Now showing items 21-40 of 1952

    • Article  

      Access network synthesis game in next generation networks 

      Antoniou, Josephina; Koukoutsidis, I.; Jaho, E.; Pitsillides, Andreas; Stavrakakis, I. (2009)
      In next generation communication networks, multiple access networks will coexist on a common service platform. In cases where network resource planning indicates that individual access network resources are insufficient ...
    • Article  

      Achieving reliability in master-worker computing via evolutionary dynamics 

      Christoforou, Evgenia; Fernández Anta, Antonio; Georgiou, Chryssis; Mosteiro, Miguel A.; Sánchez, A. (2012)
      This work considers Internet-based task computations in which a master process assigns tasks, over the Internet, to rational workers and collect their responses. The objective is for the master to obtain the correct task ...
    • Article  

      ACLP: Abductive Constraint Logic Programming 

      Kakas, Antonis C.; Michael, Antonia; Mourlas, Constantinos (2000)
      This paper presents the framework of Abductive Constraint Logic Programming (ACLP), which integrates Abductive Logic Programming (ALP) and Constraint Logic Programming (CLP). In ACLP, the task of abduction is supported and ...
    • Article  

      ACLP: Flexible solutions to complex problems 

      Kakas, Antonis C.; Mourlas, G. (1997)
      In this paper we present a new system for non-monotonic reasoning performed using abduction. The system, called ACLP, is a programming language based on the framework of Abductive and Constraint Logic Programming (ACLP) ...
    • Article  

      ACM International Conference Proceeding Series: Foreword 

      Zeinalipour-Yazdi, Constantinos D.; Lee, W. -C (2010)
    • Conference Object  

      Active folders: A metaphor for developing and interacting with context-aware applications 

      Polyviou, S.; Samaras, George S.; Evripidou, Paraskevas (2006)
      Query by Browsing (QBB) is a relationally complete paradigm for creating Visual Query Language (VQL)s. It has been adapted successfully for use on handheld devices in the form of the Chiromancer interface, thus placing ...
    • Conference Object  

      An ActOn-based semantic information service for EGEE 

      Xing, Wei; Corcho, O.; Goble, C.; Dikaiakos, Marios D. (2007)
      We describe an information service that aggregates metadata available in hundreds of information sources of the EGEE Grid infrastructure. It uses an ontology-based information integration architecture (ActOn), which is ...
    • Article  

      An ActOn-based semantic information service for Grids 

      Xing, Wei; Corcho, O.; Goble, C.; Dikaiakos, Marios D. (2010)
      We describe a semantic information service that aggregates metadata from a large number of information sources of a large-scale Grid infrastructure. It uses an ontology-based information integration architecture (ActOn) ...
    • Conference Object  

      AD-APT: Blurring the boundary between mobile advertising and user satisfaction 

      Pamboris, Andreas; Antoniou, George; Makris, Constantinos; Andreou, Panayiotis G.; Samaras, George S. (Association for Computing Machinery, Inc, 2016)
      The choice between two dominant monetization strategies for mobile apps, i.e. capitalising on revenue generated from either users or advertisers, is not a straightforward one. While users are initially attracted more to ...
    • Conference Object  

      AdaM: An adaptive monitoring framework for sampling and filtering on IoT devices 

      Trihinas, Demetris; Pallis, George C.; Dikaiakos, Marios D. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2015)
      Real-time data processing while the velocity and volume of data generated keep increasing, as well as, energy-efficiency are great challenges of big data streaming which have transitioned to the Internet of Things (IoT) ...
    • Conference Object  

      Adapting generic web structures with semantic web technologies: A cognitive approach 

      Belk, Marios; Germanakos, Panagiotis; Tsianos, Nikos; Lekkas, Zacharias; Mourlas, Constantinos; Samaras, George S. (2010)
      The research described in this paper focuses on adapting generic Hypermedia Environments with the use of Semantic Web technologies. The use of machine understandable semantics in Web applications is increasing significantly, ...
    • Article  

      Adapting HTML5 Web applications to user privacy preferences 

      Kapitsaki, Georgia M.; Charalambous, Theodoros (2019)
      Different service providers on the Web formulate their privacy policies based on their business scope. However, the progress of HTML5 has largely facilitated the acquisition of user-relevant data via Web browsers (e.g. ...
    • Conference Object  

      Adaptive agent negotiation via argumentation 

      Kakas, Antonis C.; Moraïtis, Pavlos (2006)
      In this paper, we study how argumentation can be used as a basis for negotiation between autonomous agents, where negotiation strategies of the different parties are represented as argumentation theories within their ...
    • Article  

      Adaptive congestion control in ATM based networks: Quality of service and high utilisation 

      Pitsillides, Andreas; Lambert, J. (1997)
      To improve network utilisation and robustness for Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) networks there is increasing evidence that reactive congestion controls are necessary. However the large bandwidth-delay product and the ...
    • Article  

      Adaptive congestion protocol: A congestion control protocol with learning capability 

      Lestas, Marios; Pitsillides, Andreas; Ioannou, Petros A.; Hadjipollas, George (2007)
      There is strong evidence that the current implementation of TCP will perform poorly in future high-speed networks. To address this problem many congestion control protocols have been proposed in literature which, however, ...
    • Conference Object  

      Adaptive connection admission and flow control: quality of service with high utilisation 

      Pitsillides, Andreas; Lambert, Jim (IEEE, 1994)
      In this paper, we use adaptive feedback and adaptive feedforward control methodologies to avoid congestion at high server utilisation. This addresses the combined connection admission and flow control problem (generic ...
    • Conference Object  

      Adaptive emergency scenery video communications using HEVC for responsive decision support in disaster incidents 

      Antoniou, Zinonas C.; Panayides, Andreas S.; Pattichis, Marios S.; Stavrou, S.; Kyriacou, Efthyvoulos C.; Spanias, Andreas S.; Constantinides, Anthony G.; Pattichis, Constantinos S. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2015)
      This study proposes a unifying framework for m-Health video communication systems that provides for the joint optimization of video quality, bitrate demands, and encoding time. The framework is video modality and infrastructure ...
    • Conference Object  

      Adaptive feedback algorithm for internet video streaming based on fuzzy rate control 

      Antoniou, Pavlos Ch.; Pitsillides, Andreas; Vassiliou, Vasos (2007)
      It is beyond any doubt that the unpredictable nature of the today's Internet has tremendous impact on the transmission of video streams. With respect to the real-time nature of video streaming, unpredictable band-width, ...
    • Conference Object  

      Adaptive high-end microprocessor for power-performance efficiency 

      Trancoso, Pedro (2006)
      Microprocessor development costs are considerably high. To minimize these costs, manufacturers produce a single design that better satisfies, in average, a wide range of applications. Nevertheless, as applications have ...
    • Conference Object  

      Adaptive information hovering in VANETs: Robustness and enhancements 

      Xeros, Andreas; Constantinides, Themis; Lestas, Marios; Mylonas, Yiannos; Pitsillides, Andreas; Lesta, Vicky Papadopoulou (IEEE Computer Society, 2013)
      Information hovering is relevant in vehicular ad hoc networks in cases where critical information needs to be made available to all vehicles in a bounded geographical area, called the hovering area, for a specific amount ...