Now showing items 6-25 of 1411

    • Article  

      A search for t → τ ν q in t over(t, ̄) production 

      Abulencia, A.; Acosta, D.; Adelman, J.; Affolder, T.; Akimoto, T.; Albrow, M. G.; Ambrose, D.; Amerio, S.; Amidei, D.; Anastassov, A.; Anikeev, K.; Annovi, A.; Antos, J.; Aoki, M.; Apollinari, G.; Arguin, J. -F; Arisawa, T.; Artikov, A.; Ashmanskas, W.; Attal, A.; Azfar, F.; Azzi-Bacchetta, P.; Azzurri, P.; Bacchetta, N.; Bachacou, H.; Badgett, W.; Barbaro-Galtieri, A.; Barnes, V. E.; Barnett, B. A.; Baroiant, S.; Bartsch, V.; Bauer, G.; Bedeschi, F.; Behari, S.; Belforte, S.; Bellettini, G.; Bellinger, J.; Belloni, A.; Ben-Haim, E.; Benjamin, D.; Beretvas, Andrew; Beringer, J.; Berry, T.; Bhatti, A.; Binkley, M.; Bisello, D.; Bishai, M.; Blair, R. E.; Blocker, C.; Bloom, K.; Blumenfeld, B.; Bocci, A.; Bodek, A.; Boisvert, V.; Bolla, G.; Bolshov, A.; Bortoletto, D.; Boudreau, J.; Bourov, S.; Boveia, A.; Brau, B.; Bromberg, C.; Brubaker, E.; Budagov, J.; Budd, H. S.; Budd, S.; Burkett, K.; Busetto, G.; Bussey, P.; Byrum, K. L.; Cabrera, S.; Campanelli, M.; Campbell, M.; Canelli, Florencia M.; Canepa, A.; Carlsmith, D.; Carosi, R.; Carron, S.; Casarsa, M.; Castro, A.; Catastini, P.; Cauz, D.; Cavalli-Sforza, M.; Cerri, A.; Cerrito, L.; Chang, S. H.; Chapman, J.; Chen, Y. C.; Chertok, M.; Chiarelli, G.; Chlachidze, G.; Chlebana, F.; Cho, I.; Cho, K.; Chokheli, D.; Chou, J. P.; Chu, P. H.; Chuang, S. H.; Chung, K.; Chung, W. H.; Chung, Y. S.; Ciljak, M.; Ciobanu, C. I.; Ciocci, M. A.; Clark, A.; Clark, D.; Coca, M.; Connolly, A.; Convery, M. E.; Conway, J.; Cooper, B.; Copic, K.; Cordelli, M.; Cortiana, G.; Cruz, A.; Cuevas, J.; Culbertson, R.; Cyr, D.; DaRonco, S.; D'Auria, S.; D'onofrio, M.; Dagenhart, D.; de Barbaro, P.; De Cecco, S.; Deisher, A.; De Lentdecker, Gilles; Dell'Orso, M.; Demers, S.; Demortier, L.; Deng, J.; Deninno, M.; De Pedis, D.; Derwent, P. F.; Dionisi, Carlo; Dittmann, J. R.; DiTuro, P.; Dörr, C.; Dominguez, A.; Donati, S.; Donegà, Mauro; Dong, P.; Donini, J.; Dorigo, T.; Dube, S.; Ebina, K.; Efron, J.; Ehlers, J.; Erbacher, R.; Errede, D.; Errede, S.; Eusebi, R.; Fang, H. C.; Farrington, S.; Fedorko, I.; Fedorko, W. T.; Feild, R. G.; Feindt, M.; Fernandez, J. P.; Field, R.; Flanagan, G.; Flores-Castillo, L. R.; Foland, A.; Forrester, S.; Foster, G. W.; Franklin, M.; Freeman, J. C.; Fujii, Y.; Furic, I.; Gajjar, A.; Gallinaro, M.; Galyardt, J.; Garcia, J. E.; Garcia Sciveres, M.; Garfinkel, A. F.; Gay, C.; Gerberich, H.; Gerchtein, E.; Gerdes, D.; Giagu, S.; Giannetti, P.; Gibson, A.; Gibson, K.; Ginsburg, C.; Giolo, K.; Giordani, M.; Giunta, M.; Giurgiu, G.; Glagolev, V.; Glenzinski, D.; Gold, M.; Goldschmidt, N.; Goldstein, J.; Gomez, G.; Gomez-Ceballos, G.; Goncharov, M.; González, O.; Gorelov, I.; Goshaw, A. T.; Gotra, Y.; Goulianos, Konstantin; Gresele, A.; Griffiths, M.; Grinstein, S.; Grosso-Pilcher, C.; Grundler, U.; Guimaraes da Costa, J.; Haber, C.; Hahn, S. R.; Hahn, K.; Halkiadakis, Eva; Hamilton, A.; Han, B. -Y; Handler, R.; Happacher, F.; Hara, K.; Hare, M.; Harper, S.; Harr, R. F.; Harris, R. M.; Hatakeyama, K.; Hauser, J.; Hays, C.; Hayward, H.; Heijboer, A.; Heinemann, B.; Heinrich, J.; Hennecke, M.; Herndon, M.; Heuser, J.; Hidas, D.; Hill, C. S.; Hirschbuehl, D.; Hocker, A.; Holloway, A.; Hou, S.; Houlden, M.; Hsu, S. -C; Huffman, B. T.; Hughes, R. E.; Huston, J.; Ikado, K.; Incandela, J.; Insler, J.; Introzzi, G.; Iori, M.; Ishizawa, Y.; Ivanov, A.; Iyutin, B.; James, E.; Jang, D.; Jayatilaka, B.; Jeans, D.; Jensen, H.; Jeon, E. J.; Jones, M.; Joo, K. K.; Jun, S. Y.; Junk, T. R.; Kamon, T.; Kang, J.; Karagoz-Unel, M.; Karchin, P. E.; Kato, Y.; Kemp, Y.; Kephart, R.; Kerzel, U.; Khotilovich, V.; Kilminster, B.; Kim, D. H.; Kim, H. S.; Kim, J. E.; Kim, M. J.; Kim, M. S.; Kim, S. B.; Kim, S. H.; Kim, Y. K.; Kirby, M.; Kirsch, L.; Klimenko, S.; Klute, M.; Knuteson, B.; Ko, B. R.; Kobayashi, H.; Kondo, K.; Kong, D. J.; Konigsberg, J.; Kordas, Kostas; Korytov, A.; Kotwal, A. V.; Kovalev, A.; Kraus, J.; Kravchenko, I.; Kreps, M.; Kreymer, A.; Kroll, J.; Krumnack, N.; Kruse, M.; Krutelyov, V.; Kuhlmann, S. E.; Kusakabe, Y.; Kwang, S.; Laasanen, A. T.; Lai, S.; Lami, S.; Lammel, S.; Lancaster, M.; Lander, R. L.; Lannon, K.; Lath, A.; Latino, G.; Lazzizzera, I.; Lecci, C.; LeCompte, T.; Lee, J.; Lee, J.; Lee, S. W.; Lefèvre, R.; Leonardo, N.; Leone, S.; Levy, S.; Lewis, J. D.; Li, K.; Lin, C.; Lin, C. S.; Lindgren, M.; Lipeles, E.; Liss, T. M.; Lister, A.; Litvintsev, D. O.; Liu, T.; Liu, Y.; Lockyer, N. S.; Loginov, A.; Loreti, M.; Loverre, P.; Lu, R. -S; Lucchesi, D.; Lujan, P.; Lukens, P.; Lungu, G.; Lyons, L.; Lys, J.; Lysak, R.; Lytken, E.; Mack, P.; MacQueen, D.; Madrak, R.; Maeshima, K.; Maksimovic, P.; Manca, G.; Margaroli, F.; Marginean, R.; Marino, C.; Martin, A.; Martin, M.; Martin, V.; Martínez, M.; Maruyama, T.; Matsunaga, H.; Mattson, M. E.; Mazini, R.; Mazzanti, P.; McFarland, K. S.; McGivern, D.; McIntyre, P.; McNamara, P.; McNulty, R.; Mehta, A.; Menzemer, S.; Menzione, A.; Merkel, P.; Mesropian, C.; Messina, A.; von der Mey, M.; Miao, T.; Miladinovic, N.; Miles, J.; Miller, R.; Miller, J. S.; Mills, C.; Milnik, M.; Miquel, R.; Miscetti, S.; Mitselmakher, G.; Miyamoto, A.; Moggi, N.; Mohr, B.; Moore, R.; Morello, M.; Movilla Fernández, Pedro A.; Mülmenstädt, J.; Mukherjee, A.; Mulhearn, M.; Muller, Th; Mumford, R.; Murat, P.; Nachtman, J.; Nahn, S.; Nakano, I.; Napier, A.; Naumov, D.; Necula, V.; Neu, C.; Neubauer, M. S.; Nielsen, J.; Nigmanov, T.; Nodulman, L.; Norniella, O.; Ogawa, T.; Oh, S. H.; Oh, Y. D.; Okusawa, T.; Oldeman, R.; Orava, R.; Osterberg, K.; Pagliarone, C.; Palencia, E.; Paoletti, R.; Papadimitriou, Vaia; Papikonomou, A.; Paramonov, A. A.; Parks, B.; Pashapour, S.; Patrick, J.; Pauletta, G.; Paulini, M.; Paus, C.; Pellett, D. E.; Penzo, A.; Petruccelli, J.; Phillips, T. J.; Piacentino, G.; Piedra, J.; Pitts, K.; Plager, C.; Pondrom, L.; Pope, G.; Portell, X.; Poukhov, O.; Pounder, N.; Prakoshyn, F.; Pronko, A.; Proudfoot, J.; Ptohos, Fotios; Punzi, G.; Pursley, J.; Rademacker, J.; Rahaman, A.; Rakitin, A.; Rappoccio, S.; Ratnikov, F.; Reisert, B.; Rekovic, V.; Van Remortel, Nick; Renton, P.; Rescigno, M.; Richter, S.; Rimondi, F.; Rinnert, K.; Ristori, L.; Robertson, W. J.; Robson, A.; Rodrigo, T.; Rogers, E.; Rolli, S.; Roser, R.; Rossi, M.; Rossin, R.; Rott, C.; Ruiz, A.; Russ, J.; Rusu, V.; Ryan, D.; Saarikko, H.; Sabik, S.; Safonov, A.; Sakumoto, W. K.; Salamanna, G.; Salto, O.; Saltzberg, D.; Sanchez, C.; Santi, L.; Sarkar, S.; Sato, K.; Savard, P.; Savoy-Navarro, A.; Scheidle, T.; Schlabach, P.; Schmidt, E. E.; Schmidt, M. P.; Schmitt, M.; Schwarz, T.; Scodellaro, L.; Scott, A. L.; Scribano, A.; Scuri, F.; Sedov, A.; Seidel, S.; Seiya, Y.; Semenov, A.; Semeria, F.; Sexton-Kennedy, L.; Sfiligoi, I.; Shapiro, M. D.; Shears, T.; Shepard, P. F.; Sherman, D.; Shimojima, M.; Shochet, M.; Shon, Y.; Shreyber, I.; Sidoti, A.; Sill, A.; Sinervo, P.; Sisakyan, A.; Sjolin, J.; Skiba, A.; Slaughter, A. J.; Sliwa, K.; Smirnov, D.; Smith, J. R.; Snider, F. D.; Snihur, R.; Soderberg, M.; Soha, A.; Somalwar, S.; Sorin, V.; Spalding, J.; Spinella, F.; Squillacioti, P.; Stanitzki, M.; Staveris-Polykalas, A.; Denis, R. St; Stelzer, B.; Stelzer-Chilton, O.; Stentz, D.; Strologas, John; Stuart, D.; Suh, J. S.; Sukhanov, A.; Sumorok, K.; Sun, H.; Suzuki, T.; Taffard, A.; Tafirout, R.; Takashima, R.; Takeuchi, Y.; Takikawa, K.; Tanaka, M.; Tanaka, R.; Tecchio, M.; Teng, P. K.; Terashi, K.; Tether, S.; Thom, J.; Thompson, A. S.; Thomson, E.; Tipton, P.; Tiwari, V.; Tkaczyk, S.; Toback, D.; Tollefson, K.; Tomura, T.; Tonelli, D.; Tönnesmann, M.; Torre, S.; Torretta, D.; Tourneur, S.; Trischuk, W.; Tsuchiya, R.; Tsuno, S.; Turini, N.; Ukegawa, F.; Unverhau, T.; Uozumi, S.; Usynin, D.; Vacavant, L.; Vaiciulis, A.; Vallecorsa, S.; Varganov, A.; Vataga, E.; Velev, G.; Veramendi, G.; Veszprémi, V.; Vickey, T.; Vidal, R.; Vila, I.; Vilar, R.; Vollrath, I.; Volobouev, I.; Würthwein, F.; Wagner, P.; Wagner, R. G.; Wagner, R. L.; Wagner, W.; Wallny, R.; Walter, T.; Wan, Z.; Wang, M. J.; Wang, S. M.; Warburton, A.; Ward, B.; Waschke, S.; Waters, D.; Watts, T.; Weber, M.; Wester III, W. C.; Whitehouse, B.; Whiteson, D.; Wicklund, A. B.; Wicklund, E.; Williams, H. H.; Wilson, P.; Winer, B. L.; Wittich, P.; Wolbers, S.; Wolfe, C.; Worm, S.; Wright, T.; Wu, X.; Wynne, S. M.; Yagil, A.; Yamamoto, K.; Yamaoka, J.; Yamashita, T.; Yang, C.; Yang, U. K.; Yao, W. M.; Yeh, G. P.; Yoh, J.; Yorita, K.; Yoshida, T.; Yu, I.; Yu, S. S.; Yun, J. C.; Zanello, L.; Zanetti, A.; Zaw, I.; Zetti, F.; Zhang, X.; Zhou, J.; Zucchelli, S. (2006)
      We present a search for t over(t, ̄) events with a tau lepton in the final state. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 194 pb-1 collected with the CDF II detector from p over(p, ̄) collisions at a ...
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      Absolute nonradiative energy-conversion-efficiency spectra in Ti3+:Al2O3 crystals measured by noncontact quadrature photopyroelectric spectroscopy 

      Mandelis, Andreas; Vanniasinkam, J.; Budhudu, S.; Othonos, Andreas S.; Kokta, M. (1993)
      Photopyroelectric spectroscopy (PPES) was used in a noncontact experimental configuration to obtain high-resolution absolute spectra of the optical-to-thermal energy-conversion efficiency (nonradiative coefficient), ηNR(λ), ...
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      Acceptance and resolution simulation studies for the dielectron spectrometer HADES at GSI 

      Schicker, R.; Brenschede, A.; Garrow, K.; Schön, H.; Bałanda, A.; Bokemeyer, H.; Friese, J.; Karig, W.; Kienle, P.; Koenig, W.; Kühn, W.; Lefèvre, F.; Metag, V.; Roche, G.; Salabura, P.; Schröter, A.; Stroth, J.; Tsertos, Haralambos (1996)
      Design studies for a second generation dilepton spectrometer to be built at the SIS accelerator of GSI Darmstadt are presented. The basic design parameters of this system are specified and the different detector components ...
    • Article  

      accepted for publication 22 May 1986) 

      H Jaouen; G Ghibaudo; Christofides, Constantinos
      Electronic transport properties of heavily doped arsenic implanted silicon are reported. Hall mobility and sheet resistance as functions of temperature and frequency have been carried out both on annealed and as-implanted ...
    • Article  

      Adaptive aggregation-based domain decomposition multigrid for twisted mass fermions 

      Alexandrou, Constantia; Bacchio, S.; Finkenrath, J.; Frommer, A.; Kahl, K.; Rottmann, M. (2016)
      The adaptive aggregation-base domain decomposition multigrid method [A. Frommer, SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 36, A1581 (2014)] is extended for two degenerate flavors of twisted mass fermions. By fine-tuning the parameters we ...
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      Additional studies of the probability that the events with a superjet observed by CDF are consistent with the SM prediction 

      Apollinari, G.; Barone, M.; Benjamin, D.; Carithers, W.; Dorigo, T.; Fiori, I.; Franklin, M.; Giromini, P.; Happacher, F.; Konigsberg, J.; Kruse, M.; Miscetti, S.; Parri, A.; Ptohos, Fotios; Velev, G. (2002)
      In the IV+2, 3 jet data collected by Collider Detector at Fermilab during the 1992-1995 Fermilab collider run, 13 events were observed to contain a superjet when 4.4 × 0.6 events are expected. A previous article detailed ...
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      Additive and multiplicative renormalization of topological charge with improved gluon and fermion actions: A test case for 3-loop vacuum calculations, using overlap or clover fermions 

      Skouroupathis, A.; Panagopoulos, Haralambos G. (2005)
      We calculate perturbative renormalization properties of the topological charge, using the standard lattice discretization given by a product of twisted plaquettes. We use the overlap and clover action for fermions, and the ...
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      Ambiguous tests of general relativity on cosmological scales 

      Zuntz, J.; Baker, T.; Ferreira, P. G.; Skordis, C. (2012)
      There are a number of approaches to testing General Relativity (GR) on linear scales using parameterized frameworks for modifying cosmological perturbation theory. It is sometimes assumed that the details of any given ...
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      Amyloid-like self-assembly of a dodecapeptide sequence from the adenovirus fiber shaft: Perspectives from molecular dynamics simulations 

      Tamamis, Phanourios; Archontis, Georgios Z. (2011)
      Peptide and protein self-assembly is related to the fundamental problems of protein folding and misfolding and has potential applications in medicine, materials science and nanotechnology. Sequence repeats from self-assembling ...
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      Amyloid-like self-assembly of peptide sequences from the adenovirus fiber shaft: Insights from molecular dynamics simulations 

      Tamamis, Phanourios; Kasotakis, E.; Mitraki, A.; Archontis, Georgios Z. (2009)
      The self-assembly of peptides and proteins into nanostructures is related to the fundamental problems of protein folding and misfolding and has potential applications in medicine, materials science and nanotechnology. ...
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      Analysis of binding parameters of HIV-1 integrase inhibitors: Correlates of drug inhibition and resistance 

      Loizidou, Eriketi Z.; Zeinalipour-Yazdi, Constantinos D.; Christofides, Tasos C.; Kostrikis, Leontios G. (2009)
      This study undertook an exploratory data analysis of the binding parameters of HIV-1 integrase inhibitors. The study group involved inhibitors in preclinical development from the diketo acid, pyrroloquinoline and naphthyridine ...
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      Analysis of pion production data measured by HADES in proton-proton collisions at 1.25 GeV 

      Krücken, R.; HADES Collaboration; Agakishiev, G.; Bałanda, A.; Belver, D.; Belyaev, A.; Berger-Chen, J. C.; Blanco, A.; Böhmer, M.; Boyard, J. L.; Cabanelas, Pablo; Chernenko, S.; Dybczak, A.; Epple, E.; Fabbietti, L.; Fateev, O.; Finocchiaro, P.; Fonte, P.; Friese, J.; Fröhlich, I.; Galatyuk, T.; Garzón, J. A.; Gernhäuser, R.; Göbel, K.; Golubeva, M.; González-Díaz, D.; Guber, F.; Gumberidze, M.; Heinz, T.; Hennino, T.; Holzmann, R.; Ierusalimov, A.; Iori, I.; Ivashkin, A.; Jurkovic, M.; Kämpfer, B.; Karavicheva, T.; Koenig, I.; Koenig, W.; Kolb, B. W.; Kornakov, G.; Kotte, R.; Krása, Antonín; Krizek, F.; Kuc, H.; Kühn, W.; Kugler, A.; Kurepin, A.; Ladygin, V.; Lalik, R.; Lang, S.; Lapidus, K.; Lebedev, A.; Liu, T.; Lopes, L.; Lorenz, M.; Maier, L.; Mangiarotti, A.; Markert, J.; Metag, V.; Michalska, B.; Michel, J.; Müntz, C.; Münzer, R.; Naumann, L.; Pachmayer, Y. C.; Palka, M.; Parpottas, Yiannis; Pechenov, V.; Pechenova, O.; Pietraszko, J.; Przygoda, W.; Ramstein, B.; Reshetin, A.; Rustamov, A.; Sadovsky, A.; Salabura, P.; Schmah, A.; Schwab, E.; Siebenson, J.; Sobolev, Y. G.; Spataro, S.; Spruck, B.; Ströbele, H.; Stroth, J.; Sturm, C.; Tarantola, A.; Teilab, K.; Tlusty, P.; Traxler, M.; Trebacz, R.; Tsertos, Haralambos; Vasiliev, T.; Wagner, V.; Weber, M.; Wendisch, C.; Wüstenfeld, J.; Yurevich, S.; Zanevsky, Y.; Sarantsev, A. V.; Nikonov, V. A. (2015)
      Baryon resonance production in proton-proton collisions at a kinetic beam energy of 1.25GeV is investigated. The multi-differential data were measured by the HADES Collaboration. Exclusive channels with one pion in the ...
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      Analysis of the exclusive final state npe+e- in the quasi-free np reaction 

      HADES Collaboration; Adamczewski-Musch, J.; Arnold, O.; Atomssa, E. T.; Behnke, C.; Belounnas, Amel; Belyaev, A.; Berger-Chen, J. C.; Biernat, J.; Blanco, A.; Blume, C.; Böhmer, M.; Bordalo, P.; Chernenko, S.; Chlad, L.; Deveaux, C.; Dreyer, J.; Dybczak, A.; Epple, E.; Fabbietti, L.; Fateev, O.; Filip, P.; Fonte, P.; Franco, C.; Friese, J.; Fröhlich, I.; Galatyuk, T.; Garzón, J. A.; Gernhäuser, R.; Golubeva, M.; Guber, F.; Gumberidze, M.; Harabasz, S.; Heinz, T.; Hennino, T.; Hlavac, S.; Höhne, C.; Holzmann, R.; Ierusalimov, A.; Ivashkin, A.; Kämpfer, B.; Karavicheva, T.; Kardan, B.; Koenig, I.; Koenig, W.; Kolb, B. W.; Korcyl, G.; Kornakov, G.; Kotte, R.; Kühn, W.; Kugler, A.; Kunz, T.; Kurepin, A.; Kurilkin, A.; Kurilkin, P.; Ladygin, V.; Lalik, R.; Lapidus, K.; Lebedev, A.; Liu, T.; Lopes, L.; Lorenz, M.; Mahmoud, T.; Maier, L.; Mangiarotti, A.; Markert, J.; Maurus, S.; Metag, V.; Michel, J.; Mihaylov, D. M.; Morinière, E.; Morozov, S.; Müntz, C.; Münzer, R.; Naumann, L.; Nowakowski, K.; Palka, M.; Parpottas, Yiannis; Pechenov, V.; Pechenova, O.; Petousis, Vlassis; Petukhov, O.; Pietraszko, J.; Przygoda, W.; Ramos, S.; Ramstein, B.; Reshetin, A.; Rodriguez-Ramos, P.; Rosier, P.; Rost, A.; Sadovsky, A.; Salabura, P.; Scheib, T.; Schuldes, H.; Schwab, E.; Scozzi, F.; Seck, F.; Sellheim, P.; Siebenson, J.; Silva, L.; Sobolev, Y. G.; Spataro, S.; Ströbele, H.; Stroth, J.; Strzempek, P.; Sturm, C.; Svoboda, O.; Tlusty, P.; Traxler, M.; Tsertos, Haralambos; Usenko, E.; Wagner, V.; Wendisch, C.; Wiebusch, M. G.; Wirth, J.; Zanevsky, Y.; Zumbruch, P.; Sarantsev, A. V. (2017)
      We report on the investigation of dielectron production in tagged quasi-free neutron-proton collisions by using a deuteron beam of kinetic energy 1.25GeV/u impinging on a liquid hydrogen target. Our measurements with HADES ...
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      Analysis of the quantum numbers JPC of the X(3872) particle 

      Abulencia, A.; Adelman, J.; Affolder, T.; Akimoto, T.; Albrow, M. G.; Ambrose, D.; Amerio, S.; Amidei, D.; Anastassov, A.; Anikeev, K.; Annovi, A.; Antos, J.; Aoki, M.; Apollinari, G.; Arguin, J. -F; Arisawa, T.; Artikov, A.; Ashmanskas, W.; Attal, A.; Azfar, F.; Azzi-Bacchetta, P.; Azzurri, P.; Bacchetta, N.; Badgett, W.; Barbaro-Galtieri, A.; Barnes, V. E.; Barnett, B. A.; Baroiant, S.; Bartsch, V.; Bauer, G.; Bedeschi, F.; Behari, S.; Belforte, S.; Bellettini, G.; Bellinger, J.; Belloni, A.; Benjamin, D.; Beretvas, Andrew; Beringer, J.; Berry, T.; Bhatti, A.; Binkley, M.; Bisello, D.; Blair, R. E.; Blocker, C.; Blumenfeld, B.; Bocci, A.; Bodek, A.; Boisvert, V.; Bolla, G.; Bolshov, A.; Bortoletto, D.; Boudreau, J.; Boveia, A.; Brau, B.; Brigliadori, L.; Bromberg, C.; Brubaker, E.; Budagov, J.; Budd, H. S.; Budd, S.; Budroni, S.; Burkett, K.; Busetto, G.; Bussey, P.; Byrum, K. L.; Cabrera, S.; Campanelli, M.; Campbell, M.; Canelli, Florencia M.; Canepa, A.; Carillo, S.; Carlsmith, D.; Carosi, R.; Casarsa, M.; Castro, A.; Catastini, P.; Cauz, D.; Cavalli-Sforza, M.; Cerri, A.; Cerrito, L.; Chang, S. H.; Chen, Y. C.; Chertok, M.; Chiarelli, G.; Chlachidze, G.; Chlebana, F.; Cho, I.; Cho, K.; Chokheli, D.; Chou, J. P.; Choudalakis, G.; Chuang, S. H.; Chung, K.; Chung, W. H.; Chung, Y. S.; Ciljak, M.; Ciobanu, C. I.; Ciocci, M. A.; Clark, A.; Clark, D.; Coca, M.; Compostella, G.; Convery, M. E.; Conway, J.; Cooper, B.; Copic, K.; Cordelli, M.; Cortiana, G.; Crescioli, F.; Cuenca Almenar, C.; Cuevas, J.; Culbertson, R.; Cully, J. C.; Cyr, D.; Daronco, S.; Datta, M.; D'Auria, S.; Davies, T.; D'Onofrio, M.; Dagenhart, D.; De Barbaro, P.; De Cecco, S.; Deisher, A.; De Lentdecker, Gilles; Dell'Orso, M.; Delli Paoli, F.; Demortier, L.; Deng, J.; Deninno, M.; De Pedis, D.; Derwent, P. F.; Di Giovanni, G. P.; Dionisi, Carlo; Di Ruzza, B.; Dittmann, J. R.; Dituro, P.; Dörr, C.; Donati, S.; Donegà, Mauro; Dong, P.; Donini, J.; Dorigo, T.; Dube, S.; Efron, J.; Erbacher, R.; Errede, D.; Errede, S.; Eusebi, R.; Fang, H. C.; Farrington, S.; Fedorko, I.; Fedorko, W. T.; Feild, R. G.; Feindt, M.; Fernandez, J. P.; Field, R.; Flanagan, G.; Foland, A.; Forrester, S.; Foster, G. W.; Franklin, M.; Freeman, J. C.; Furic, I.; Gallinaro, M.; Galyardt, J.; Garcia, J. E.; Garberson, F.; Garfinkel, A. F.; Gay, C.; Gerberich, H.; Gerdes, D.; Giagu, S.; Giannetti, P.; Gibson, A.; Gibson, K.; Gimmell, J. L.; Ginsburg, C.; Giokaris, N.; Giordani, M.; Giromini, P.; Giunta, M.; Giurgiu, G.; Glagolev, V.; Glenzinski, D.; Gold, M.; Goldschmidt, N.; Goldstein, J.; Golossanov, A.; Gomez, G.; Gomez-Ceballos, G.; Goncharov, M.; González, O.; Gorelov, I.; Goshaw, A. T.; Goulianos, Konstantin; Gresele, A.; Griffiths, M.; Grinstein, S.; Grosso-Pilcher, C.; Group, R. C.; Grundler, U.; Guimaraes Da Costa, J.; Gunay-Unalan, Z.; Haber, C.; Hahn, K.; Hahn, S. R.; Halkiadakis, Eva; Hamilton, A.; Han, B. -Y; Han, J. Y.; Handler, R.; Happacher, F.; Hara, K.; Hare, M.; Harper, S.; Harr, R. F.; Harris, R. M.; Hartz, M.; Hatakeyama, K.; Hauser, J.; Heijboer, A.; Heinemann, B.; Heinrich, J.; Henderson, C.; Herndon, M.; Heuser, J.; Hidas, D.; Hill, C. S.; Hirschbuehl, D.; Hocker, A.; Holloway, A.; Hou, S.; Houlden, M.; Hsu, S. -C; Huffman, B. T.; Hughes, R. E.; Husemann, U.; Huston, J.; Incandela, J.; Introzzi, G.; Iori, M.; Ishizawa, Y.; Ivanov, A.; Iyutin, B.; James, E.; Jang, D.; Jayatilaka, B.; Jeans, D.; Jensen, H.; Jeon, E. J.; Jindariani, S.; Jones, M.; Joo, K. K.; Jun, S. Y.; Jung, J. E.; Junk, T. R.; Kamon, T.; Karchin, P. E.; Kato, Y.; Kemp, Y.; Kephart, R.; Kerzel, U.; Khotilovich, V.; Kilminster, B.; Kim, D. H.; Kim, H. S.; Kim, J. E.; Kim, M. J.; Kim, S. B.; Kim, S. H.; Kim, Y. K.; Kimura, N.; Kirsch, L.; Klimenko, S.; Klute, M.; Knuteson, B.; Ko, B. R.; Kondo, K.; Kong, D. J.; Konigsberg, J.; Korytov, A.; Kotwal, A. V.; Kovalev, A.; Kraan, A. C.; Kraus, J.; Kravchenko, I.; Kreps, M.; Kroll, J.; Krumnack, N.; Kruse, M.; Krutelyov, V.; Kubo, T.; Kuhlmann, S. E.; Kuhr, T.; Kusakabe, Y.; Kwang, S.; Laasanen, A. T.; Lai, S.; Lami, S.; Lammel, S.; Lancaster, M.; Lander, R. L.; Lannon, K.; Lath, A.; Latino, G.; Lazzizzera, I.; Lecompte, T.; Lee, J.; Lee, J.; Lee, Y. J.; Lee, S. W.; Lefèvre, R.; Leonardo, N.; Leone, S.; Levy, S.; Lewis, J. D.; Lin, C.; Lin, C. S.; Lindgren, M.; Lipeles, E.; Lister, A.; Litvintsev, D. O.; Liu, T.; Lockyer, N. S.; Loginov, A.; Loreti, M.; Loverre, P.; Lu, R. -S; Lucchesi, D.; Lujan, P.; Lukens, P.; Lungu, G.; Lyons, L.; Lys, J.; Lysak, R.; Lytken, E.; MacK, P.; MacQueen, D.; Madrak, R.; Maeshima, K.; Makhoul, K.; Maki, T.; Maksimovic, P.; Malde, S.; Manca, G.; Margaroli, F.; Marginean, R.; Marino, C.; Marino, C. P.; Martin, A.; Martin, M.; Martin, V.; Martínez, M.; Maruyama, T.; Mastrandrea, P.; Masubuchi, T.; Matsunaga, H.; Mattson, M. E.; Mazini, R.; Mazzanti, P.; McFarland, K. S.; McIntyre, P.; McNulty, R.; Mehta, A.; Mehtala, P.; Menzemer, S.; Menzione, A.; Merkel, P.; Mesropian, C.; Messina, A.; Miao, T.; Miladinovic, N.; Miles, J.; Miller, R.; Mills, C.; Milnik, M.; Mitra, A.; Mitselmakher, G.; Miyamoto, A.; Moed, S.; Moggi, N.; Mohr, B.; Moore, R.; Morello, M.; Movilla Fernández, Pedro A.; Mülmenstädt, J.; Mukherjee, A.; Muller, T.; Mumford, R.; Murat, P.; Nachtman, J.; Nagano, A.; Naganoma, J.; Nakano, I.; Napier, A.; Necula, V.; Neu, C.; Neubauer, M. S.; Nielsen, J.; Nigmanov, T.; Nodulman, L.; Norniella, O.; Nurse, E.; Oh, S. H.; Oh, Y. D.; Oksuzian, I.; Okusawa, T.; Oldeman, R.; Orava, R.; Osterberg, K.; Pagliarone, C.; Palencia, E.; Papadimitriou, Vaia; Paramonov, A. A.; Parks, B.; Pashapour, S.; Patrick, J.; Pauletta, G.; Paulini, M.; Paus, C.; Pellett, D. E.; Penzo, A.; Phillips, T. J.; Piacentino, G.; Piedra, J.; Pinera, L.; Pitts, K.; Plager, C.; Pondrom, L.; Portell, X.; Poukhov, O.; Pounder, N.; Prakoshyn, F.; Pronko, A.; Proudfoot, J.; Ptohos, Fotios; Punzi, G.; Pursley, J.; Rademacker, J.; Rahaman, A.; Ranjan, N.; Rappoccio, S.; Reisert, B.; Rekovic, V.; Renton, P.; Rescigno, M.; Richter, S.; Rimondi, F.; Ristori, L.; Robson, A.; Rodrigo, T.; Rogers, E.; Rolli, S.; Roser, R.; Rossi, M.; Rossin, R.; Ruiz, A.; Russ, J.; Rusu, V.; Saarikko, H.; Sabik, S.; Safonov, A.; Sakumoto, W. K.; Salamanna, G.; Saltó, O.; Saltzberg, D.; Sánchez, C.; Santi, L.; Sarkar, S.; Sartori, L.; Sato, K.; Savard, P.; Savoy-Navarro, A.; Scheidle, T.; Schlabach, P.; Schmidt, E. E.; Schmidt, M. P.; Schmitt, M.; Schwarz, T.; Scodellaro, L.; Scott, A. L.; Scribano, A.; Scuri, F.; Sedov, A.; Seidel, S.; Seiya, Y.; Semenov, A.; Sexton-Kennedy, L.; Sfyrla, A.; Shapiro, M. D.; Shears, T.; Shepard, P. F.; Sherman, D.; Shimojima, M.; Shochet, M.; Shon, Y.; Shreyber, I.; Sidoti, A.; Sinervo, P.; Sisakyan, A.; Sjolin, J.; Slaughter, A. J.; Slaunwhite, J.; Sliwa, K.; Smith, J. R.; Snider, F. D.; Snihur, R.; Soderberg, M.; Soha, A.; Somalwar, S.; Sorin, V.; Spalding, J.; Spinella, F.; Spreitzer, T.; Squillacioti, P.; Stanitzki, M.; Staveris-Polykalas, A.; St. Denis, R.; Stelzer, B.; Stelzer-Chilton, O.; Stentz, D.; Strologas, John; Stuart, D.; Suh, J. S.; Sukhanov, A.; Sun, H.; Suzuki, T.; Taffard, A.; Takashima, R.; Takeuchi, Y.; Takikawa, K.; Tanaka, M.; Tanaka, R.; Tecchio, M.; Teng, P. K.; Terashi, K.; Thom, J.; Thompson, A. 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      We present an analysis of angular distributions and correlations of the X(3872) particle in the exclusive decay mode X(3872)→J/ψπ+π- with J/ψ→μ+μ-. We use 780pb-1 of data from pp̄ collisions at s=1.96TeV collected with the ...
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      Analysis of the transport process providing spin injection through an Fe/AlGaAs Schottky barrier 

      Hanbicki, A. T.; Van't Erve, O. M. J.; Magno, R.; Kioseoglou, G.; Li, C. H.; Jonker, B. T.; Itskos, Grigorios; Mallory, R.; Yasar, M.; Petrou, Athos Chariton (2003)
      Electrical injection through a reverse biased Fe/AlGaAs Schottky contact was used to obtain electron-spin polarizations in a GaAs quantum well. The analysis of the transport data using the Rowell criteria shows that ...
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      Analytic Q ball solutions in a parabolic-type potential 

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      We introduce a piecewise parabolic potential for a complex scalar field and we show that it admits stable Q ball solutions. These solutions can be found analytically, unlike the case of polynomial potentials. We find stable ...
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      Analytic solutions for the evolution of domain walls 

      Theodorakis, Stavros (1999)
      We introduce an unusual asymmetric double well potential, a piecewise parabolic one, and we show that the solutions for the evolution of its domain walls can be found analytically, in contrast with the case of the standard ...
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      Analytic vortex solutions in an unusual Mexican-hat potential 

      Theodorakis, Stavros (1997)
      We introduce an unusual Mexican-hat potential, a piecewise parabolic one, and we show that its vortex solutions can be found analytically, in contrast to the case of the standard |Ψ|4 field theory.
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      Annealing Kinetics of Defects of Ion-Implanted and Furnace-Annealed Silicon Layers - Thermodynamic Approach 

      Christofides, Constantinos (1992)
      This article reviews some recent results concerning the effects of isochronal annealing and the attempts to model the kinetics of local reconstruction mechanisms of layers with different degrees of inhomogeneity such as ...
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      Anomalous electronic conductance in quasicrystals 

      Roche, S.; Moulopoulos, Konstantinos (2000)
      Subtle quantum interference effects in one-dimensional quasicrystals are reported. Quite opposite to their metallic counterparts, quasiperiodic systems are shown to exhibit interesting variations of their conducting ...