• Article  

      Prediction of blood:air and fat:Air partition coefficients of volatile organic compounds for the interpretation of data in breath gas analysis 

      Kramer, C.; Mochalski, Paweł; Unterkofler, K.; Agapiou, Agapios; Ruzsanyi, V.; Liedl, K. R. (2016)
      In this article, a database of blood:air and fat:air partition coefficients (λ b:a and λ f:a) is reported for estimating 1678 volatile organic compounds recently reported to appear in the volatilome of the healthy human. ...
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      Regional aerosol deposition in the human airways: The SimInhale benchmark case and a critical assessment of in silico methods 

      Koullapis, P.; Kassinos, Stavros C.; Muela, J.; Perez-Segarra, C.; Rigola, J.; Lehmkuhl, O.; Cui, Y.; Sommerfeld, M.; Elcner, J.; Jicha, M.; Saveljic, I.; Filipovic, N.; Lizal, F.; Nicolaou, L. (2018)
      Regional deposition effects are important in the pulmonary delivery of drugs intended for the topical treatment of respiratory ailments. They also play a critical role in the systemic delivery of drugs with limited lung ...
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      Selection of cancer chemopreventive agents based on inhibition of topoisomerase II activity 

      Cho, K. H.; Pezzuto, J. M.; Bolton, J. L.; Steele, V. E.; Kelloff, G. J.; Lee, S. K.; Constantinou, Andreas I. (2000)
      The present study was undertaken to determine if in vitro inhibition of one or both of the two most dominant mammalian DNA topoisomerases (topos) is common among chemopreventive agents. To determine if an agent was a topo ...
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      Spectral density ratio based clustering methods for the binary segmentation of protein sequences: A comparative study 

      Ioannou, Androulla; Fokianos, Konstantinos; Promponas, Vasilis J. (2010)
      We compare several spectral domain based clustering methods for partitioning protein sequence data. The main instrument for this exercise is the spectral density ratio model, which specifies that the logarithmic ratio of ...
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      A structural, kinetic model of soft tissue thermomechanics 

      Barocas, V. Η; Stylianopoulos, T.; Aksan, A. (2008)
      A structure-based kinetic model was developed to predict the thermomechanical response of collagenous soft tissues. The collagen fibril was represented as an ensemble of molecular arrays with cross-links connecting the ...
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      Targeting IL13Ralpha2 activates STAT6-TP63 pathway to suppress breast cancer lung metastasis 

      Papageorgis, P.; Ozturk, S.; Lambert, A. W.; Neophytou, Christiana M.; Tzatsos, Alexandros; Wong, C. K.; Thiagalingam, S.; Constantinou, Andreas I. (2015)
      Introduction: Basal-like breast cancer (BLBC) is an aggressive subtype often characterized by distant metastasis, poor patient prognosis, and limited treatment options. Therefore, the discovery of alternative targets to ...
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      Tests of enhanced leading order QCD in W boson plus jets events from 1.8 TeV p̄p collisions 

      Affolder, T.; Akimoto, H.; Akopian, A.; Albrow, M. G.; Amaral, P.; Amendolia, S. R.; Amidei, D.; Anikeev, K.; Antos, J.; Apollinari, G.; Arisawa, T.; Asakawa, T.; Ashmanskas, W.; Azfar, F.; Azzi-Bacchetta, P.; Bacchetta, N.; Bailey, M. W.; Bailey, S.; de Barbaro, P.; Barbaro-Galtieri, A.; Barnes, V. E.; Barnett, B. A.; Barone, M.; Bauer, G.; Bedeschi, F.; Belforte, S.; Bell, W. H.; Bellettini, G.; Bellinger, J.; Benjamin, D.; Bensinger, J.; Beretvas, Andrew; Berge, J. P.; Berryhill, J.; Bevensee, B.; Bhatti, A.; Binkley, M.; Bisello, D.; Bishai, M.; Blair, R. E.; Blocker, C.; Bloom, K.; Blumenfeld, B.; Blusk, S. R.; Bocci, A.; Bodek, A.; Bokhari, W.; Bolla, G.; Bonushkin, Yu Ye; Bortoletto, D.; Boudreau, J.; Brandl, A.; van den Brink, S.; Bromberg, C.; Brozovic, M.; Bruner, N.; Buckley-Geer, E.; Budagov, J.; Budd, H. S.; Burkett, K.; Busetto, G.; Byon-Wagner, A.; Byrum, K. L.; Calafiura, P.; Campbell, M.; Carithers, W.; Carlson, J.; Carlsmith, D.; Cassada, J.; Castro, A.; Cauz, D.; Cerri, A.; Chan, A. W.; Chang, P. S.; Chang, P. T.; Chapman, J.; Chen, C.; Chen, Y. C.; Cheng, M. -T; Chertok, M.; Chiarelli, G.; Chirikov-Zorin, I.; Chlachidze, G.; Chlebana, F.; Christofek, L.; Chu, M. L.; Chung, Y. S.; Ciobanu, C. I.; Clark, A. G.; Connolly, A.; Conway, J.; Cooper, J. M.; Cordelli, M.; Cranshaw, J.; Cronin-Hennessy, D.; Cropp, R.; Culbertson, R.; Dagenhart, D.; D'Auria, S.; DeJongh, F.; Dell'Agnello, Simone; Dell'Orso, M.; Demortier, L.; Deninno, M.; Derwent, P. F.; Devlin, T.; Dittmann, J. R.; Donati, S.; Done, J.; Dorigo, T.; Eddy, N.; Einsweiler, K.; Elias, John E.; Engels, Eugene; Errede, D.; Errede, S.; Fan, Q.; Feild, R. G.; Fernandez, J. P.; Ferretti, C.; Field, R. D.; Fiori, I.; Flaugher, B.; Foster, G. W.; Franklin, M.; Freeman, J.; Friedman, J.; Fukui, Y.; Furic, I.; Galeotti, S.; Gallinaro, M.; Gao, T.; Garcia-Sciveres, M.; Garfinkel, A. F.; Gatti, P.; Gay, C.; Gerdes, D. W.; Giannetti, P.; Gorelov, I.; Giromini, P.; Glagolev, V.; Gold, M.; Goldstein, J.; Gordon, A.; Goshaw, A. T.; Gotra, Y.; Goulianos, Konstantin; Green, C.; Gris, P.; Groer, L.; Grosso-Pilcher, C.; Guenther, M.; Guillian, G.; Guimaraes da Costa, J.; Guo, R. S.; Haas, R. M.; Haber, C.; Hafen, E.; Hahn, S. R.; Hall, C.; Handa, T.; Handler, R.; Hao, W.; Happacher, F.; Hara, K.; Hardman, A. D.; Harris, R. M.; Hartmann, F.; Hatakeyama, K.; Hauser, J.; Heinrich, J.; Heiss, A.; Herndon, M.; Hoffman, K. D.; Holck, C.; Hollebeek, R.; Holloway, L.; Hughes, R.; Huston, J.; Huth, J.; Ikeda, H.; Incandela, J.; Introzzi, G.; Iwai, J.; Iwata, Y.; James, E.; Jensen, H.; Jones, M.; Joshi, U.; Kambara, H.; Kamon, T.; Kaneko, T.; Karr, K.; Kasha, H.; Kato, Y.; Keaffaber, T. A.; Kelley, K.; Kelly, M.; Kennedy, R. D.; Kephart, R.; Khazins, D.; Kikuchi, T.; Kilminster, B.; Kim, B. J.; Kim, D. H.; Kim, H. S.; Kim, M. J.; Kim, S. H.; Kim, Y. K.; Kirby, M.; Kirk, M.; Kirsch, L.; Klimenko, S.; Koehn, P.; Köngeter, A.; Kondo, K.; Konigsberg, J.; Kordas, K.; Korn, A.; Korytov, A.; Kovács, Eve V.; Kroll, J.; Kruse, M.; Kuhlmann, S. E.; Kurino, K.; Kuwabara, T.; Laasanen, A. T.; Lai, N.; Lami, S.; Lammel, S.; Lamoureux, J. I.; Lancaster, M.; Latino, G.; LeCompte, T.; Lee, A. M.; Lee, K.; Leone, S.; Lewis, J. D.; Lindgren, M.; Liss, T. M.; Liu, J. B.; Liu, Y. C.; Lockyer, N.; Loken, J.; Loreti, M.; Lucchesi, D.; Lukens, P.; Lusin, S.; Lyons, L.; Lys, J.; Madrak, R.; Maeshima, K.; Maksimovic, P.; Malferrari, L.; Mangano, M.; Mariotti, M.; Martignon, G.; Martin, A.; Matthews, J. A. J.; Mayer, J.; Mazzanti, P.; McFarland, K. S.; McIntyre, P.; McKigney, E.; Menguzzato, M.; Menzione, A.; Mesropian, C.; Meyer, A.; Miao, T.; Miller, R.; Miller, J. S.; Minato, H.; Miscetti, S.; Mishina, M.; Mitselmakher, G.; Moggi, N.; Moore, E.; Moore, R.; Morita, Y.; Mulhearn, M.; Mukherjee, A.; Muller, T.; Munar, A.; Murat, P.; Murgia, S.; Nachtman, J.; Nahn, S.; Nakada, H.; Nakaya, T.; Nakano, I.; Nelson, C.; Nelson, T.; Neuberger, D.; Newman-Holmes, C.; Ngan, C. -Y P.; Nicolaidi, P.; Niu, H.; Nodulman, L.; Nomerotski, A.; Oh, S. H.; Ohmoto, T.; Ohsugi, T.; Oishi, R.; Okusawa, T.; Olsen, J.; Orejudos, W.; Pagliarone, C.; Palmonari, F.; Paoletti, R.; Papadimitriou, Vaia; Pappas, S. P.; Partos, D.; Patrick, J.; Pauletta, G.; Paulini, M.; Paus, C.; Pescara, L.; Phillips, T. J.; Piacentino, G.; Pitts, K. T.; Pompos, A.; Pondrom, L.; Pope, G.; Popovic, M.; Prokoshin, F.; Proudfoot, J.; Ptohos, Fotios; Pukhov, O.; Punzi, G.; Ragan, K.; Rakitine, A.; Reher, D.; Reichold, A.; Ribon, A.; Riegler, W.; Rimondi, F.; Ristori, L.; Riveline, M.; Robertson, W. J.; Robinson, A.; Rodrigo, T.; Rolli, S.; Rosenson, L.; Roser, R.; Rossin, R.; Safonov, A.; Denis, R. S.; Sakumoto, W. K.; Saltzberg, D.; Sansoni, A.; Santi, L.; Sato, H.; Savard, P.; Schlabach, P.; Schmidt, E. E.; Schmidt, M. P.; Schmitt, M.; Scodellaro, L.; Scott, A.; Scribano, A.; Segler, S.; Seidel, S.; Seiya, Y.; Semenov, A.; Semeria, F.; Shah, T.; Shapiro, M. D.; Shepard, P. F.; Shibayama, T.; Shimojima, M.; Shochet, M.; Siegrist, J.; Signorelli, G.; Sill, A.; Sinervo, P.; Singh, P.; Slaughter, A. J.; Sliwa, K.; Smith, C.; Snider, F. D.; Solodsky, A.; Spalding, J.; Speer, T.; Sphicas, Paris A.; Spinella, F.; Spiropulu, Maria; Spiegel, L.; Steele, J.; Stefanini, A.; Strologas, John; Strumia, F.; Stuart, D.; Sumorok, K.; Suzuki, T.; Takano, T.; Takashima, R.; Takikawa, K.; Tamburello, P.; Tanaka, M.; Tannenbaum, B.; Taylor, W.; Tecchio, M.; Teng, P. K.; Terashi, K.; Tether, S.; Theriot, D.; Thompson, A. S.; Thurman-Keup, R.; Tipton, P.; Tkaczyk, S.; Tollefson, K.; Tollestrup, A.; Toyoda, H.; Trischuk, W.; de Trocóniz, J. F.; Tseng, J.; Turini, N.; Ukegawa, F.; Vaiciulis, T.; Valls, J.; Vejcik, S.; Velev, G.; Vidal, R.; Vilar, R.; Volobouev, I.; Vucinic, D.; Wagner, R. G.; Wagner, R. L.; Wahl, J.; Wallace, N. B.; Walsh, A. M.; Wang, C.; Wang, C. H.; Wang, M. J.; Watanabe, T.; Waters, D.; Watts, T.; Webb, R.; Wenzel, H.; Wester, W. C.; Wicklund, A. B.; Wicklund, E.; Williams, H. H.; Wilson, P.; Winer, B. L.; Winn, D.; Wolbers, S.; Wolinski, D.; Wolinski, J.; Wolinski, S.; Worm, S.; Wu, X.; Wyss, J.; Yagil, A.; Yao, W.; Yeh, G. P.; Yeh, P.; Yoh, J.; Yosef, C.; Yoshida, T.; Yu, I.; Yu, S.; Yu, Z.; Zanetti, A.; Zetti, F.; Zucchelli, S. (2001)
      We present a study of events with W bosons and hadronic jets produced in p̄p collisions at a center of mass energy of 1.8 TeV. The data consist of 51400 W → e ν decay candidates from 108 pb-1 of integrated luminosity ...
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      Transmission of HIV drug resistance and the predicted effect on current first-line regimens in Europe 

      Moutschen, M.; Hofstra, Laura Marije Arije; Sauvageot, Nicolas; Albert, Jan; Alexiev, Ivailo; Garcia, F.; Struck, D.; Van De Vijver, D. A. M. C.; Åsjö, Birgitta; Beshkov, Danail; Coughlan, S.; Descamps, D.; Griskevicius, A.; Hamouda, O.; Horban, A.; Van Kasteren, M.; Kolupajeva, T.; Kostrikis, Leontios G.; Liitsola, K.; Linka, M.; Mor, O.; Nielsen, C.; Otelea, D.; Paraskevis, Dimitrios N.; Paredes, R.; Poljak, M.; Puchhammer-Stöckl, E.; Sönnerborg, A.; Staneková, D.; Stanojevic, M.; Van Laethem, K.; Zazzi, M.; Lepej, S. Z.; Boucher, C. A. B.; Schmit, J. -C; Wensing, A. M. J.; Puchhammer-Stockl, E.; Sarcletti, M.; Schmied, B.; Geit, M.; Balluch, G.; Vandamme, A. M.; Vercauteren, J.; Derdelinckx, I.; Sasse, A.; Bogaert, M.; Ceunen, H.; De Roo, A.; De Wit, S.; Echahidi, F.; Fransen, K.; Goffard, J. -C; Goubau, P.; Goudeseune, E.; Yombi, J. -C; Lacor, P.; Liesnard, C.; Pierard, D.; Rens, R.; Schrooten, Y.; Vaira, D.; Vandekerckhove, L. P. R.; Van Den Heuvel, A.; Van Der Gucht, B.; Van Ranst, M.; Van Wijngaerden, E.; Vandercam, B.; Vekemans, M.; Verhofstede, C.; Clumeck, N.; Van Laethem, K.; Beshkov, Danail; Alexiev, Ivailo; Lepej, S. Z.; Begovac, J.; Kostrikis, Leontios G.; Demetriades, Ioannis; Kousiappa, Ioanna; Demetriou, Victoria L.; Hezka, Johana; Linka, M.; Maly, M.; Machala, L.; Nielsen, C.; Jørgensen, L. B.; Gerstoft, J.; Mathiesen, L.; Pedersen, C.; Nielsen, H.; Laursen, A.; Kvinesdal, B.; Liitsola, K.; Ristola, M.; Suni, J.; Sutinen, J.; Descamps, D.; Assoumou, L.; Castor, G.; Grude, M.; Flandre, P.; Storto, A.; Hamouda, O.; Kücherer, C.; Berg, T.; Braun, P.; Poggensee, G.; Däumer, M.; Eberle, J.; Heiken, H.; Kaiser, R.; Knechten, H.; Korn, K.; Müller, H.; Neifer, S.; Schmidt, B.; Walter, H.; Gunsenheimer-Bartmeyer, B.; Harrer, T.; Paraskevis, Dimitrios N.; Hatzakis, Angelos E.; Zavitsanou, Assimina; Vassilakis, A.; Lazanas, Marios C.; Chini, Maria C.; Lioni, A.; Sakka, V.; Kourkounti, Sofia; Paparizos, Vassilios A.; Antoniadou, Anastasia C.; Papadopoulos, Antonios I.; Poulakou, Garyphallia G.; Katsarolis, I.; Protopapas, K.; Chryssos, Georgios; Drimis, Stylianos; Gargalianos, Panagiotis; Xylomenos, Georgios; Lourida, G.; Psichogiou, Mina A.; Daikos, George L.; Sipsas, N. V.; Kontos, Athanasios N.; Gamaletsou, M. N.; Koratzanis, Georgios; Sambatakou, E.; Mariolis, H.; Skoutelis, A.; Papastamopoulos, V.; Georgiou, O.; Panagopoulos, Periklis; Maltezos, E.; Coughlan, S.; De Gascun, C.; Byrne, C.; Duffy, M.; Bergin, C.; Reidy, D.; Farrell, G.; Lambert, J.; O'Connor, E.; Rochford, A.; Low, J.; Coakely, P.; O'Dea, S.; Hall, W.; Mor, O.; Levi, I.; Chemtob, D.; Grossman, Z.; Zazzi, M.; De Luca, A.; Balotta, Claudia; Riva, C.; Mussini, C.; Caramma, I.; Capetti, A.; Colombo, M. C.; Rossi, C.; Prati, F.; Tramuto, F.; Vitale, F.; Ciccozzi, M.; Angarano, G.; Rezza, G.; Kolupajeva, T.; Kolupajeva, T.; Vasins, O.; Griskevicius, A.; Lipnickiene, V.; Schmit, J. C.; Struck, D.; Sauvageot, Nicolas; Hemmer, R.; Arendt, V.; Michaux, C.; Staub, T.; Sequin-Devaux, C.; Wensing, A. M. J.; Boucher, C. A. B.; Van Kessel, A.; Van Bentum, P. H. M.; Brinkman, K.; Connell, B. J.; Van Der Ende, M. E.; Hoepelman, I. M.; Van Kasteren, M.; Kuipers, M.; Langebeek, N.; Richter, C.; Santegoets, R. M. W. J.; Schrijnders-Gudde, L.; Schuurman, R.; Van De Ven, B. J. M.; Åsjö, Birgitta; Kran, A. -M B.; Ormaasen, V.; Aavitsland, P.; Horban, A.; Stanczak, J. J.; Stanczak, G. P.; Firlag-Burkacka, E.; Wiercinska-Drapalo, A.; Jablonowska, E.; Maolepsza, E.; Leszczyszyn-Pynka, M.; Szata, W.; Camacho, Ricardo J.; Palma, C.; Borges, F.; Paixão, T.; Duque, V.; Araújo, F.; Otelea, D.; Paraschiv, S.; Tudor, A. M.; Cernat, R.; Chiriac, C.; Dumitrescu, F.; Prisecariu, L. J.; Jevtovic, Dj; Salemovic, D.; Stanekova, D.; Habekova, M.; Chabadová, Z.; Drobkova, T.; Bukovinova, P.; Shunnar, A.; Truska, P.; Poljak, M.; Lunar, M.; Babic, Dunja Z.; Tomazic, J.; Vidmar, L.; Vovko, T.; Karner, P.; Garcia, F.; Paredes, R.; Monge, S.; Moreno, S.; Del Amo, J.; Asensi, V.; Sirvent, J. L.; De Mendoza, C.; Delgado, R.; Gutiérrez, F.; Berenguer, J.; Garcia-Bujalance, S.; Stella, Natalia C.; Blanco, J. R.; Dalmau, D.; Rivero, M.; Segura, F.; Elıás, Marıá Jesús Pérez; Alvarez, M.; Chueca, N.; Rodríguez-Martín, C.; Vidal, C.; Palomares, J. C.; Viciana, I.; Viciana, P.; Cordoba, J.; Aguilera, A.; Domingo, P.; Galindo, M. J.; Miralles, C.; Del Pozo, M. A.; Ribera, E.; Iribarren, J. A.; Ruiz, L.; De La Torre, J.; Vidal, F.; Clotet, B.; Albert, Jan; Heidarian, A.; Aperia-Peipke, K.; Axelsson, M.; Mild, M.; Karlsson, A.; Sönnerborg, A.; Thalme, A.; Navér, L.; Bratt, G.; Karlsson, A.; Blaxhult, A.; Gisslén, M.; Svennerholm, B.; Bergbrant, I.; Björkman, Per; Säll, C.; Mellgren, Å.; Lindholm, A.; Kuylenstierna, N.; Montelius, R.; Azimi, F.; Johansson, B.; Carlsson, M.; Johansson, E.; Ljungberg, B.; Ekvall, H.; Strand, A.; Mäkitalo, S.; Öberg, S.; Holmblad, P.; Höfer, M.; Holmberg, H.; Josefson, P.; Ryding, U.; De Los Santos, I. (2016)
      Background. Numerous studies have shown that baseline drug resistance patterns may influence the outcome of antiretroviral therapy. Therefore, guidelines recommend drug resistance testing to guide the choice of initial ...
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      Trends and predictors of transmitted drug resistance (TDR) and clusters with TDR in a local Belgian HIV-1 epidemic 

      Pineda-Peña, A. -C; Schrooten, Y.; Vinken, L.; Ferreira, F.; Li, G.; Trovão, N. S.; Khouri, R.; Derdelinckx, I.; De Munter, P.; Kuc̈herer, C.; Kostrikis, Leontios G.; Nielsen, C.; Littsola, K.; Wensing, A.; Stanojevic, M.; Paredes, R.; Balotta, Claudia; Albert, Jan; Boucher, C.; Gomez-Lopez, A.; Van Wijngaerden, E.; Van Ranst, M.; Vercauteren, J.; Vandamme, A. M.; Van Laethem, K. (2014)
      We aimed to study epidemic trends and predictors for transmitted drug resistance (TDR) in our region, its clinical impact and its association with transmission clusters. We included 778 patients from the AIDS Reference ...
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      Type 2 diabetes susceptibility in the Greek-Cypriot population: Replication of associations with TCF7L2, FTO, HHEX, SLC30A8 and IGF2BP2 polymorphisms 

      Votsi, C.; Toufexis, C.; Michailidou, K.; Antoniades, Athos; Skordis, Nicos A.; Karaolis, Minas A.; Pattichis, Constantinos S.; Christodoulou, Kyproula (2017)
      Type 2 diabetes (T2D) has been the subject of numerous genetic studies in recent years which revealed associations of the disease with a large number of susceptibility loci. We hereby initiate the evaluation of T2D ...
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      A Validated Multiscale In-Silico Model for Mechano-sensitive Tumour Angiogenesis and Growth 

      Vavourakis, V.; Wijeratne, P. A.; Shipley, R.; Loizidou, M.; Stylianopoulos, T.; Hawkes, D. J. (2017)
      Vascularisation is a key feature of cancer growth, invasion and metastasis. To better understand the governing biophysical processes and their relative importance, it is instructive to develop physiologically representative ...