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dc.contributor.authorVezan, Remus N.en
dc.contributor.authorParaina, Ioanen
dc.contributor.authorZachariou, Zachariasen
dc.creatorVezan, Remus N.en
dc.creatorParaina, Ioanen
dc.creatorZachariou, Zachariasen
dc.description.abstractHemangiomas are the most common tumor of infancy and are caracterized by a initial rapid growth followed by a slow involution. We raport a novel human in vitro model for hemangioma tissues. Our aim is to abtain small fragments of hemangioma tissue and to use it in our culture sistem. The hemangioma fragments were followed for 20 days and any changes and cells groth was noted. Corelations between clinical aspect and in vitro behaviour of hemangiomas were made. Fragments obtained from all three phases of hemangioma clinical stage were cultured successfully. Proliferative samples showed a rapid growth of new cells, and involuting phase samples developed a slow and late growth, or no growth was noticed. This in vitro culture sistem offers an oportunity for studying the biochemical and molecular basis of hemangiomas, a good way to study the angiogenesis, and also help to elucidate the mecanisms of action of existing therapies and to identify novel treatments for hemangiomas. (English) ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]; Hemangioamele cutanate din perioada neonatala si copilarie reprezinta cele mai frecvente tumori benigne ale copiilor si descriu În evolutia lor trei faze, proliferare, involu?ie timpurie (2-5 ani), involutie târzie. Ne-am propus sa identificam formatiuni tumorale În diferite stadii de evolutie (proliferare, involutie), sa obtinem fragmente tumorale prin biopsiere sau excizie si sa cultivam aceste fragmente tumorale pe medii de cultura in vitro dupa un model nou. tesuturile cultivate au fost urmarite pe o perioada de 20 de zile. Hemangioamele aflate În faza proliferativa au realizat o dezvoltare accentuata si continua În mediul de cultura, pe când hemangioamele aflate clinic În faza involutiva au realizat o crestere Întarziata, lenta sau absenta in vitro În mediul nostru de cultura. Formatiunile diagnosticate morfologic ca malformatii arterio-venoase nu s-au dezvoltat pe mediul de cultura utilizat de noi. tesuturile recoltate din hemengioame cutanate proliferative au avut o crestere in vitro accentuata, formând o retea celulara densa, si au prezentat tendint a de organizare sub forma de vase sangvine. Hemangioamele cultivate in vitro reprezinta un mijloc bun de studiu a mecanismelor celulare si moleculare a hemangioamelor, dar si a angiogenezei. (Romanian) ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]; Copyright of Clujul Medical is the property of Cluj Medical University and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)en
dc.sourceClujul Medicalen
dc.subjectCancer cell growthen
dc.subjectCell cultureen
dc.subjectCorrelation (statistics)en
dc.subjectHuman abnormalitiesen
dc.subjectIn vitroen
dc.subjectMolecular pathologyen
dc.subjectTumors in infantsen
dc.titleStudiu in Vitro Al Hemangioamelor Cutanate Ale Copilarieien
dc.description.endingpage104Ιατρική Σχολή / Medical SchoolΙατρική Σχολή / Medical School
dc.contributor.orcidZachariou, Zacharias [0000-0001-8305-8037]

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