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      Cellular HIV type 1 DNA levels are equivalent among drug-sensitive and drug-resistant strains in newly diagnosed and antiretroviral naive patients 

      Antoniadou, Zoi Anna; Hezka, Johana; Kousiappa, Ioanna; Mamais, Ioannis A.; Skoura, Lemonia G.; Pilalas, Dimitrios; Metallidis, Simeon A.; Nicolaidis, Pavlos; Malisiovas, Nikolaos; Kostrikis, Leontios G. (2014)
      The emergence of resistance against current antiretroviral drugs to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is an increasingly important concern to the continuous success of antiretroviral therapy to HIV-1-infected ...
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      Frequency of COL4A3/COL4A4 Mutations amongst families segregating glomerular microscopic hematuria and evidence for activation of the unfolded protein response. Focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis is a frequent development during ageing 

      Papazachariou, Louiza; Demosthenous, Panayiota; Pieri, Myrtani; Papagregoriou, Gregory N.; Savva, Isavella; Stavrou, Christoforos V.; Zavros, Michalis; Athanasiou, Yiannis; Ioannou, Kyriakos; Patsias, Charalambos; Panagides, Alexia; Potamitis, Costas; Demetriou, Kyproula; Prikis, Marios; Hadjigavriel, Michalis; Kkolou, Maria; Loukaidou, Panayiota; Pastelli, Androulla; Michael, Aristos; Lazarou, Akis; Arsali, Maria; Damianou, Loukas; Goutziamani, Ioanna; Soloukides, Andreas P.; Yioukas, Lakis; Elia, Avraam; Zouvani, Ioanna; Polycarpou, Polycarpos; Pierides, Alkis M.; Voskarides, Konstantinos; Constantinou-Deltas, Constantinos D. (2014)
      Familial glomerular hematuria(s) comprise a genetically heterogeneous group of conditions which include Alport Syndrome (AS) and thin basement membrane nephropathy (TBMN). Here we investigated 57 Greek-Cypriot families ...
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      Genetic analysis of HIV type 1 strains from newly infected untreated patients in cyprus: high genetic diversity and low prevalence of drug resistance. 

      Kousiappa, Ioanna; van de Vijver, D. A.; Demetriades, Ioannis; Kostrikis, Leontios G. (2009)
      Abstract The molecular epidemiology of HIV-1 infection was first studied in Cyprus in the mid-1990s, but the extent of HIV-1 diversity and the prevalence of drug resistance have remained elusive. In an effort to address ...
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      Genetic analysis of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 strains in Kenya: A comparison using phylogenetic analysis and a combinatorial melting assay 

      Robbins, K. E.; Kostrikis, Leontios G.; Brown, T. M.; Anzala, O.; Shin, S.; Plummer, F. A.; Kalish, M. L. (1999)
      We surveyed human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) subtype distribution from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) collected in 1995 from 24 HIV-1- infected Kenyan residents (specimens from predominantly male truck drivers ...
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      Haploinsufficiency of the miR-873/miR-876 microRNA cluster is associated with craniofacial abnormalities 

      Koufaris, Costas; Papagregoriou, Gregory N.; Kousoulidou, Ludmila; Moutafi, Maria; Tauber, Maïthé Thérèse; Jouret, Béatrice; Kieffer, Isabelle; Constantinou-Deltas, Constantinos D.; Tanteles, George A.; Anastasiadou, Violetta C.; Patsalis, Philippos C.; Sismani, Carolina (2015)
      MicroRNA haploinsufficiency has been associated with developmental defects in only a limited number of cases. Here we report a de novo genomic microdeletion that includes the LINGO2 gene as well as two microRNA genes, ...
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      Hepatitis C infection among intravenous drug users attending therapy programs in Cyprus 

      Demetriou, Victoria L.; Van De Vijver, D. A. M. C.; Hezka, Johana; Kostrikis, Leontios G.; Savvopoulou, Natasa; Georgiades, Neoklis; Charilaou, Charis C.; Argyriou, Argyris; Pavlou, Tina; Platritis, Kyriakos; Veresies, Kyriakos L. (2010)
      The most high-risk population for HCV transmission worldwide today are intravenous drug users. HCV genotypes in the general population in Cyprus demonstrate a polyphyletic infection and include subtypes associated with ...
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      KIF2β, a new kinesin superfamily protein in non-neuronal cells, is associated with lysosomes and may be implicated in their centrifugal translocation 

      Santama, Niovi; Krijnse-Ĺocker, J.; Griffiths, G.; Noda, Y.; Hirokawa, N.; Dotti, C. G. (1998)
      Lysosomes concentrate juxtanuclearly in the region around the microtubule-organizing center by interaction with microtubules. Different experimental and physiological conditions can induce these organelles to move to the ...
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      Molecular characterization of HIV type 1 strains from newly diagnosed patients in Cyprus (2007-2009) recovers multiple clades including unique recombinant strains and lack of transmitted drug resistance 

      Kousiappa, Ioanna; Achilleos, Charis; Hezka, Johana; Lazarou, Yiota; Othonos, Katerina M.; Demetriades, Ioannis; Kostrikis, Leontios G. (2011)
      HIV-1 evolution generates substantial genetic diversity among isolates, the majority of which are represented in areas where multiple strains cocirculate. A heterogeneous genetic HIV-1 pool has been found in Cyprus, directing ...
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      Near full-length genetic analysis of HIV sequences derived from Cyprus: Evidence of a highly polyphyletic and evolving infection 

      Kousiappa, Ioanna; Van De Vijver, D. A. M. C.; Kostrikis, Leontios G. (2009)
      The molecular epidemiology of HIV-1 infection was previously studied in Cyprus but the degree of HIV-1 diversity has remained indefinable. The main objective of the present study is to examine HIV-1 strains isolated from ...
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      Near-full genome characterization of unclassified hepatitis c virus strains relating to genotypes 1 and 4 

      Demetriou, Victoria L.; Kostrikis, Leontios G. (2011)
      Near-full genome sequences are presented in this report for the first time of unclassified HCV strains amplified using RT-PCR from plasma of patients living in Cyprus. One strain appears to be a unique genotype-1-like ...
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      Novel NPR1 polymorphic variants and its exclusion as a candidate gene for medullary cystic kidney disease (ADMCKD) type 1 

      Koptides, Michael; Mean, R.; Stavrou, Christoforos V.; Pierides, Alkis M.; Demetriou, Kyproula; Nakayama, T.; Hildebrandt, F.; Fuchshuber, A.; Constantinou-Deltas, Constantinos D. (2001)
      Autosomal dominant medullary cystic kidney disease (ADMCKD) is an adult-onset heterogeneous genetic nephropathy characterized by salt wasting and end-stage renal failure. The gene responsible for ADMCKD-1 was mapped on ...
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      Primary resistance to integrase strand-transfer inhibitors in Europe 

      Moutschen, M.; Casadellà, M.; van Ham, P. M.; Noguera-Julian, M.; van Kessel, A.; Pou, C.; Hofstra, Laura Marije Arije; Santos, J. R.; Garcia, F.; Struck, D.; Alexiev, Ivailo; Bakken Kran, A. M.; Hoepelman, A. I.; Kostrikis, Leontios G.; Somogyi, Sybille; Liitsola, K.; Linka, M.; Nielsen, C.; Otelea, D.; Paraskevis, Dimitrios N.; Poljak, M.; Puchhammer-Stöckl, E.; Staneková, D.; Stanojevic, M.; Van Laethem, K.; Zidovec Lepej, S.; Clotet, B.; Boucher, C. A. B.; Paredes, R.; Wensing, A. M. J.; Puchhammer-Stöckl, E.; Sarcletti, M.; Schmied, B.; Geit, M.; Balluch, G.; Vandamme, A. M.; Vercauteren, J.; Derdelinckx, I.; Sasse, A.; Bogaert, M.; Ceunen, H.; De Roo, A.; De Wit, S.; Echahidi, F.; Fransen, K.; Goffard, J. C.; Goubau, P.; Goudeseune, E.; Yombi, J. C.; Lacor, P.; Liesnard, C.; Pierard, D.; Rens, R.; Schrooten, Y.; Vaira, D.; Vandekerckhove, L. P.; Van den Heuvel, A.; Van Der Gucht, B.; Van Ranst, M.; Van Wijngaerden, E.; Vandercam, B.; Vekemans, M.; Verhofstede, C.; Clumeck, N.; Van Laethem, K.; Beshkov, Danail; Alexiev, Ivailo; Zidovec Lepej, S.; Begovac, J.; Demetriades, Ioannis; Kousiappa, Ioanna; Demetriou, Victoria L.; Hezka, Johana; Linka, M.; Machala, L.; Maly, M.; Nielsen, C.; Jørgensen, L. B.; Gerstoft, J.; Mathiesen, L.; Pedersen, C.; Nielsen, H.; Laursen, A.; Kvinesdal, B.; Liitsola, K.; Ristola, M.; Suni, J.; Sutinen, J.; Hamouda, O.; Kücherer, C.; Berg, T.; Braun, P.; Poggensee, G.; Däumer, M.; Eberle, J.; Heiken, H.; Kaiser, R.; Knechten, H.; Korn, K.; Müller, H.; Neifer, S.; Schmidt, B.; Walter, H.; Gunsenheimer-Bartmeyer, B.; Harrer, T.; Paraskevis, Dimitrios N.; Hatzakis, Angelos E.; Magiorkinis, Emmanouil N.; Hatzitheodorou, Eleni; Haida, Catherine; Zavitsanou, Assimina; Magiorkinis, Gkikas; Lazanas, Marios C.; Chini, Maria C.; Magafas, N.; Tsogas, Nickolaos; Paparizos, Vassilios A.; Kourkounti, Sofia; Antoniadou, Anastasia C.; Papadopoulos, Antonios I.; Panagopoulos, Periklis; Poulakou, Garyphallia G.; Sakka, V.; Chryssos, Georgios; Drimis, Stylianos; Gargalianos, Panagiotis; Lelekis, Moyssis I.; Chilomenos, G.; Psichogiou, Mina A.; Daikos, George L.; Sabatakou, H.; Panos, George; Haratsis, G.; Kordossis, Theodore; Kontos, Athanasios N.; Koratzanis, Georgios; Theodoridou, Maria C.; Mostrou, Glykeria J.; Spoulou, Vana I.; Schmit, J. C.; Struck, D.; Hemmer, R.; Arendt, V.; Staub, T.; Schneider, F.; Roman, F.; Wensing, A. M.; Boucher, C. A.; van de Vijver, D. A.; van Kessel, A.; van, P. H.; Brinkman, K.; Op de, E. L.; van der Ende, M. E.; Hoepelman, I. M.; van Kasteren, M.; Juttmann, J.; Kuipers, M.; Langebeek, N.; Richter, C.; Santegoets, R. M.; Schrijnders-Gudde, L.; Schuurman, R.; van de Ven, B. J.; Åsjö, Birgitta; Bakken, A. M.; Ormaasen, V.; Aavitsland, P.; Otelea, D.; Paraschiv, S.; Tudor, A. M.; Jevtovic, D.; Salemovic, D.; Stanekova, D.; Habekova, M.; Mokráš, Miloš; Truska, P.; Poljak, M.; Lunar, M.; Babic, Dunja Z.; Tomazic, J.; Vidmar, L.; Vovko, T.; Karner, P.; Clotet, B.; Garcia, F.; Domingo, P.; Galindo, M. J.; Miralles, C.; Del, M. A.; Ribera, E.; Iribarren, J. A.; Ruiz, L.; de la Torre, J.; Vidal, F.; Garcia, F.; Paredes, R. (2015)
      Objectives: The objective of this study was to define the natural genotypic variation of the HIV-1 integrase gene across Europe for epidemiological surveillance of integrase strand-transfer inhibitor (InSTI) resistance. ...
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      Short communication: Molecular epidemiology of HIV type 1 infection in northern Greece (2009-2010): Evidence of a transmission cluster of HIV Type 1 Subtype A1 drug-resistant strains among men who have sex with men 

      Antoniadou, Zoi Anna; Kousiappa, Ioanna; Skoura, Lemonia G.; Pilalas, Dimitrios; Metallidis, Simeon A.; Nicolaidis, Pavlos; Malisiovas, Nikolaos; Kostrikis, Leontios G. (2014)
      A prospective molecular epidemiology study of HIV-1 infection was conducted in newly diagnosed and antiretroviral-naive patients in Northern Greece between 2009 and 2010 using a predefined enrolling strategy. Phylogenetic ...