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dc.contributor.authorStylianou, S.en
dc.contributor.authorFyrillas, Marios M.en
dc.contributor.authorChrysanthou, Yiorgos L.en
dc.contributor.editorLau R.en
dc.contributor.editorBaciu G.en
dc.creatorStylianou, S.en
dc.creatorFyrillas, Marios M.en
dc.creatorChrysanthou, Yiorgos L.en
dc.description.abstractMost of the common approaches for the pedestrian simulation, used in the Graphics/VR community, are bottom-up. The avatars are individually simulated in the space and the overall behavior emerges from their interactions. This can lead to interesting results but it does not scale and can not be applied to populating a whole city. In this paper we present a novel method that can scale to a scene of almost any size. We use a top-down approach where the movement of the pedestrians is computed at a higher level, taking a global view of the model, allowing the flux and densities to be maintained at very little cost at the city level. This information is used for stochastically guiding a more detailed and realistic low level simulation when the user zooms in to a specific region, thus maintaining the consistency. At the heart of the system is an iterative method that models the flow of avatars as a random walk. People are moved around a graph of nodes until the model reaches a steady state which provides feedback for the avatar low level navigation at run time. The Negative Binomial distribution function is used to model the number of people leaving each node while the selected direction is based on the popularity of the nodes through their preference-factor. The preference-factor is a function of a number of parameters including the visibility of a node, the events taking place in it and so on. An important feature of the low-level dynamics is that a user can interactively specify a number of intuitive variables that can predictably modify the collective behavior of the avatars in a regionen
dc.description.abstractthe density, the flux and the number of people can be selectively modified. Copyright 2004 ACM.en
dc.sourceProceedings of the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, VRSTen
dc.source11th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, VRST 2004en
dc.subjectMathematical modelsen
dc.subjectComputer simulationen
dc.subjectReal time systemsen
dc.subjectIterative methodsen
dc.subjectVirtual realityen
dc.subjectRandom walken
dc.subjectPedestrian simulationen
dc.subjectLow-level dynamicsen
dc.titleScalable pedestrian simulation for virtual citiesen
dc.description.endingpage72 Σχολή Θετικών και Εφαρμοσμένων Επιστημών / Faculty of Pure and Applied SciencesΤμήμα Πληροφορικής / Department of Computer Science
dc.type.uhtypeConference Objecten
dc.description.notes<p>Sponsors: ACM SIGCHIen
dc.description.notesACM SIGGRAPHen
dc.description.notesConference code: 65111en
dc.description.notesCited By :17</p>en
dc.contributor.orcidChrysanthou, Yiorgos L. [0000-0001-5136-8890]

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