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dc.contributor.authorGeorgiou, Chryssisen
dc.contributor.authorRussell, A.en
dc.contributor.authorShvartsman, A. A.en
dc.contributor.editorWelch J.en
dc.creatorGeorgiou, Chryssisen
dc.creatorRussell, A.en
dc.creatorShvartsman, A. A.en
dc.description.abstractDo-All is the problem of performing N tasks in a distributed system of P failure-prone processors [8]. Many distributed and parallel algorithms have been developed for this problem and several algorithm simulations have been developed by iterating Do-All algorithms. The efficiency of the solutions for Do-All is measured in terms of work complexity where all processing steps taken by the processors are counted. We present the first non-trivial lower bounds for Do-All that capture the dependence of work on N, P and f, the number of processor crashes. For the model of computation where processors are able to make perfect load-balancing decisions locally, we also present matching upper bounds. We define the r-iterative Do-All problem that abstracts the repeated use of Do-All such as found in algorithm simulations. Our f-sensitive analysis enables us to derive a tight bound for r-iterative Do-All work (that is stronger than the r-fold work complexity of a single Do-All). Our approach that models perfect load-balancing allows for the analysis of specific algorithms to be divided into two parts: (i) the analysis of the cost of tolerating failures while performing work, and (ii) the analysis of the cost of implementing load-balancing. We demonstrate the utility and generality of this approach by improving the analysis of two known efficient algorithms. Finally we present a new upper bound on simulations of synchronous shared-memory algorithms on crash-prone processors. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2001.en
dc.source15th International Conference on DIStributed Computing, DISC 2001en
dc.subjectDistributed computer systemsen
dc.subjectIterative methodsen
dc.subjectDistributed systemsen
dc.subjectNetwork managementen
dc.subjectCost benefit analysisen
dc.subjectWork complexityen
dc.subjectAlgorithm simulationen
dc.subjectDistributed and parallel algorithmen
dc.subjectModel of computationen
dc.subjectProcessing stepsen
dc.subjectSensitive analysisen
dc.subjectShared memory algorithmsen
dc.titleThe complexity of synchronous iterative do-all with crashesen
dc.description.endingpage165 Σχολή Θετικών και Εφαρμοσμένων Επιστημών / Faculty of Pure and Applied SciencesΤμήμα Πληροφορικής / Department of Computer Science
dc.description.notesConference code: 134499en
dc.description.notesCited By :5</p>en
dc.source.abbreviationLect. Notes Comput. Sci.en
dc.contributor.orcidGeorgiou, Chryssis [0000-0003-4360-0260]

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