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dc.contributor.authorAgathocleous, Michalisen
dc.contributor.authorChristodoulou, Georgiaen
dc.contributor.authorPromponas, Vasilis J.en
dc.contributor.authorChristodoulou, Chris C.en
dc.contributor.authorVassiliades, Vassilisen
dc.contributor.authorAntoniou, Antonisen
dc.creatorAgathocleous, Michalisen
dc.creatorChristodoulou, Georgiaen
dc.creatorPromponas, Vasilis J.en
dc.creatorChristodoulou, Chris C.en
dc.creatorVassiliades, Vassilisen
dc.creatorAntoniou, Antonisen
dc.description.abstractSuccessful protein secondary structure prediction is an important step towards modelling protein 3D structure, with several practical applications. Even though in the last four decades several PSSP algorithms have been proposed, we are far from being accurate. The Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Network (BRNN) architecture of Baldi et al. [1] is currently considered as one of the optimal computational neural network type architectures for addressing the problem. In this paper, we implement the same BRNN architecture, but we use a modified training procedure. More specifically, our aim is to identify the effect of the contribution of local versus global information, by varying the length of the segment on which the Recurrent Neural Networks operate for each residue position considered. For training the network, the backpropagation learning algorithm with an online training procedure is used, where the weight updates occur for every amino acid, as opposed to Baldi et al. [1], where the weight updates are applied after the presentation of the entire protein. Our results with a single BRNN are better than Baldi et al. [1] by three percentage points (Q3) and comparable to results of [1] when they use an ensemble of 6 BRNNs. In addition, our results improve even further when sequence-to-structure output is filtered in a post-processing step, with a novel Hidden Markov Model-based approach. © 2010 IFIP.en
dc.source6th IFIP WG 12.5 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations, AIAI 2010en
dc.subjectLearning algorithmsen
dc.subjectArtificial intelligenceen
dc.subjectHidden Markov modelsen
dc.subjectNetwork architectureen
dc.subjectGlobal informationsen
dc.subjectThree dimensionalen
dc.subjectMarkov modelen
dc.subjectRecurrent neural networksen
dc.subjectBackpropagation algorithmsen
dc.subjectThree dimensional computer graphicsen
dc.subjectAmino acidsen
dc.subjectBackpropagation learning algorithmen
dc.subjectBidirectional Recurrent Neural Networksen
dc.subjectBioinformatics and Computational Biologyen
dc.subjectComputational neural networksen
dc.subjectNeural neten
dc.subjectOnline trainingen
dc.subjectPercentage pointsen
dc.subjectPost processingen
dc.subjectProtein 3-D structureen
dc.subjectProtein Secondary Structure Predictionen
dc.subjectReinforcement learningen
dc.subjectTraining proceduresen
dc.subjectWeight updateen
dc.titleProtein secondary structure prediction with bidirectional recurrent neural nets: Can weight updating for each residue enhance performance?en
dc.description.volume339 AICTen
dc.description.endingpage137 Σχολή Θετικών και Εφαρμοσμένων Επιστημών / Faculty of Pure and Applied SciencesΤμήμα Πληροφορικής / Department of Computer Science
dc.description.notes<p>Sponsors: Cyprus University of Technologyen
dc.description.notesFrederick Universityen
dc.description.notesCyprus Tourism Organizationen
dc.description.notesConference code: 82446en
dc.description.notesCited By :4</p>en
dc.source.abbreviationIFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technologyen
dc.contributor.orcidPromponas, Vasilis J. [0000-0003-3352-4831]
dc.contributor.orcidChristodoulou, Chris C. [0000-0001-9398-5256]

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