Now showing items 790-809 of 1036

    • Conference Object  

      Sintering process in ball-milled K2Bi8Se13 nano-composites 

      Ioannou, M.; Hatzikraniotis, E.; Lioutas, C.; Chrissafis, K.; Chung, D. Y.; Paraskevopoulos, K. M.; Kyratsi, Theodora (Affiliation: Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, University of Cyprus, 1678 Nicosia, CyprusAffiliation: Department of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54124 Thessaloniki, GreeceAffiliation: Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439, United StatesCorrespondence Address: Ioannou, M.Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, University of Cyprus, 1678 Nicosia, Cyprus, 2012)
      K2Bi8Se13 material has many attractive features for thermoelectric applications. Recently, K2Bi 8Se13 based nanocomposite materials, consisting of nano-crystalline, micro-crystalline and amorphous phases, have been fabricated ...
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      Sn doped β-Ga2O3 and β-Ga2S3 nanowires with red emission for solar energy spectral shifting 

      Zervos, Matthew; Othonos, A.; Gianneta, V.; Travlos, A.; Nassiopoulou, A. G. (2015)
      Sn doped β-Ga2O3 nanowires have been grown on Si(001) via the vapor-liquid-solid mechanism at 800 °C over a broad range of compositions. These have a monoclinic β-Ga2O3 crystal structure and minimum resistances for 1-2 at. ...
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      Sn:In2O3 and Sn:In2O3/NiS2 Core-Shell Nanowires on Ni, Mo Foils and C Fibers for H2 and O2 Generation 

      Zervos, Matthew; Leontidis, E.; Tanasǎ, E.; Vasile, E.; Othonos, A. (2017)
      Sn:In2O3 nanowires have been grown by the vapor liquid solid mechanism on Si, Ni, Mo, and C fibers. These were used to obtain Sn:In2O3/NiS2 core-shell nanowires by the deposition of 10 nm Ni over the Sn:In2O3 nanowires ...
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      SnO2/PbOx (x = 1, 2) Core–Shell Nanowires and Their Growth on C-Fiber Networks for Energy Storage 

      Zervos, Matthew; Othonos, Andreas; Tanasă, Eugenia; Vasile, Eugeniu; Leontidis, Epameinondas (2018)
      SnO2 nanowires were grown on Si, fused SiO2, and C fibers by the vapor–liquid–solid mechanism at 800 °C and 10–1 mbar, and SnO2/PbO core–shell nanowires were obtained by the deposition of 50 nm Pb over the SnO2 nanowires ...
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      The Solid Mechanics of Cancer and Strategies for Improved Therapy 

      Stylianopoulos, T. (2017)
      Tumor progression and response to treatment is determined in large part by the generation of mechanical stresses that stem from both the solid and the fluid phase of the tumor. Furthermore, elevated solid stress levels can ...
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      Solid Stress Facilitates Fibroblasts Activation to Promote Pancreatic Cancer Cell Migration 

      Kalli, Maria; Papageorgis, Panagiotis; Gkretsi, Vasiliki; Stylianopoulos, Triantafyllos (2018)
      Pancreatic fibroblasts are continuously gaining ground as an important component of tumor microenvironment that dynamically interact with cancer cells to promote tumor progression. In addition, these tumor-infiltrated ...
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      Solid Stress Facilitates Fibroblasts Activation to Promote Pancreatic Cancer Cell Migration 

      Kalli, M.; Papageorgis, P.; Gkretsi, V.; Stylianopoulos, T. (2018)
      Pancreatic fibroblasts are continuously gaining ground as an important component of tumor microenvironment that dynamically interact with cancer cells to promote tumor progression. In addition, these tumor-infiltrated ...
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      Solid stress-induced migration is mediated by GDF15 through Akt pathway activation in pancreatic cancer cells 

      Kalli, Maria; Minia, Angeliki; Pliaka, Vaia; Fotis, Christos; Alexopoulos, Leonidas G.; Stylianopoulos, Triantafyllos (2019)
      Solid stress is a biomechanical abnormality of the tumor microenvironment that plays a crucial role in tumor progression. When it is applied to cancer cells, solid stress hinders their proliferation rate and promotes cancer ...
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      Solid Tumors Are Poroelastic Solids with a Chemo-mechanical Feedback on Growth 

      Ambrosi, D.; Pezzuto, S.; Riccobelli, D.; Stylianopoulos, T.; Ciarletta, P. (2017)
      The experimental evidence that a feedback exists between growth and stress in tumors poses challenging questions. First, the rheological properties (the “constitutive equations”) of aggregates of malignant cells are still ...
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      Solid-state synthesis and thermoelectric properties of Sb-doped Mg 2Si materials 

      Ioannou, M.; Polymeris, G.; Hatzikraniotis, E.; Khan, A. U.; Paraskevopoulos, K. M.; Kyratsi, Theodora (2013)
      Sb-doped magnesium silicide compounds have been prepared through ball milling and solid-state reaction. Materials produced were near-stoichiometric. The structural modifications have been studied with powder x-ray diffraction. ...
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      Solid-state synthesis of Mg 2Si via short-duration ball-milling and low-temperature annealing 

      Ioannou, M.; Chrissafis, K.; Pavlidou, E.; Gascoin, F.; Kyratsi, Theodora (2013)
      In this work, a short duration ball-milling of elemental Mg and Si followed by a thermal treatment is suggested in order to synthesize magnesium silicide via solid-state reaction. The formation of magnesium silicide was ...
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      Solution of the square lid-driven cavity flow of a Bingham plastic using the finite volume method 

      Syrakos, A.; Georgiou, G. C.; Alexandrou, Andreas N. (2013)
      We investigate the performance of the finite volume method in solving viscoplastic flows. The creeping square lid-driven cavity flow of a Bingham plastic is chosen as the test case and the constitutive equation is regularised ...
    • Conference Object  

      Solution of viscoplastic flows with the finite volume / multigrid method 

      Syrakos, A.; Georgiou, G. C.; Alexandrou, Andreas N. (National Technical University of Athens, 2013)
      We investigate the performance of the finite volume method in solving viscoplastic flows. The square lid-driven cavity flow of a Bingham plastic is chosen as the test case and the constitutive equation is regularised as ...
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      Solvothermal synthesis, nanostructural characterization and gas cryo-adsorption studies in a metal–organic framework (IRMOF-1) material 

      Tzitzios, V.; Kostoglou, N.; Giannouri, M.; Basina, G.; Tampaxis, C.; Charalambopoulou, Georgia; Steriotis, T.; Polychronopoulou, K.; Doumanidis, C. C.; Mitterer, C.; Rebholz, Claus (2017)
      A nanoporous metal–organic framework material, exhibiting an IRMOF-1 type crystalline structure, was prepared by following a direct solvothermal synthesis approach, using zinc nitrate and terephthalic acid as precursors ...
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      Sonic-hedgehog pathway inhibition normalizes desmoplastic tumor microenvironment to improve chemo- and nanotherapy 

      Mpekris, F.; Papageorgis, P.; Polydorou, C.; Voutouri, C.; Kalli, M.; Pirentis, A. P.; Stylianopoulos, T. (2017)
      Targeting the rich extracellular matrix of desmoplastic tumors has been successfully shown to normalize collagen and hyaluronan levels and re-engineer intratumoral mechanical forces, improving tumor perfusion and chemotherapy. ...
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      Spark ignitable ball milled powders of Al and Ni at NiAl composition 

      Hadjiafxenti, A.; Gunduz, I. E.; Doumanidis, C. C.; Rebholz, Claus (2014)
      Low-energy ball milling of aluminum and nickel particles with an overall composition corresponding to the NiAl intermetallic phase was performed up to milling durations of 13 h. The milled powders and cold-compacted pellets ...
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      Spark ignitable Ni-Al ball-milled powders for bonding applications 

      Gunduz, I. E.; Kyriakou, A.; Vlachos, N.; Kyratsi, Theodora; Doumanidis, C. C.; Son, S.; Rebholz, Claus (2014)
      Ball milling of aluminum (Al) and nickel (Ni) particles at the NiAl composition can produce reactive powders with low spark ignition thresholds similar to magnetron sputtered multilayer foils (MFs). Such powders can replace ...
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      Spectroscopic evidence for a pseudogap in the normal state of underdoped high-T(c) superconductors 

      Ding, H.; Yokoya, T.; Campuzano, Juan C.; Takahashi, T.; Randeria, M.; Norman, M. R.; Mochiku, T.; Kadowaki, K.; Giapintzakis, John (1996)
      It is well known that BCS mean-field theory is remarkably successful in describing conventional superconductors. A central concept of BCS theory is the energy gap in the electronic excitation spectrum below the superconducting ...
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      Spin polarisation and anomalous Hall effect in NiMnSb films 

      Branford, W. R.; Roy, S. B.; Clowes, S. K.; Miyoshi, Y.; Bugoslavsky, Y. V.; Gardelis, S.; Giapintzakis, John; Cohen, L. F. (2004)
      NiMnSb has attracted a great deal of interest as a spin injector/detector in spintronic devices because it has a Curie temperature of 728 K and is predicted to be half-metallic (100% spin polarized). NiMnSb has been reported ...
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      Spin-gap and antiferromagnetic correlations in low-dimensional PbNi2-xAxV2O8 compounds (A = Mg, Co) 

      Mastoraki, I.; Lappas, A.; Schneider, R.; Giapintzakis, John (2002)
      The effect of the impurity doping in the quantum-spin chains of the PbNi2V2O8 Haldane-gap compound is studied. We report elastic neutron scattering and bulk magnetic susceptibility measurements on the quasi-one-dimensional ...