Now showing items 433-452 of 1952

    • Article  

      D3-machine: A decoupled data-driven multithreaded architecture with variable resolution support 

      Evripidou, Paraskevas (2001)
      This paper presents the Decoupled Data-Driven machine (D3-machine), a multithreaded architecture with data-driven synchronization. The D3-machine is an efficient and cost-effective design that combines the advantages of ...
    • Article  

      The Danger of Interval-Based Power Efficiency Metrics: When Worst Is Best 

      Sazeides, Yiannakis; Constantinou, T.; Kumar, R.; Tullsen, D. M. (2005)
      This paper shows that if the execution of a program is divided into distinct intervals, it is possible for one processor or configuration to provide the best power efficiency over every interval, and yet have worse overall ...
    • Book Chapter  

      DART: a data-driven processor architecture for real-time computing 

      Farquhar, William G.; Evripidou, Paraskevas (Publ by Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., 1993)
      This paper presents the design of DART, a Data-driven processor Architecture for Real-Time computing. The DART processor is designed to be the key building block in real-time multiprocessor systems that can handle multiple ...
    • Conference Object  

      Data acquisition in sensor networks with large memories 

      Zeinalipour-Yazdi, Constantinos D.; Neema, S.; Kalogeraki, Vana; Gunopulos, Dimitrios; Najjar, W. (2005)
      Sensor Networks will soon become ubiquitous, making them essential tools for monitoring the activity and evolution of our surrounding environment. However such environments are expected to generate vast amounts of temporal ...
    • Book Chapter  

      Data Dissemination in Public Safety Networks 

      Kolios, Panayiotis; Pitsillides, Andreas; Mokryn, O.; Papdaki, K. (Elsevier Inc., 2016)
      Improved situational awareness and public reassurance during the preparedness and response phase of a disaster enable timely and accurate actions that result in decreasing the disaster's impact and, ultimately, safeguarding ...
    • Article  

      Data driven evaluation of crowds 

      Lerner, A.; Chrysanthou, Yiorgos L.; Shamir, A.; Cohen-Or, D. (2009)
      There are various techniques for simulating crowds, however, in most cases the quality of the simulation is measured by examining its "look-and- feel". Even if the aggregate movement of the crowd looks natural from afar, ...
    • Article  

      Data Driven Network of Workstations (D2NOW) 

      Evripidou, Paraskevas; Kyriacou, Costas (2000)
      This paper presents the Data Driven Network Of Workstations (D2NOW), a multithreaded architecture that is based on the Decoupled Data Driven model of execution. This model decouples the synchronization from the computation ...
    • Book  

      Data management for mobile computing 

      Pitoura, Evaggelia 1967-; Samaras, George S. (Kluwer Academic, 1998)
    • Conference Object  

      A data mashup language for the Data Web 

      Jarrar, M.; Dikaiakos, Marios D. (2009)
      This paper is motivated by the massively increasing structured data on the Web (Data Web), and the need for novel methods to exploit these data to their full potential. Building on the remarkable success of Web 2.0 mashups, ...
    • Article  

      Data mining techniques and applications in medicine 

      Zupan, B.; Lavrac̃, Nada; Keravnou-Papailiou, Elpida T. (1999)
    • Conference Object  

      Data parallel acceleration of decision support queries using cell/BE and GPUs 

      Trancoso, Pedro; Othonos, D.; Artemiou, A. (2009)
      Decision Support System (DSS) workloads are known to be one of the most time-consuming database workloads that processes large data sets. Traditionally, DSS queries have been accelerated using large-scale multiprocessor. ...
    • Conference Object  

      Data privacy considerations in Intensive Care Grids 

      Luna, J.; Dikaiakos, Marios D.; Kyprianou, T.; Bilas, Angelos 1971-; Marazakis, M. (2008)
      Novel eHealth systems are being designed to provide a citizen-centered health system, however the even demanding need for computing and data resources has required the adoption of Grid technologies. In most of the cases, ...
    • Conference Object  

      Data protection issues of integrated Electronic Health Records (EHR) 

      Schiza, Eirini C.; Fakas, Georgios John; Pattichis, Constantinos S.; Petkov, N.; Schizas, Christos N. (Springer Verlag, 2016)
      An Electronic Health Record (EHR) of a patient in perspective maintains the medical history of the citizen electronically in medical databanks serviced locally or is cloud based. The ownership and the access control should ...
    • Article  

      Data-centric privacy protocol for intensive care grids 

      Luna, J.; Dikaiakos, Marios D.; Marazakis, M.; Kyprianou, T. (2010)
      Modern e-Health systems require advanced computing and storage capabilities, leading to the adoption of technologies like the grid and giving birth to novel health grid systems. In particular, intensive care medicine uses ...
    • Article  

      A Data-Driven Framework for Visual Crowd Analysis 

      Charalambous, Panayiotis; Karamouzas, I.; Guy, S. J.; Chrysanthou, Yiorgos L. (2014)
      We present a novel approach for analyzing the quality of multi-agent crowd simulation algorithms. Our approach is data-driven, taking as input a set of user-defined metrics and reference training data, either synthetic or ...
    • Article  

      Data-driven multithreading using conventional microprocessors 

      Kyriacou, Costas; Evripidou, Paraskevas; Trancoso, Pedro (2006)
      This paper describes the Data-Driven Multithreading (DDM) model and how it may be implemented using off-the-shelf microprocessors. Data-Driven Multithreading is a nonblocking multithreading execution model that tolerates ...
    • Conference Object  

      Data-Driven Serendipity Navigation in Urban Places 

      Ge, X.; Daphalapurkar, A.; Shimpi, M.; Kohli, D.; Pelechrinis, K.; Chrysanthis, Panos K.; Zeinalipour-Yazdi, Constantinos D. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017)
      With the proliferation of mobile computing and the ability to collect detailed data for the urban environment a number of systems that aim at providing Points of Interest (POIs) and tour recommendations have appeared. The ...
    • Article  

      Data-Driven Thread Execution on Heterogeneous Processors 

      Arandi, Samer; Matheou, George; Kyriacou, Costas; Evripidou, Paraskevas (2017)
      In this paper we report our experience in implementing and evaluating the Data-Driven Multithreading (DDM) model on a heterogeneous multi-core processor. DDM is a non-blocking multithreading model that decouples the ...
    • Article  

      Data-driven user profiling to support web adaptation through cognitive styles and navigation behavior 

      Germanakos, Panagiotis; Papatheocharous, Efi; Belk, Marios; Samaras, George S. (2012)
      This paper aims to analyze human navigation behavior and identify similarities of cognitive styles using measures obtained from psychometric tests. Specific navigation metrics are utilized to find identifiable groups of ...
    • Conference Object  

      Data-flow vs control-flow for extreme level computing 

      Evripidou, Paraskevas; Kyriacou, Costas (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2014)
      This paper challenges the current thinking for building High Performance Computing (HPC) Systems, which is currently based on the sequential computing also known as the von Neumann model, by proposing the use of Novel ...