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dc.contributor.authorSazeides, Yiannakisen
dc.contributor.authorSmith, James E.en
dc.creatorSazeides, Yiannakisen
dc.creatorSmith, James E.en
dc.description.abstractBasic properties of program predictability - for both values and control - are defined and studied. We take the view that program predictability originates at certain points during a program's execution, flows through subsequent instructions, and then ends at other points in the program. These key components of predictability: generation, propagation, and terminationen
dc.description.abstractare defined in terms of a model. The model is based on a graph derived from dynamic data dependences and a predictor. Using the SPEC95 benchmarks, we analyze the predictability phenomena both separately and in combination. Examples are provided to illustrate relationships between model-based characteristics and program constructs. It is shown that most predictability derives from program control structure and immediate values, not program input data. Furthermore, most predictability originates from a relatively small number of generate points. The analysis of obtained results suggests a number of ramifications regarding predictability and its use.en
dc.publisherIEEE Comp Socen
dc.sourceConference Proceedings - Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, ISCAen
dc.sourceProceedings of the 1998 25th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architectureen
dc.subjectComputer softwareen
dc.subjectMathematical modelsen
dc.subjectComputer simulationen
dc.subjectComputer architectureen
dc.subjectGraph theoryen
dc.subjectComputation theoryen
dc.subjectProgram processorsen
dc.subjectData structuresen
dc.subjectProgram control structureen
dc.titleModeling program predictabilityen
dc.description.endingpage84 Σχολή Θετικών και Εφαρμοσμένων Επιστημών / Faculty of Pure and Applied SciencesΤμήμα Πληροφορικής / Department of Computer Science
dc.type.uhtypeConference Objecten
dc.description.notes<p>Sponsors: IEEEen
dc.description.notesACM SIGARCHen
dc.description.notesConference code: 48907en
dc.description.notesCited By :18</p>en

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