Now showing items 1519-1538 of 1952

    • Conference Object  

      Radio Map Prefetching for Indoor Navigation in Intermittently Connected Wi-Fi Networks 

      Konstantinidis, Andreas; Nikolaides, G.; Chatzimilioudis, Georgios; Evagorou, G.; Zeinalipour-Yazdi, Constantinos D.; Chrysanthis, Panos K. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2015)
      Wi-Fi (or WLAN) based indoor navigation applications for mobiles rely on cloud-based services (s) that take care of a user's (u) localization task using structures called Radio Maps (RMs). It is imperative for u to have a ...
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      Radiogenomics for Precision Medicine With a Big Data Analytics Perspective 

      Panayides, Andreas S.; Pattichis, Marios S.; Leandrou, Stephanos; Pitris, Costas; Constantinidou, Anastasia; Pattichis, Constantinos S. (2019)
      Precision medicine promises better healthcare delivery by improving clinical practice. Using evidence-based substratification of patients, the objective is to achieve better prognosis, diagnosis, and treatment that will ...
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    • Conference Object  

      The Radiosity Diffusion model in 3D 

      Riley, J. D.; Arridge, S. R.; Chrysanthou, Yiorgos L.; Dehghani, H.; Hillman, E. M. C.; Schweiger, M. (2001)
      We present the Radiosity-Diffusion model in three dimensions (3D), as an extension to previous work in 2D. It is a method for handling non-scattering spaces in optically participating media. We present the extension of the ...
    • Conference Object  

      RAN selection for converged networks supporting IMS signalling and MBMS service 

      Antoniou, Josephina; Stylianou, Marios; Pitsillides, Andreas (2007)
      Future Communication Networks are envisioned to be based upon a common, flexible and scalable convergence platform, where different access networks, different terminals and different services can coexist. The new user ...
    • Conference Object  

      A randomized, O(log w)-depth 2-smoothing network 

      Mavronicolas, Marios; Sauerwald, T. (2009)
      A K-smoothing network is a distributed, low-contention data structure where tokens arrive arbitrarily on w input wires and reach w output wires via their completely asynchronous propagation through the network. The maximum ...
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      Rank-invariant transformations and controllability of large-scale systems 

      Schizas, Christos N.; Evans, F. J. (1980)
      The relevance of structure to the exact determination of rank in large-scale systems is discussed, with particular reference to state transformations and the conditions for controllability (observability). The structural ...
    • Conference Object  

      Ranking and performance exploration of Grid infrastructures: An interactive approach 

      Tsouloupas, George; Dikaiakos, Marios D. (2006)
      In the ever-growing Grid infrastructures picking the right resources is not an easy task. There are situations were finding enough idle CPU's that satisfy a set of minimum nominal hardware requirements is simply not enough. ...
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      Rapid prototyping of the data-driven chip-multiprocessor (D 2-CMP) using FPGAs 

      Tatas, Konstantinos; Kyriacou, Costas; Evripidou, Paraskevas; Trancoso, Pedro; Wong, S. (2008)
      This paper presents the FPGA implementation of the prototype for the Data-Driven Chip-Multiprocessor (D2-CMP). In particular, we study the implementation of a Thread Synchronization Unit (TSU) on FPGA, a hardware unit that ...
    • Conference Object  

      Rayzit: An Anonymous and Dynamic Crowd Messaging Architecture 

      Costa, Constantinos; Anastasiou, Chrysovalantis; Chatzimilioudis, Georgios; Zeinalipour-Yazdi, Constantinos D. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2015)
      The smartphone revolution has introduced a new era of social networks where users communicate over anonymous messaging platforms to exchange opinions, ideas and even carry out commerce. These platforms enable individuals ...
    • Conference Object  

      RC-BB switch a high performance switching network for B-ISDN 

      Chen, Hongxu; Lambert, Jim; Pitsillides, Andreas (1995)
      Multistage networks are strong candidates for implementation of ATM switching fabrics in B-ISDN networks. Among a number of proposed multistage networks, the Banyan network with its self-routing property, modular structure ...
    • Article  

      Real-time 3D human pose and motion reconstruction from monocular RGB videos 

      Yiannakides, Anastasios; Aristidou, Andreas; Chrysanthou, Yiorgos (2019)
      Real-time three-dimensional (3D) pose estimation is of high interest in interactive applications, virtual reality, activity recognition, and most importantly, in the growing gaming industry. In this work, we present a ...
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      Real-Time Adaptation to Time-Varying Constraints for Medical Video Communications 

      Antoniou, Zinonas C.; Panayides, Andreas S.; Pantzaris, Marios C.; Constantinides, Anthony G.; Pattichis, Constantinos S.; Pattichis, Marios S. (2017)
      The wider adoption of mobile Health (mHealth) video communication systems in standard clinical practice requires real-time control to provide for adequate levels of clinical video quality to support reliable diagnosis. The ...
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      Real-Time Adaptation to Time-Varying Constraints for Medical Video Communications 

      Antoniou, Zinonas C.; Panayides, Andreas S.; Pantzaris, Marios; Constantinides, Anthony G.; Pattichis, Constantinos S.; Pattichis, Marios S. (2018)
      The wider adoption of mobile Health video communication systems in standard clinical practice requires real-time control to provide for adequate levels of clinical video quality to support reliable diagnosis. The latter ...
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      Real-time coordination in distributed multimedia systems 

      Limniotes, Theophilos A.; Papadopoulos, George Angelos (2000)
      The coordination paradigm has been used extensively as a mechanism for software composition and integration. However, little work has been done for the cases where the software components involved have real-time requirements. ...
    • Conference Object  

      Real-time graph visualization tool for vehicular ad-hoc networks: (VIVAGr: VIsualization tool of VAnet Graphs in real-time) 

      Spanakis, E.; Efstathiades, Christodoulos; Pallis, George C.; Dikaiakos, Marios D. (2011)
      In this work we describe VIVAGr, a graphical-oriented real time visualization tool for vehicular ad-hoc network connectivity graphs. This tool enables the effective synthesis of structural, topological, and dynamic ...
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      Real-time shadows for animated crowds in virtual cities 

      Loscos, C.; Tecchia, F.; Chrysanthou, Yiorgos L. (2001)
      In this paper, we address the problem of shadow computation for large environments including thousands of dynamic objects. The method we propose is based on the assumption that the environment is 2.5D, which is often the ...
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      Real-time web crawler detection 

      Balla, A.; Stassopoulou, Athena; Dikaiakos, Marios D. (2011)
      In this paper we present a methodology for detecting web crawlers in real time. We use decision trees to classify requests in real time, as originating from a crawler or human, while their session is ongoing. For this ...
    • Conference Object  

      A realistic evaluation and comparison of indoor location technologies: Experiences and lessons learned 

      Lymberopoulos, D.; Liu, J.; Yang, X.; Choudhury, R. R.; Handziski, V.; Sen, S.; Lemic, F.; Busch, J.; Jiang, Z.; Zou, H.; Jiang, H.; Ashok, A.; Xu, C.; Ghose, A.; Ahmed, N.; Zhang, C.; Xiao, Z.; Wen, H.; Schmid, T.; Lee, D.; Klepal, M.; Beder, C.; Nikodem, M.; Szymczak, S.; Hoffmann, P.; Selavo, L.; Giustiniano, D.; Lenders, V.; Rea, M.; Marcaletti, A.; Laoudias, Christos; Zeinalipour-Yazdi, Constantinos D.; Tsai, Y. -K; Abrudan, T. E.; Markham, A.; Bestmann, A.; Reimann, R.; Li, L.; Zhao, C.; Adler, S.; Schmitt, S.; Lazik, P.; Rajagopal, N.; Rowe, A.; Dentamaro, V.; Colucci, D.; Ambrosini, P.; Ferraz, A. S.; Martins, L. Q. L.; Bello, P.; Alvino, A.; Sark, V.; Pirkl, G.; Hevesi, P. (Association for Computing Machinery, Inc, 2015)
      We present the results, experiences and lessons learned from comparing a diverse set of technical approaches to indoor localization during the 2014 Microsoft Indoor Localization Competition. 22 different solutions to indoor ...