw, I.; Zetti, F.; Zhang, X.; Zhou, J.; Zucchelli, S. (2006)
      We report an observation of the decay Bs0→Ds-π+ in pp̄ collisions at s=1.96TeV using 115pb-1 of data collected by the CDF II detector at the Fermilab Tevatron. We observe 83±11(stat) Bs0→Ds-π+ candidates, representing a ...
    • Conference Object  

      Multi feature texture analysis for the classification of carotid plaques 

      Christodoulou, Christodoulos I.; Pattichis, Constantinos S.; Pantzaris, Marios C.; Tegos, Thomas J.; Nicolaïdes, Andrew N.; Elatrozy, Tarek S.; Sabetai, Michael; Dhanjil, S. (IEEE, 1999)
      The objective of this work was to develop a computer aided system which will facilitate the automated characterization of carotid plaques recorded from high resolution ultrasound images for the identification of individuals ...
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      Multifeature Texture Analysis for the Classification of Clouds in Satellite Imagery 

      Christodoulou, Christodoulos I.; Michaelides, Silas C.; Pattichis, Constantinos S. (2003)
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      New technique for the classification and decomposition of EMG signals 

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      The shapes and firing rates of motor unit action potentials (MUAPs) in an electromyographic (EMG) signal provide an important source of information for the diagnosis of neuromuscular disorders. In order to extract this ...
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      We adopt the Bayesian paradigm and discuss certain properties of posterior median estimators of possibly sparse sequences. The prior distribution considered is a mixture of an atom of probability at zero and a symmetric ...
    • Conference Object  

      Prediction of rainfall rate based on weather radar measurements 

      Christodoulou, Christodoulos I.; Michaelides, Silas C.; Gabella, M.; Pattichis, Constantinos S. (2004)
      Weather radars are used to measure the electromagnetic radiation backscattered by cloud raindrops. Clouds that backscatter more electromagnetic radiation consist of larger droplets of rain and therefore they produce more ...
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      Prefetching in content distribution networks via Web communities identification and outsourcing 

      Sidiropoulos, Antonis; Pallis, George C.; Katsaros, Dimitrios S.; Stamos, Kostas; Vakali, Athena I.; Manolopoulos, Yannis (2008)
      Content distribution networks (CDNs) improve scalability and reliability, by replicating content to the "edge" of the Internet. Apart from the pure networking issues of the CDNs relevant to the establishment of the ...
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      Pricing price information in E-commerce [Extended Abstract] 

      Markopoulos, Panos M.; Ungar, Lyle H. (Affiliation: Computer and Information Sci. Dept., University of Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesCorrespondence Address: Markopoulos, P.M.Computer and Information Sci. Dept., University of Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, PA, United Statesemail: markopou@unagi.cis.upenn.edu, 2001)
      Shopbots and Internet sites that help users locate the best price for a product are changing the way people shop by providing valuable information on goods and services. This paper presents a first attempt to measure the ...
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      Probabilistic detection of FSM single state-transition faults based on state occupancy measurements 

      Hadjicostis, Christoforos N. (2005)
      This note discusses a probabilistic methodology for detecting single permanent or transient functional changes in the state-transition mechanism of a deterministic finite-state machine (FSM). The associated probabilistic ...
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      Probabilistic fault detection in finite-state machines based on state occupancy measurements 

      Hadjicostis, Christoforos N. (2002)
      This paper discusses a probabilistic methodology for detecting permanent or transient functional changes in the state-transition mechanism of a deterministic finite-state machine (FSM). The associated detector observes the ...
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      Quality evaluation of ultrasound imaging in the carotid artery 

      Loizou, Christos P.; Pattichis, Constantinos S.; Istepanian, Robert Sh Habib; Pantzaris, Marios C.; Tyllis, Theodosis K.; Nicolaïdes, Andrew N. (2004)
      Image quality assessment plays an important role in various image-processing applications. In this work we evaluate image quality criteria based on mean square error, signal to noise error, and quality and structural ...
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      Quality evaluation of ultrasound imaging in the carotid artery based on normalization and speckle reduction filtering 

      Loizou, Christos P.; Pattichis, Constantinos S.; Pantzaris, Marios C.; Tyllis, Theodosis K.; Nicolaïdes, Andrew N. (2006)
      Image quality is important when evaluating ultrasound images of the carotid for the assessment of the degree of atherosclerotic disease, or when transferring images through a telemedicine channel, and/or in other image ...
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      Reducing TPC-H benchmarking time 

      Trancoso, Pedro; Adamou, Christodoulos; Vandierendonck, Hans (2005)
      Benchmarking a system can be a time consuming operation. Therefore, many researchers have developed kernels and microbenchmarks. Nevertheless, these programs are not able to capture the details of a full application. One ...
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      A review on the stochastic firing behaviour of real neurons and how it can be modelled 

      Christodoulou, Chris C.; Clarkson, T. (1995)
      The types of spike trains recorded in real neurons from different parts of the brain, can either be completely random or bursty. Certainly, at very, high firing rates regular spike trains are observed. This paper examines ...
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      Snakes based segmentation of the common carotid artery intima media 

      Loizou, Christos P.; Pattichis, Constantinos S.; Pantzaris, Marios C.; Tyllis, Theodosis K.; Nicolaïdes, Andrew N. (2007)
      Ultrasound measurements of the human carotid artery walls are conventionally obtained by manually tracing interfaces between tissue layers. In this study we present a snakes segmentation technique for detecting the ...
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      A standardised protocol for texture feature analysis of endoscopic images in gynaecological cancer 

      Neofytou, Marios S.; Tanos, Vasilios; Pattichis, Marios S.; Pattichis, Constantinos S.; Kyriacou, Efthyvoulos C.; Koutsouris, Demetrios Dionysios (2007)
      Background: In the development of tissue classification methods, classifiers rely on significant differences between texture features extracted from normal and abnormal regions. Yet, significant differences can arise due ...
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      Statistical analysis of multipath fading channels using generalizations of shot noise 

      Charalambous, Charalambos D.; Djouadi, S. M.; Kourtellaris, C. (2008)
      This paper provides a connection between the shot-noise analysis of Rice and the statistical analysis of multipath fading wireless channels when the received signals are a low-pass signal and a bandpass signal. Under certain ...
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      Statistical analysis of multipath fading channels using shot-noise analysis: An introduction 

      Charalambous, Charalambos D.; Menemenlis, N.; Kabranov, O. H.; Makrakis, D. (2001)
      In this paper, we introduce, the use of the shot-noise analysis, brought forward by Rice, as a natural tool in computing the various statistical properties of the multipath fading channels, in wireless communications. By ...