Now showing items 725-744 of 1036

    • Article  

      Recent advances in vacuum sciences and applications 

      Stana-Kleinschek, K.; Mozetič, M.; Ostrikov, K.; Ruzic, D. N.; Curreli, D.; Cvelbar, U.; Vesel, A.; Primc, G.; Leisch, M.; Jousten, K.; Malyshev, O. B.; Hendricks, J. H.; Kövér, L.; Tagliaferro, A.; Conde, O.; Silvestre, A. J.; Giapintzakis, John; Buljan, M.; Radić, N.; Dražić, G.; Bernstorff, S.; Biederman, H.; Kylián, O.; Hanuš, J.; Miloševič, S.; Galtayries, A.; Dietrich, P.; Unger, W.; Lehocky, M.; Sedlarik, V.; Drmota-Petrič, A.; Pireaux, J. J.; Rogers, J. W.; Anderle, M. (2014)
      Recent advances in vacuum sciences and applications are reviewed. Novel optical interferometer cavity devices enable pressure measurements with ppm accuracy. The innovative dynamic vacuum standard allows for pressure ...
    • Article  

      Reconfigurable Modular Bar Structure 

      Phocas, Marios C.; Matheou, Maria; Müller, Andreas; Christoforou, Eftychios G. (2019)
      Structural modularity and reconfiguration allow for enhanced flexibility and adaptability to changing functional, environmental or loading conditions, contributing thus to a sustainable built up environment. The current ...
    • Article  

      Recycling Si-kerf from photovoltaics: A very promising route to thermoelectrics 

      Mesaritis, G.; Symeou, E.; Delimitis, A.; Oikonomidis, S.; Jaegle, M.; Tarantik, K.; Nicolaou, Ch.; Kyratsi, Theodora (2019)
      Large scale photovoltaic technology require Si wafers and cutting process has the significant disadvantage of disposing typically more than 50% of high purity material as waste kerf. Recycling silicon kerf is of increasing ...
    • Article  

      Reduced turbophoresis in two-way coupled particle-laden flows 

      Grigoriadis, D. G. E.; Geurts, B. J. (2011)
    • Article  

      Reengineering the Physical Microenvironment of Tumors to Improve Drug Delivery and Efficacy: From Mathematical Modeling to Bench to Bedside 

      Stylianopoulos, Triantafyllos; Munn, Lance L.; Jain, Rakesh K. (2018)
      Physical forces have a crucial role in tumor progression and cancer treatment. The application of principles of engineering and physical sciences to oncology has provided powerful insights into the mechanisms by which these ...
    • Article  

      Reengineering the Tumor Vasculature: Improving Drug Delivery and Efficacy 

      Stylianopoulos, Triantafyllos; Munn, Lance L.; Jain, Rakesh K. (2018)
      A solid tumor is like an aberrant organ - comprised of cancer cells and a variety of host cells embedded in an extracellular matrix - nourished by blood vessels and drained by lymphatic vessels. In its journey from the ...
    • Article  

      Reengineering the Tumor Vasculature: Improving Drug Delivery and Efficacy 

      Stylianopoulos, T.; Munn, L. L.; Jain, R. K. (2018)
      [Figure presented] A solid tumor is like an aberrant organ – comprised of cancer cells and a variety of host cells embedded in an extracellular matrix – nourished by blood vessels and drained by lymphatic vessels. In its ...
    • Article  

      Regeneration mechanism for skin and peripheral nerves clarified at the organ and molecular scales 

      Yannas, Ioannis V.; Tzeranis, Dimitrios S.; So, Peter T. C. (2018)
      This article is a review of current research on the mechanism of regeneration of skin and peripheral nerves based on use of collagen scaffolds, particularly the dermis regeneration template (DRT), which is widely used ...
    • Article  

      Regional aerosol deposition in the human airways: The SimInhale benchmark case and a critical assessment of in silico methods 

      Koullapis, P.; Kassinos, Stavros C.; Muela, J.; Perez-Segarra, C.; Rigola, J.; Lehmkuhl, O.; Cui, Y.; Sommerfeld, M.; Elcner, J.; Jicha, M.; Saveljic, I.; Filipovic, N.; Lizal, F.; Nicolaou, L. (2018)
      Regional deposition effects are important in the pulmonary delivery of drugs intended for the topical treatment of respiratory ailments. They also play a critical role in the systemic delivery of drugs with limited lung ...
    • Article  

      Regional aerosol deposition in the human airways: The SimInhale benchmark case and a critical assessment of in silico methods 

      Koullapis, P.; Kassinos, Stavros C.; Muela, J.; Perez-Segarra, C.; Rigola, J.; Lehmkuhl, O.; Cui, Y.; Sommerfeld, M.; Elcner, J.; Jicha, M.; Saveljic, I.; Filipovic, N.; Lizal, F.; Nicolaou, L. (2018)
      Regional deposition effects are important in the pulmonary delivery of drugs intended for the topical treatment of respiratory ailments. They also play a critical role in the systemic delivery of drugs with limited lung ...
    • Article  

      Regional elastic modulus measurements of the ex-vivo murine heart using atomic force microscopy 

      Kossivas, F.; Cao, L.; Michaelides, M.; Kyprianou, Andreas; Constantinides, C. (2013)
      Stiffness is an important mechanical index for characterisation of human and animal cells, tissues and intact organs. This study presents efforts for passive mechanical characterisation of the ex-vivo C57BL/6 murine heart ...
    • Book Chapter  

      Relations between information theory, robustness and statistical mechanics of stochastic uncertain systems via large deviation theory 

      Charalambous, Charalambos D.; Kyprianou, Andreas; Rezaei, F. (Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006)
      Robustness issues of stochastic uncertain controlled systems are intimately related to concepts from information theory and statistical mechanics. These relations are unveiled by using the theory of large deviations through ...
    • Book Chapter  

      Relations between information theory, robustness and statistical mechanics of stochastic uncertain systems via large deviation theory 

      Charalambous, C. D.; Kyprianou, Andreas; Rezaei, F. (Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006)
      Robustness issues of stochastic uncertain controlled systems are intimately related to concepts from information theory and statistical mechanics. These relations are unveiled by using the theory of large deviations through ...
    • Conference Object  

      Relations between information theory, robustness, and statistical mechanics of stochastic systems 

      Charalambous, Charalambos D.; Rezaei, F.; Kyprianou, Andreas (Affiliation: Sch. of Info. Technol. and Eng., University of Ottawa, 161 Louis Pasteur, A519, Ottawa, Ont. K1N 6N5, CanadaAffiliation: Electrical Engineering Department, University of Cyprus, 75 Kallipoleos Avenue, Nicosia, CyprusAffiliation: Sch. of Info. Technol. and Eng., University of Ottawa, 800 King Edward Ave., Ottawa, Ont. K1N 6N5, CanadaAffiliation: Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Cyprus, 75 Kallipoleos Avenue, Nicosia, CyprusCorrespondence Address: Charalambous, C.D.Sch. of Info. Technol. and Eng., University of Ottawa, 161 Louis Pasteur, A519, Ottawa, Ont. K1N 6N5, Canadaemail:, 2004)
      The fundamental question, which will be addressed in this talk are the relations between dissipation, which is a concept of robustness, entropy rate, which is a concept of information theory, and statistical mechanics. ...
    • Conference Object  

      Relations between information theory, robustness, and statistical mechanics of stochastic systems 

      Charalambous, C. D.; Rezaei, F.; Kyprianou, Andreas (Affiliation: Sch. of Info. Technol. and Eng., University of Ottawa, 161 Louis Pasteur, A519, Ottawa, Ont. K1N 6N5, CanadaAffiliation: Electrical Engineering Department, University of Cyprus, 75 Kallipoleos Avenue, Nicosia, CyprusAffiliation: Sch. of Info. Technol. and Eng., University of Ottawa, 800 King Edward Ave., Ottawa, Ont. K1N 6N5, CanadaAffiliation: Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Cyprus, 75 Kallipoleos Avenue, Nicosia, CyprusCorrespondence Address: Charalambous, C.D.Sch. of Info. Technol. and Eng., University of Ottawa, 161 Louis Pasteur, A519, Ottawa, Ont. K1N 6N5, Canadaemail:, 2004)
      The fundamental question, which will be addressed in this talk are the relations between dissipation, which is a concept of robustness, entropy rate, which is a concept of information theory, and statistical mechanics. ...
    • Article  

      Relations of crystal structure to magnetic properties in the quasi-one-dimensional compound PbNi1.88Mg0.12V 2O8 

      Mastoraki, I.; Lappas, A.; Giapintzakis, John; Többens, D.; Hernández-Velasco, J. (2004)
      The crystal structure of the quasi-one-dimensional oxide PbNi 1.88Mg0.12V2O8 has been studied by Rietveld analysis of combined high-resolution neutron and X-ray powder diffraction data at 300K and at low temperatures. The ...
    • Article  

      Remodeling components of the tumor microenvironment to enhance cancer therapy 

      Gkretsi, V.; Stylianou, A.; Papageorgis, P.; Polydorou, C.; Stylianopoulos, T. (2015)
      Solid tumor pathophysiology is characterized by an abnormal microenvironment that guides tumor progression and poses barriers to the efficacy of cancer therapies. Most common among tumor types are abnormalities in the ...
    • Article  

      Remodeling of extracellular matrix due to solid stress accumulation during tumor growth 

      Pirentis, A. P.; Polydorou, C.; Papageorgis, P.; Voutouri, C.; Mpekris, F.; Stylianopoulos, T. (2015)
      Solid stresses emerge as the expanding tumor displaces and deforms the surrounding normal tissue, and also as a result of intratumoral component interplay. Among other things, solid stresses are known to induce extensive ...
    • Article  

      Reply to Ciccolini et al.: Using mathematical modeling to predict response to antiangiogenic therapy in cancer patients 

      Duda, D. G.; Heist, R. S.; Sahani, D. V.; Stylianopoulos, T.; Engelman, J. A.; Jain, R. K. (2015)
    • Article  

      Representing anisotropy of two-point second-order turbulence velocity correlations using structure tensors 

      Bhattacharya, A.; Kassinos, Stavros C.; Moser, R. D. (2008)
      A locally homogeneous representation for the two-point, second-order turbulent velocity fluctuation Rij(x,r) = 〈u′i(x)u′i(x+r)〉 is formulated in terms of three linearly independent structure tensors [Kassinos et al., J. ...