Now showing items 835-854 of 1952

    • Conference Object  

      HAAPIE 2016: 1st international workshop on human aspects in adaptive and personalized interactive environments: Preface 

      Germanakos, Panagiotis; Belk, Marios; Samaras, George S.; Dimitrova, V. (CEUR-WS, 2016)
      Nowadays, the profound digital transformation has upgraded the role of the computational system into an intelligent multidimensional communication medium that creates new opportunities, competencies, models and processes. ...
    • Conference Object  

      Haemostasis in minimal invasive gynaecological surgery energies: Technical aspects, safety and efficacy 

      Tanos, Vasilios; Neofytou, Marios S.; Pattichis, Constantinos S. (Springer Verlag, 2016)
      The objective of this article is to examine the options, the effectiveness and the safety of the energies used in gynaecological minimal invasive surgery (MIGS), laparoscopic surgery developed in the end of 20th century. ...
    • Article  

      Hand tracking with physiological constraints 

      Aristidou, Andreas (2018)
      Articulated hand tracking systems have been commonly used in virtual reality applications, including systems with human–computer interaction or interaction with game consoles
    • Book  

      Handbook of Speckle Filtering and Tracking in Cardiovascular Ultrasound Imaging and Video 

      Loizou, Christos P.; Pattichis, Constantinos S.; D'hooge, Jan; Loizou, Christos P. [0000-0003-1247-8573]; Pattichis, Constantinos S. [0000-0003-1271-8151] (IET Digital Library, 2018)
      Ultrasound imaging technology has experienced a dramatic change in the last 30 years. Because of its non-invasive nature and continuing improvements in image quality, ultrasound imaging is progressively achieving an important ...
    • Conference Object  

      Handover control in MBMS enabled 3G mobile cellular networks 

      Christophorou, C.; Pitsillides, Andreas; Binucci, N. (2007)
      Handover Control in a cellular infrastructure aims to provide continuity of mobile services to a user traveling over cell boundaries. Using the existing Handover Control algorithm in 3rd Generation (3G) Mobile Cellular ...
    • Article  

      Hardware budget and runtime system for data-driven multithreaded chip multiprocessor 

      Stavrou, Kyriakos; Trancoso, Pedro; Evripidou, Paraskevas (2006)
      The Data-Driven Multithreading Chip Multiprocessor (DDM-CMP) architecture has been shown to overcome the power and memory wall limitations by combining two key technologies: the use of the Data-Driven Multithreading (DDM) ...
    • Book Chapter  

      The HARPA Approach to Ensure Dependable Performance 

      Zompakis, Nikolaos; Noltsis, Michail; Nikolaou, Panagiota; Englezakis, Panayiotis; Hadjilambrou, Zacharias; Ndreu, Lorena; Massari, Giuseppe; Libutti, Simone; Portero, Antoni; Sassi, Federico; Bacchini, Alessandro; Nicopoulos, Chrysostomos; Sazeides, Yiannakis; Vavrik, Radim; Golasowski, Martin; Sevcik, Jiri; Kuchar, Stepan; Vondrak, Vit; Agnes, Fritsch; Cappelle, Hans; Catthoor, Francky; Fornaciari, William; Soudris, Dimitrios (Springer International Publishing, 2019)
      The goal of the HARPA solution is to overcome the performance variability (PV) by enabling next-generation embedded and high-performance platforms using heterogeneous many-core processors to provide cost-effectively ...
    • Conference Object  

      HARPA: Solutions for dependable performance under physically induced performance variability 

      Rodopoulos, Dimitrios; Corbetta, S.; Massari, Giuseppe; Libutti, S.; Catthoor, F.; Sazeides, Yiannakis; Nicopoulos, Chrysostomos A.; Portero, Antoni; Cappe, E.; Vavrík, R.; Vondrák, V.; Soudris, Dimitrios J.; Sassi, F.; Fritsch, A.; Fornaciari, W. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2015)
      Transistor miniaturization, combined with the dawn of novel switching semiconductor structures, calls for careful examination of the variability and aging of the computer fabric. Time-zero and time-dependent phenomena need ...
    • Conference Object  

      HARPA: Tackling physically induced performance variability 

      Zompakis, Nikolaos; Noltsis, Michail; Ndreu, L.; Hadjilambrou, Zacharias; Englezakis, Panayiotis; Nikolaou, Panagiota; Portero, Antoni; Libutti, S.; Massari, Giuseppe; Sassi, F.; Bacchini, A.; Nicopoulos, Chrysostomos A.; Sazeides, Yiannakis; Vavrik, R.; Golasowski, M.; Sevcik, J.; Vondrak, V.; Catthoor, F.; Fornaciari, W.; Soudris, Dimitrios J. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017)
      Continuously increasing application demands on both High Performance Computing (HPC) and Embedded Systems (ES) are driving the IC manufacturing industry on an everlasting scaling of devices in silicon. Nevertheless, ...
    • Conference Object  

      Harvesting large-scale grids for software resources 

      Katsifodimos, A.; Pallis, George C.; Dikaiakos, Marios D. (2009)
      Grid infrastructures are in operation around the world, federating an impressive collection of computational resources and a wide variety of application software. In this context, it is important to establish advanced ...
    • Article  

      Hash-based overlay partitioning in unstructured peer-to-peer systems 

      Papadakis, Charis; Fragopoulou, Paraskevi; Markatos, Evangelos P.; Dikaiakos, Marios D.; Labrinidis, Alexandros (2009)
      Unstructured peer-to-peer (P2P) networks suffer from the increased volume of traffic produced by flooding. Methods such as random walks or dynamic querying managed to limit the traffic at the cost of reduced network coverage. ...
    • Conference Object  

      Health telematics training network (HEALTHNET) 

      Pattichis, Constantinos S. (2000)
      This paper describes the work in progress of the European Commission DG XXII Education, Training and Youth Leonardo da Vinci programme Health Telematics Training Network (HEALTHNET) (Project No: CY/97/2/00988/PI/II.l.l.c/CONT). ...
    • Article  

      Healthcare Informatics and Privacy 

      Iyengar, Arun; Kundu, Ashish; Pallis, George (2018)
      While the Internet promises a future for universally accessible and more intelligent healthcare, the privacy of patients, doctors, nurses, and healthcare providers is of greater concern today than ever. This special issue ...
    • Article  

      Healthcare telematic applications in Cyprus 

      Pattichis, Constantinos S.; Schizas, Christos N.; Andreou, Andreas S. (2002)
      Objectives: a) To present a review of ongoing health telematic applications in Cyprus. b) To promote the use of these health telematic applications in the Cyprus region. c) To help in the spin off of other health telematic ...
    • Conference Object  

      HelperCoreDB: Exploiting multicore technology for databases 

      Papadopoulos, Kostas; Stavrou, Kyriakos; Trancoso, Pedro (2007)
    • Conference Object  

      HelperCoreDB: Exploiting multicore technology to improve database performance 

      Papadopoulos, Kostas; Stavrou, Kyriakos; Trancoso, Pedro (2008)
      Due to limitations in the traditional microprocessor design, such as high complexity and power, all current commercial high-end processors contain multiple cores on the same chip (multicore). This trend is expected to ...
    • Book Chapter  

      Helping Forensic Analysts to Attribute Cyber-Attacks: An Argumentation-Based Reasoner 

      Karafili, Erisa; Wang, Linna; Kakas, Antonis C.; Lupu, Emil (Springer International Publishing, 2018)
    • Conference Object  

      Heterogeneous grid computing: Issues and early benchmarks 

      Kenny, E.; Coghlan, B.; Tsouloupas, George; Dikaiakos, Marios D.; Walsh, J.; Childs, S.; O'Callaghan, D.; Quigley, G. (2005)
      A heterogeneous implementation of the current LCG2/EGEE grid computing software is supported in the Grid-Ireland infrastructure. The porting and testing of the current software version of LCG2 is presented for different ...
    • Conference Object  

      Heterogeneous- and NUMA-aware scheduling for many-core architectures 

      Petrides, P.; Trancoso, Pedro (Association for Computing Machinery, Inc, 2017)
      As the number of cores increases in a single chip processor, several challenges arise: wire delays, contention for out-ofchip accesses, and core heterogeneity. In order to address these issues and the applications demands, ...
    • Conference Object  

      Heuristic guided optimization for propositional planning 

      Sideris, A.; Dimopoulos, Yannis (AAAI press, 2014)
      Planning as Satisfiability is an important approach to Propositional Planning. A serious drawback of the method is its limited scalability, as the instances that arise from large planning problems are often too hard for ...