Now showing items 967-986 of 1411

    • Article  

      R2 inflation from scale invariant supergravity and anomaly free superstrings with fluxes 

      Lüst, Dieter; Kounnas, Costas; Toumbas, Nicolaos K. (2015)
      The R2 scale invariant gravity theory coupled to conformally invariant matter is investigated. We show that in the non-supersymmetric case the conformally coupled scalars belong to an SO(1,1+n)/SO(1+n) manifold, while in ...
    • Article  

      Radiometric determination of uranium in natural waters after enrichment and separation by cation-exchange and liquid-liquid extraction 

      Pashalidis, Ioannis; Tsertos, Haralambos (2004)
      Preconcentration of uranium from natural water samples using Chelex-100 cation-exchange resin, its selective extraction by tributylphosphate and electrodeposition on stainless steel discs is reported. The validity of the ...
    • Article  

      Raman spectroscopy and spreading resistance analysis of phosphorus implanted and annealed silicon 

      Othonos, Andreas S.; Christofides, Constantinos; Boussey-Said, J.; Bisson, M. (1994)
      Raman and electrical characterization measurements are performed in order to study the effects of thermal annealing on phosphorus implanted silicon wafers. The silicon layers were implanted for various implantation energies ...
    • Article  

      Raman spectroscopy using a fiber optic probe with subwavelength aperture 

      Tsai, D. P.; Othonos, Andreas S.; Moskovits, M.; Uttamchandani, D. (1994)
      Raman spectroscopy with subwavelength spatial resolution of a diamond sample was recorded using a tapered fiber optical probe in conjunction with a conventional Raman spectrometer. The experiment demonstrates the potential ...
    • Article  

      Raman-Spectroscopy and Spreading Resistance Analysis of Phosphorus Implanted and Annealed Silicon 

      Othonos, Andreas S.; Christofides, Constantinos; Bousseysaid, J.; Bisson, M. (1994)
      Raman and electrical characterization measurements are performed in order to study the effects of thermal annealing on phosphorus implanted silicon wafers. The silicon layers were implanted for various implantation energies ...
    • Article  

      Ratios of bottom meson branching fractions involving J/ψ mesons and determination of b quark fragmentation fractions 

      Frautschi, M.; Abe, F.; Akimoto, H.; Akopian, A.; Albrow, M. G.; Amendolia, S. R.; Amidei, D.; Antos, J.; Anway-Wiese, C.; Aota, S.; Apollinari, G.; Asakawa, T.; Ashmanskas, W.; Atac, M.; Azfar, F.; Azzi-Bacchetta, P.; Bacchetta, N.; Badgett, W.; Bagdasarov, S.; Bailey, M. W.; Bao, J.; De Barbaro, P.; Barbaro-Galtieri, A.; Barnes, V. E.; Barnett, B. A.; Barzi, E.; Bauer, G.; Baumann, T.; Bedeschi, F.; Behrends, S.; Belforte, S.; Bellettini, G.; Bellinger, J.; Benjamin, D.; Benlloch, J.; Bensinger, J.; Benton, D.; Beretvas, Andrew; Berge, J. P.; Berryhill, J.; Bertolucci, S.; Bevensee, B.; Bhatti, A.; Biery, K.; Binkley, M.; Bisello, D.; Blair, R. E.; Blocker, C.; Bodek, A.; Bokhari, W.; Bolla, G.; Bolognesi, V.; Bortoletto, D.; Boudreau, J.; Breccia, L.; Bromberg, C.; Bruner, N.; Buckley-Geer, E.; Budd, H. S.; Burkett, K.; Busetto, G.; Byon-Wagner, A.; Byrum, K. L.; Cammerata, J.; Campagnari, C.; Campbell, M.; Caner, A.; Carithers, W.; Carlsmith, D.; Castro, A.; Cauz, D.; Cen, Y.; Cervelli, F.; Chang, P. S.; Chang, P. T.; Chao, H. Y.; Chapman, J.; Cheng, M. -T; Chiarelli, G.; Chikamatsu, T.; Chiou, C. N.; Christofek, L.; Cihangir, S.; Clark, A. G.; Cobal, M.; Contreras, M.; Conway, J.; Cooper, J. M.; Cordelli, M.; Couyoumtzelis, C.; Crane, D.; Cronin-Hennessy, D.; Culbertson, R.; Cunningham, J. D.; Daniels, T.; DeJongh, F.; Delchamps, S.; Dell'Agnello, Simone; Dell'Orso, M.; Demina, R.; Demortier, L.; Denby, B.; Deninno, M.; Derwent, P. F.; Devlin, T.; Dittmann, J. R.; Donati, S.; Done, J.; Dorigo, T.; Dunn, A.; Eddy, N.; Einsweiler, K.; Elias, John E.; Ely, R.; Engels Jr., E.; Errede, D.; Errede, S.; Fan, Q.; Fiori, I.; Flaugher, B.; Foster, G. W.; Franklin, M.; Freeman, J.; Friedman, J.; Fuess, T. A.; Fukui, Y.; Funaki, S.; Gagliardi, G.; Galeotti, S.; Gallinaro, M.; Garcia-Sciveres, M.; Garfinkel, A. F.; Gay, C.; Geer, S.; Gerdes, D. W.; Giannetti, P.; Giokaris, N.; Giromini, P.; Gladney, L.; Glenzinski, D.; Gold, M.; Gonzalez, J.; Gordon, A.; Goshaw, A. T.; Goulianos, Konstantin; Grassmann, H.; Groer, L.; Grosso-Pilcher, C.; Guillian, G.; Guo, R. S.; Haber, C.; Hafen, E.; Hahn, S. R.; Hamilton, R.; Handler, R.; Hans, R. M.; Hara, K.; Hardman, A. D.; Harral, B.; Harris, R. M.; Hauger, S. A.; Hauser, J.; Hawk, C.; Hayashi, E.; Heinrich, J.; Hoffman, K. D.; Hohlmann, M.; Holck, C.; Hollebeek, R.; Holloway, L.; Hölscher, A.; Hong, S.; Houk, G.; Hu, P.; Huffman, B. T.; Hughes, R.; Huston, J.; Huth, J.; Hylen, J.; Ikeda, H.; Incagli, M.; Incandela, J.; Introzzi, G.; Iwai, J.; Iwata, Y.; Jensen, H.; Joshi, U.; Kadel, R. W.; Kajfasz, Eric; Kambara, H.; Kamon, T.; Kaneko, T.; Karr, K.; Kasha, H.; Kato, Y.; Keaffaber, T. A.; Keeble, L.; Kelley, K.; Kennedy, R. D.; Kephart, R.; Kesten, P.; Kestenbaum, D.; Keup, R. M.; Keutelian, H.; Keyvan, F.; Kharadia, B.; Kim, B. J.; Kim, D. H.; Kim, H. S.; Kim, S. B.; Kim, S. H.; Kim, Y. K.; Kirsch, L.; Koehn, P.; Kondo, K.; Konigsberg, J.; Kopp, S.; Kordas, Kostas; Korytov, A.; Koska, W.; Kovács, Eve V.; Kowald, W.; Krasberg, M.; Kroll, J.; Kruse, M.; Kuwabara, T.; Kuhlmann, S. E.; Kuns, E.; Laasanen, A. T.; Labanca, N.; Lammel, S.; Lamoureux, J. I.; LeCompte, T.; Leone, S.; Lewis, J. D.; Limon, P.; Lindgren, M.; Liss, T. M.; Lockyer, N.; Long, O.; Loomis, C.; Loreti, M.; Lu, J.; Lucchesi, D.; Lukens, P.; Lusin, S.; Lys, J.; Maeshima, K.; Maghakian, A.; Maksimovic, P.; Mangano, M.; Mansour, J.; Mariotti, M.; Marriner, J. P.; Martin, A.; Matthews, J. A. J.; Mattingly, R.; McIntyre, P.; Melese, P.; Menzione, A.; Meschi, E.; Metzler, S.; Miao, C.; Miao, T.; Michail, G.; Miller, R.; Minato, H.; Miscetti, S.; Mishina, M.; Mitsushio, H.; Miyamoto, T.; Miyashita, S.; Moggi, N.; Morita, Y.; Mueller, J.; Mukherjee, A.; Muller, T.; Murat, P.; Nakada, H.; Nakano, I.; Nelson, C.; Neuberger, D.; Newman-Holmes, C.; Ninomiya, M.; Nodulman, L.; Oh, S. H.; Ohl, K. E.; Ohmoto, T.; Ohsugi, T.; Oishi, R.; Okabe, M.; Okusawa, T.; Oliveira, R.; Olsen, J.; Pagliarone, C.; Paoletti, R.; Papadimitriou, Vaia; Pappas, S. P.; Park, S.; Parri, A.; Patrick, J.; Pauletta, G.; Paulini, M.; Perazzo, A.; Pescara, L.; Peters, M. D.; Phillips, T. J.; Piacentino, G.; Pillai, M.; Pitts, K. T.; Plunkett, R.; Pondrom, L.; Proudfoot, J.; Ptohos, Fotios; Punzi, G.; Ragan, K.; Ribon, A.; Rimondi, F.; Ristori, L.; Robertson, W. J.; Rodrigo, T.; Rolli, S.; Romano, J.; Rosenson, L.; Roser, R.; Sakumoto, W. K.; Saltzberg, D.; Sansoni, A.; Santi, L.; Sato, H.; Scarpine, V.; Schlabach, P.; Schmidt, E. E.; Schmidt, M. P.; Scribano, A.; Segler, S.; Seidel, S.; Seiya, Y.; Sganos, G.; Shapiro, M. D.; Shaw, N. M.; Shen, Q.; Shepard, P. F.; Shimojima, M.; Shochet, M.; Siegrist, J.; Sill, A.; Sinervo, P.; Singh, P.; Skarha, J.; Sliwa, K.; Snider, F. D.; Song, T.; Spalding, J.; Speer, T.; Sphicas, Paris A.; Spinella, F.; Spiropulu, Maria; Spiegel, L.; Stanco, L.; Steele, J.; Stefanini, A.; Strahl, K.; Strait, J.; Ströhmer, R.; Stuart, D.; Sullivan, G.; Soumarokov, A.; Sumorok, K.; Suzuki, J.; Takada, T.; Takahashi, T.; Takano, T.; Takikawa, K.; Tamura, N.; Tartarelli, F.; Taylor, W.; Teng, P. K.; Teramoto, Y.; Tether, S.; Theriot, D.; Thomas, T. L.; Thun, R.; Timko, M.; Tipton, P.; Titov, A.; Tkaczyk, S.; Toback, D.; Tollefson, K.; Tollestrup, A.; Tonnison, J.; de Trocóniz, J. F.; Truitt, S.; Tseng, J.; Turini, N.; Uchida, T.; Uemura, N.; Ukegawa, F.; Unal, G.; Valls, J.; Van Den Brink, S. C.; Vejcik III, S.; Velev, G.; Vidal, R.; Vondracek, M.; Vucinic, D.; Wagner, R. G.; Wagner, R. L.; Wahl, J.; Wang, C.; Wang, C. H.; Wang, G.; Wang, J.; Wang, M. J.; Wang, Q. F.; Warburton, A.; Watts, T.; Webb, R.; Wei, C.; Wendt, C.; Wenzel, H.; Wester III, W. C.; Wicklund, A. B.; Wicklund, E.; Wilkinson, R.; Williams, H. H.; Wilson, P.; Winer, B. L.; Wolinski, D.; Wolinski, J.; Wu, X.; Wyss, J.; Yagil, A.; Yao, W.; Yasuoka, K.; Ye, Y.; Yeh, G. P.; Yeh, P.; Yin, M.; Yoh, J.; Yosef, C.; Yoshida, T.; Yovanovitch, D.; Yu, I.; Yu, L.; Yun, J. C.; Zanetti, A.; Zetti, F.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, W.; Zucchelli, S. (1996)
      We report a measurement of the ratios of the decay rates of the B+, B0, and Bs 0 mesons into exclusive final states containing a J/ψ meson. The final states were selected from 19.6 pb-1 of pp̄ collisions recorded by the ...
    • Conference Object  

      Recent results for the proton spin decomposition from lattice QCD 

      Alexandrou, Constantia; Constantinou, Martha; Hadjiyiannakou, Kyriakos; Kallidonis, Christos; Koutsou, Giannis; Jansen, K.; Panagopoulos, Haralambos G.; Steffens, F.; Vaquero, A.; Wiese, C. (Proceedings of Science (PoS), 2016)
      The exact decomposition of the proton spin has been a much debated topic, on the experimental as well as the theoretical side. In this talk we would like to report on recent non-perturbative results and ongoing efforts to ...
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      Recognition of ribonuclease A by 3′-5′-pyrophosphate-linked dinucleotide inhibitors: A molecular dynamics/continuum electrostatics analysis 

      Polydoridis, Savvas; Leonidas, Demetres D.; Oikonomakos, Nikos G.; Archontis, Georgios Z. (2007)
      The proteins of the pancreatic ribonuclease A (RNase A) family catalyze the cleavage of the RNA polymer chain. The development of RNase inhibitors is of significant interest, as some of these compounds may have a therapeutic ...
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      Reconstruction Mechanisms in Ion Implanted and Annealed Silicon Wafers 

      Christofides, Constantinos; Seas, Antonios; Othonos, Andreas S. (1995)
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      Reconstruction of B0 → J/ψ KS 0 and measurement of ratios of branching ratios involving B → J/ψK* and B+ → J/ψK+ 

      Frautschi, M.; Abe, F.; Albrow, M. G.; Amendolia, S. R.; Amidei, D.; Antos, J.; Anway-Wiese, C.; Apollinari, G.; Areti, H.; Atac, M.; Auchincloss, P.; Azfar, F.; Azzi, P.; Bacchetta, N.; Badgett, W.; Bailey, M. W.; Bao, J.; de Barbaro, P.; Barbaro-Galtieri, A.; Barnes, V. E.; Barnett, B. A.; Bartalini, P.; Bauer, G.; Baumann, T.; Bedeschi, F.; Behrends, S.; Belforte, S.; Bellettini, G.; Bellinger, J.; Benjamin, D.; Benlloch, J.; Bensinger, J.; Benton, D.; Beretvas, Andrew; Berge, J. P.; Bertolucci, S.; Bhatti, A.; Biery, K.; Binkley, M.; Bird, F.; Bisello, D.; Blair, R. E.; Blocker, C.; Bodek, A.; Bokhari, W.; Bolognesi, V.; Bortoletto, D.; Boswell, C.; Boulos, T.; Brandenburg, G.; Bromberg, C.; Buckley-Geer, E.; Budd, H. S.; Burkett, K.; Busetto, G.; Byon-Wagner, A.; Byrum, K. L.; Cammerata, J.; Campagnari, C.; Campbell, M.; Caner, A.; Carithers, W.; Carlsmith, D.; Castro, A.; Cen, Y.; Cervelli, F.; Chao, H. Y.; Chapman, J.; Cheng, M. -T; Chiarelli, G.; Chikamatsu, T.; Chiou, C. N.; Christofek, L.; Cihangir, S.; Clark, A. G.; Cobal, M.; Contreras, M.; Conway, J.; Cooper, J. M.; Cordelli, M.; Couyoumtzelis, C.; Crane, D.; Cunningham, J. D.; Daniels, T.; DeJongh, F.; Delchamps, S.; Dell'Agnello, Simone; Dell'Orso, M.; Demortier, L.; Denby, B.; Deninno, M.; Derwent, P. F.; Devlin, T.; Dickson, M.; Dittmann, J. R.; Donati, S.; Drucker, R. B.; Dunn, A.; Einsweiler, K.; Elias, John E.; Ely, R.; Engels Jr., E.; Eno, S.; Errede, D.; Errede, S.; Fan, Q.; Farhat, B.; Fiori, I.; Flaugher, B.; Foster, G. W.; Franklin, M.; Freeman, J.; Friedman, J.; Fry, A.; Fuess, T. A.; Fukui, Y.; Funaki, S.; Gagliardi, G.; Galeotti, S.; Gallinaro, M.; Garfinkel, A. F.; Geer, S.; Gerdes, D. W.; Giannetti, P.; Giokaris, N.; Giromini, P.; Gladney, L.; Glenzinski, D.; Gold, M.; Gonzalez, J.; Gordon, A.; Goshaw, A. T.; Goulianos, Konstantin; Grassmann, H.; Grewal, A.; Groer, L.; Grosso-Pilcher, C.; Haber, C.; Hahn, S. R.; Hamilton, R.; Handler, R.; Hans, R. M.; Hara, K.; Harral, B.; Harris, R. M.; Hauger, S. A.; Hauser, J.; Hawk, C.; Heinrich, J.; Cronin-Hennessy, D.; Hollebeek, R.; Holloway, L.; Hölscher, A.; Hong, S.; Houk, G.; Hu, P.; Huffman, B. T.; Hughes, R.; Hurst, P.; Huston, J.; Huth, J.; Hylen, J.; Incagli, M.; Incandela, J.; Iso, H.; Jensen, H.; Jessop, C. P.; Joshi, U.; Kadel, R. W.; Kajfasz, Eric; Kamon, T.; Kaneko, T.; Kardelis, D. A.; Kasha, H.; Kato, Y.; Keeble, L.; Kennedy, R. D.; Kephart, R.; Kesten, P.; Kestenbaum, D.; Keup, R. M.; Keutelian, H.; Keyvan, F.; Kim, D. H.; Kim, H. S.; Kim, S. B.; Kim, S. H.; Kim, Y. K.; Kirsch, L.; Koehn, P.; Kondo, K.; Konigsberg, J.; Kopp, S.; Kordas, Kostas; Koska, W.; Kovács, Eve V.; Kowald, W.; Krasberg, M.; Kroll, J.; Kruse, M.; Kuhlmann, S. E.; Kuns, E.; Laasanen, A. T.; Labanca, N.; Lammel, S.; Lamoureux, J. I.; LeCompte, T.; Leone, S.; Lewis, J. D.; Limon, P.; Lindgren, M.; Liss, T. M.; Lockyer, N.; Loomis, C.; Long, O.; Loreti, M.; Low, E. H.; Lu, J.; Lucchesi, D.; Luchini, C. B.; Lukens, P.; Lys, J.; Maas, P.; Maeshima, K.; Maghakian, A.; Maksimovic, P.; Mangano, M.; Mansour, J.; Mariotti, M.; Marriner, J. P.; Martin, A.; Matthews, J. A. J.; Mattingly, R.; McIntyre, P.; Melese, P.; Menzione, A.; Meschi, E.; Michail, G.; Mikamo, S.; Miller, M.; Miller, R.; Mimashi, T.; Miscetti, S.; Mishina, M.; Mitsushio, H.; Miyashita, S.; Morita, Y.; Moulding, S.; Mueller, J.; Mukherjee, A.; Muller, T.; Musgrave, P.; Nakae, L. F.; Nakano, I.; Nelson, C.; Neuberger, D.; Newman-Holmes, C.; Nodulman, L.; Ogawa, S.; Oh, S. H.; Ohl, K. E.; Oishi, R.; Okusawa, T.; Pagliarone, C.; Paoletti, R.; Papadimitriou, Vaia; Pappas, S. P.; Park, S.; Patrick, J.; Pauletta, G.; Paulini, M.; Pescara, L.; Peters, M. D.; Phillips, T. J.; Piacentino, G.; Pillai, M.; Plunkett, R.; Pondrom, L.; Produit, N.; Proudfoot, J.; Ptohos, Fotios; Punzi, G.; Ragan, K.; Rimondi, F.; Ristori, L.; Roach-Bellino, M.; Robertson, W. J.; Rodrigo, T.; Romano, J.; Rosenson, L.; Sakumoto, W. K.; Saltzberg, D.; Sansoni, A.; Scarpine, V.; Schindler, A.; Schlabach, P.; Schmidt, E. E.; Schmidt, M. P.; Schneider, O.; Sciacca, G. F.; Scribano, A.; Segler, S.; Seidel, S.; Seiya, Y.; Sganos, G.; Sgolacchia, A.; Shapiro, M.; Shaw, N. M.; Shen, Q.; Shepard, P. F.; Shimojima, M.; Shochet, M.; Siegrist, J.; Sill, A.; Sinervo, P.; Singh, P.; Skarha, J.; Sliwa, K.; Smith, D. A.; Snider, F. D.; Song, L.; Song, T.; Spalding, J.; Spiegel, L.; Sphicas, Paris A.; Stanco, L.; Steele, J.; Stefanini, A.; Strahl, K.; Strait, J.; Stuart, D.; Sullivan, G.; Sumorok, K.; Swartz, R. L.; Takahashi, T.; Takikawa, K.; Tartarelli, F.; Taylor, W.; Teng, P. K.; Teramoto, Y.; Tether, S.; Theriot, D.; Thomas, J.; Thomas, T. L.; Thun, R.; Timko, M.; Tipton, P.; Titov, A.; Tkaczyk, S.; Tollefson, K.; Tollestrup, A.; Tonnison, J.; de Trocóniz, J. F.; Tseng, J.; Turcotte, M.; Turini, N.; Uemura, N.; Ukegawa, F.; Unal, G.; van den Brink, S. C.; Vejcik III, S.; Vidal, R.; Vondracek, M.; Vucunic, D.; Wagner, R. G.; Wagner, R. L.; Wainer, N.; Walker, R. C.; Wang, C.; Wang, C. H.; Wang, G.; Wang, J.; Wang, M. J.; Wang, Q. F.; Warburton, A.; Watts, G.; Watts, T.; Webb, R.; Wei, C.; Wendt, C.; Wenzel, H.; Wester III, W. C.; Westhusing, T.; Wicklund, A. B.; Wicklund, E.; Wilkinson, R.; Williams, H. H.; Wilson, P.; Winer, B. L.; Wolinski, J.; Wu, D. Y.; Wu, X.; Wyss, J.; Yagil, A.; Yao, W.; Yasuoka, K.; Ye, Y.; Yeh, G. P.; Yeh, P.; Yin, M.; Yoh, J.; Yosef, C.; Yoshida, T.; Yovanovitch, D.; Yu, I.; Yun, J. C.; Zanetti, A.; Zetti, F.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, S.; Zhang, W.; Zucchelli, S. (1996)
      We report on the reconstruction of the decay mode B0 → J/ψKS 0 using 19.3 pb-1 of data collected by the Collider Detector at Fermilab in p̄p collisions at s√ = 1.8 TeV. A signal of 41.8 ± 6.9 events, with a signal-to-background ...
    • Article  

      Reduction of spin injection efficiency by interface defect spin scattering in ZnMnSe/AlGaAs-GaAs spin-polarized light-emitting diodes 

      Stroud, R. M.; Hanbicki, A. T.; Park, Y. D.; Kioseoglou, G.; Petukhov, A. G.; Jonker, B. T.; Itskos, Grigorios; Petrou, Athos Chariton (2002)
      The effects of the interface microstructure on spin-injection efficiency in Zn1-xMnxSe/AlyGa1-yAs-GaAs spin-polarized light-emitting diodes (spin-LEDs) were studied. It was shown that the quantum well (QW) spin polarization ...
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      REGIONAL POLICIES (Book Review) 

      Christofides, Constantinos (1979)
      Reviews the book 'Regional Policies--The Current Outlook.'
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      The relevance of center vortices 

      Alexandrou, Constantia; D'Elia, M.; De Forcrand, Ph (2000)
      We show remnants of chiral symmetry breaking in the center-projected theory. We construct and study an unambiguous definition of center vortices.
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      Renormalization and mixing in lattice QCD: The case of the chromomagnetic operator 

      Constantinou, Martha G.; Costa, M. G.; Frezzotti, R.; Lubicz, V.; Martinelli, G.; Meloni, D.; Panagopoulos, Haralambos G.; Simula, S. (2014)
      We study matrix elements of the "chromomagnetic" operator on the lattice. This operator is contained in the strangeness-changing effective Hamiltonian which describes electroweak effects in the Standard Model and beyond. ...
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      Renormalization constants for 2-twist operators in twisted mass QCD 

      Alexandrou, Constantia; Constantinou, Martha; Korzec, T.; Panagopoulos, Haralambos G.; Stylianou, Fotos S. (2011)
      Perturbative and nonperturbative results on the renormalization constants of the fermion field and the twist-2 fermion bilinears are presented with emphasis on the nonperturbative evaluation of the one-derivative twist-2 ...
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      Renormalization constants of local operators for Wilson type improved fermions 

      Alexandrou, Constantia; Constantinou, Martha; Korzec, T.; Panagopoulos, Haralambos G.; Stylianou, Fotos S. (2012)
      Perturbative and nonperturbative results are presented on the renormalization constants of the quark field and the vector, axial-vector, pseudoscalar, scalar, and tensor currents. The perturbative computation, carried out ...
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      Renormalization functions for Nf=2 and Nf=4 twisted mass fermions 

      Alexandrou, Constantia; Constantinou, Martha; Panagopoulos, Haralambos G. (2017)
      We present results on the renormalization functions of the quark field and fermion bilinears with up to one covariant derivative. For the fermion part of the action, we employ the twisted mass formulation with Nf=2 and ...
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      Renormalization in lattice QCD: Some three-loop results 

      Panagopoulos, Haralambos G. (1999)
      We calculate the third coefficient of the lattice beta function in QCD with Wilson fermions, extending the pure gauge results of Lüscher and Weisz
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      Renormalization of local quark-bilinear operators for N f=3 flavors of stout link nonperturbative clover fermions 

      Constantinou, Martha G.; Horsley, R.; Panagopoulos, Haralambos G.; Perlt, H.; Rakow, P. E. L.; Schierholz, G.; Schiller, A.; Zanotti, J. M. (2015)
      The renormalization factors of local quark-bilinear operators are computed nonperturbatively for Nf=3 flavors of stout link nonperturbative clover (SLiNC) fermions, with emphasis on the various procedures for the chiral ...
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      Renormalization of the chromomagnetic operator on the lattice 

      Constantinou, Martha G.; Costa, M. G.; Frezzotti, R.; Lubicz, V.; Martinelli, G.; Meloni, D.; Panagopoulos, Haralambos G.; Simula, S. (2015)
      We present our study of the renormalization of the chromomagnetic operator, OCM, which appears in the effective Hamiltonian describing ΔS=1 transitions in and beyond the Standard Model. We have computed, perturbatively to ...