Now showing items 1590-1609 of 1952

    • Conference Object  

      Scalability and efficiency of database queries on future many-core systems 

      Petrides, P.; Diavastos, Andreas; Christofi, Constantinos; Trancoso, Pedro (2013)
      Decision Support System (DSS) workloads are known to be one of the most time-consuming database workloads that process large data sets. Traditionally, DSS queries have been accelerated using large-scale multiprocessors. ...
    • Conference Object  

      Scalable and dynamic global power management for multicore chips 

      Otoom, M.; Trancoso, Pedro; Almasaeid, H.; Alzubaidi, M. (Association for Computing Machinery, 2015)
      The design for continuous computer performance is increasingly becoming limited by the exponential increase in the power consumption. In order to improve the energy efficiency of multicore chips, we propose a novel global ...
    • Conference Object  

      A scalable hash-based mobile agent location mechanism 

      Kastidou, G.; Pitoura, Evaggelia 1967-; Samaras, George S. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2003)
      In this paper, we propose a novel mobile agent tracking mechanism based on hashing. To allow our system to adapt to variable workloads, dynamic rehashing is supported The proposed mechanism scales well with both the number ...
    • Conference Object  

      Scalable Mockup Experiments on Smartphones Using Smart Lab 

      Larkou, G.; Mintzis, M.; Andreou, Panayiotis G.; Konstantinidis, Andreas; Zeinalipour-Yazdi, Constantinos D. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2015)
      In this paper we present a comprehensive architecture to carry out experimental repeatability studies on clusters of smartphones. Our architecture is founded on Smart Lab1, our in-house architecture for managing real and ...
    • Conference Object  

      Scalable pedestrian simulation for virtual cities 

      Stylianou, S.; Fyrillas, Marios M.; Chrysanthou, Yiorgos L. (2004)
      Most of the common approaches for the pedestrian simulation, used in the Graphics/VR community, are bottom-up. The avatars are individually simulated in the space and the overall behavior emerges from their interactions. ...
    • Conference Object  

      Scheduling workflows with budget constraints 

      Sakellariou, R.; Zhao, H.; Tsiakkouri, E.; Dikaiakos, Marios D. (Springer Science and Business Media, LLC, 2007)
      Grids are emerging as a promising solution for resource and computation demanding applications. However, the heterogeneity of resources in Grid computing, complicates resource management and scheduling of applications. In ...
    • Article  

      SciChallenge: A Social Media Aware Platform for Contest-Based STEM Education and Motivation of Young Students 

      Achilleos, Achilleas P.; Mettouris, Christos; Yeratziotis, Alexandros; Papadopoulos, George A.; Pllana, Sabri; Huber, Florian; Jäger, Bernhard; Leitner, Peter; Ocsovszky, Zsófia; Dinnyés, András (2019)
    • Article  

      The scientific contribution of marek sergot 

      Barker, S.; Jones, A. J. I.; Kakas, Antonis C.; Kowalski, R. A.; Lomuscio, A.; Miller, R.; Muggleton, S.; Sartor, G. (2012)
      Marek Sergot's technical contributions range over different subjects. He has developed a series of novel ideas and formal methods bridging different research domains, such as artificial intelligence, computational logic, ...
    • Conference Object  

      A screening system for the assessment of opacity profusion in chest radiographs of miners with pneumoconiosis 

      Pattichis, Marios S.; Pattichis, Constantinos S.; Christodoulou, Christodoulos I.; James, D.; Ketai, L.; Soliz, P. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2002)
      The aim of this study was to develop a screening system of chest radiographs of miners with pneumoconiosis. Chest radiographs were of coal mine or silica dust exposed miners participating in a health screening program. A ...
    • Article  

      Search Engines for the Grid: A Research Agenda 

      Dikaiakos, Marios D.; Ioannidis, Y.; Sakellariou, R. (2004)
      A preliminary study of the issues surrounding a seach engine for Grid environments, GRISEN, that would enable the provision of a variety of Grid information services, such as locating useful resources, learning about their ...
    • Article  

      Searching for software on the EGEE infrastructure 

      Pallis, George C.; Katsifodimos, A.; Dikaiakos, Marios D. (2010)
      Several large-scale Grid infrastructures are currently in operation around the world, federating an impressive collection of computational resources, a wide variety of application software, and hundreds of user communities. ...
    • Conference Object  

      Securing mobile healthcare systems based on information classification: DITIS case study 

      Stavrou, Eliana; Pitsillides, Andreas (2006)
      Healthcare applications require special attention regarding security issues since healthcare is associated with mission critical services that are connected with the well being of life. Security raises special considerations ...
    • Article  

      Security Agent Location in the Internet of Things 

      Ioannou, Christiana; Vassiliou, Vasos (2019)
      The Internet of Things (IoT) provides the ability to extend the Internet into devices and everyday objects, in a way that they are uniquely addressable. Sensors, actuators, as well as everyday devices and objects, such as ...
    • Conference Object  

      Security And Privacy Of Medical Data: Challenges For Next-Generation Patient-Centric Healthcare Systems 

      Janjic, Vladimir; Bowles, Juliana; Belk, Marios; Pitsillides, Andreas (Association for Computing Machinery, 2019)
      We describe the recently-started EU H2020 Serums: Securing Medical Data in Smart Patient-Centric Healthcare Systems project that aims to develop novel techniques for safe and secure collection, storage, exchange and analysis ...
    • Conference Object  

      Security and usability in knowledge-based user authentication: A review 

      Katsini, Christina P.; Belk, Marios; Fidas, Christos A.; Avouris, Nikolaos M.; Samaras, George S. (Association for Computing Machinery, 2016)
      This paper presents a comprehensive review of state-of-the-art research works in knowledge-based user authentication, covering the security and usability aspects of the most prominent user authentication schemes
    • Conference Object  

      Security evaluation methodology for intrusion recovery protocols in wireless sensor networks 

      Stavrou, Eliana; Pitsillides, Andreas (2012)
      Researchers have designed intrusion recovery protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) with the aim of restoring compromised services and promoting a secure and reliable environment in WSNs. Currently, evaluation frameworks ...
    • Article  

      Security for diversity: Studying the effects of verbal and imagery processes on user authentication mechanisms 

      Belk, Marios; Fidas, Christos A.; Germanakos, Panagiotis; Samaras, George S. (2013)
      Stimulated by a large number of different theories on human cognition, suggesting that individuals have different habitual approaches in retrieving, recalling, processing and storing verbal and graphical information, this ...
    • Conference Object  

      Security in future mobile sensor networks - Issues and challenges 

      Stavrou, Eliana; Pitsillides, Andreas; Hadjichristofi, George C.; Hadjicostis, Christoforos N. (2010)
      Existing security research in wireless sensor networks is based on specific assumptions about the nodes and the network environment that are tied to specific usage scenarios. Typical scenarios consider sensor nodes that ...
    • Conference Object  

      Segmentation of atherosclerotic carotid plaque in ultrasound video 

      Loizou, Christos P.; Petroudi, Styliani; Pattichis, Constantinos S.; Pantzaris, Marios C.; Kasparis, Takis; Nicolaïdes, Andrew N. (2012)
      The degree of stenosis of the common carotid artery (CCA) but also the characteristics of the arterial wall including plaque size, composition and elasticity represent important predictors used in the assessment of the ...
    • Article  

      Segmentation of the common carotid intima-media complex in ultrasound images using active contours 

      Petroudi, Styliani; Loizou, Christos P.; Pantzaris, Marios C.; Pattichis, Constantinos S. (2012)
      The segmentation of the intima-media complex (IMC) of the common carotid artery (CCA) wall is important for the evaluation of the intima media thickness (IMT) on B-mode ultrasound (US) images. The IMT is considered an ...