La connotation à l'épreuve de la traduction littéraire. Une oeuvre romanesque de N.Kazantzaki et ses autres versants. Essai de sémantique textuelle [The concept of connotation put to the test of literary translation. A novel by N. Kazantzakis and the "other sides" : an essay of textual semantics]
Université de Franche-Comté, LaseldiPlace of publication
FranceGoogle Scholar check
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The thesis combines textual analysis and contrastive linguistics,clustering around intersected problems and theories of translation (fromGreek into French and English). It has a double objective: a) to update theconcept of connotation, in order to prove its applicability, especiallyfor the analysis of literary translation b) to put the concept ofconnotation to the test of translation by observing how connotationsconstructed on textual networks are transferred from one language into another.The research is divided into two main parts: theory and analysis. The firstpart deals, initially, with theoretical and practical problems oftranslation. It also traces a historical background of connotation andreshapes it within the different fields of Language Sciences (Pragmatics,Stylistics, Semantics), so as to resituate it into an integrative approachof Semantics. It shows that connotation despite its controversial statuscan be a functional and useful concept for literary and textual approach.The second part is an essay of textual semantics from a translation andliterary perspective, focusing on plurality of meanings, voices andinterpretations. It takes as corpus Kazantzakis's novels and more precisely'The Last Temptation of Christ, translated into French by M.Saunier andinto English by P.A Bien.