Αποτελέσματα 21-40 από 70

    • Master Thesis  Open Access

      Creating Safer Campuses: Addressing the Severity of Sexual Harassment in Universities and Enhancing Reporting Procedures for Victims 

      Talianou, Christina (Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου, Σχολή Οικονομικών Επιστημών και Διοίκησης / University of Cyprus, Faculty of Economics and Management, 2024-01)
      Sexual harassment (SH) remains a prevalent and distressing issue within university environments, necessitating urgent attention and comprehensive intervention. This thesis delves into the multifaceted dimensions of sexual ...
    • Master Thesis  Open Access

      Understanding Workaholism: the effects of work centrality and psychological overwork climate on workaholism 

      Charalambous, Olga (Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου, Σχολή Οικονομικών Επιστημών και Διοίκησης / University of Cyprus, Faculty of Economics and Management, 2023-05-17)
      This study examines the association of workaholism and its dimensions (i.e., behavioral dimension, motivational dimension, cognitive dimension, emotional dimension) with work centrality and psychological overwork climate ...
    • Master Thesis  Open Access

      How culture impacts employee motivation 

      Patista, Maria (Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου, Σχολή Οικονομικών Επιστημών και Διοίκησης / University of Cyprus, Faculty of Economics and Management, 2022-12-30)
      This study aims to explore and identify the effect of organizational culture on employee motivation. The 95 participants of the study consisted of employees working in private organisations in Cyprus from top management ...
    • Master Thesis  Open Access

      What do employees expect from their male and female managers? An exploratory study 

      Antreou, Kyriaki (Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου, Σχολή Οικονομικών Επιστημών και Διοίκησης / University of Cyprus, Faculty of Economics and Management, 2022-12)
      Gender inequality is a persistent issue that all societies must address. Gender stereotypes are developed and promoted by the societies in which we grow up, and they plague generations for years. Because of stereotypes and ...
    • Master Thesis  Open Access

      CSR and the use of social media in Cypriot Businesses 

      Adam, Sotiris (Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου, Σχολή Οικονομικών Επιστημών και Διοίκησης / University of Cyprus, Faculty of Economics and Management, 2023-02)
      Αντικείμενο της διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι η χρήση των μέσων κοινωνικής δικτύωσης και η ΕΚΕ στις κυπριακές επιχειρήσεις. Ο γενικός στόχος της διατριβής είναι να εξετάσει σε ποιο επίπεδο οι επιχειρήσεις χρησιμοποιούν την ...
    • Master Thesis  Open Access

      Resilience: "The road towards accountants’ career sustainability” 

      Aristou, Ioanna (Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου, Σχολή Οικονομικών Επιστημών και Διοίκησης / University of Cyprus, Faculty of Economics and Management, 2022-12)
      It is widely recognized that the accounting profession is subject to different challenges and demands due to the complex and ever-evolving work environment that is dominant nowadays. Correspondingly, the need for resilience, ...
    • Master Thesis  Open Access

      Diversity and inclusion: the case of Swissport Cyprus 

      Efstratiou, Angela (Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου, Σχολή Οικονομικών Επιστημών και Διοίκησης / University of Cyprus, Faculty of Economics and Management, 2022-12)
      The current study attempts to quantify and identify the elements that affect employees’ sense of inclusion, particularly at Swissport Cyprus, a company that provides ground handling services. Research’s primary objectives ...
    • Master Thesis  Open Access

      Petrolina electric business plan with a focus on the marketing strategy 

      Demetriou, Andreas P.; Epiphaniou, Alexandra; Kokoni, Sotia; Skoullou, Elena (Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου, Σχολή Οικονομικών Επιστημών και Διοίκησης / University of Cyprus, Faculty of Economics and Management, 2022-11)
      Petrolina Electric is one of the five new entrants to the newly liberalized market, all of which sell the same product: electricity. To stand out from their competitors, it is vital for Petrolina Electric to make all the ...
    • Master Thesis  Open Access

      The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the work environment: Recommendations to Coca-Cola HBC for the way forward 

      Giannakou, Demetris; Artemi, Christos; Fleihan, Ziad; Papaleontiou, Nagia; Mazurick, Ryan (Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου, Σχολή Οικονομικών Επιστημών και Διοίκησης / University of Cyprus, Faculty of Economics and Management, 2022-10)
      During the end of 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic had emerged, affecting the work environment in varying ways. Throughout the pandemic, the workforce has seen a significant impact with a substantial number of employees giving ...
    • Master Thesis  Open Access

      Factors relating to the work engagement of Generation Z members in Cyprus and implications for Human Resource Management 

      Georgiou, Ellada (Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου, Σχολή Οικονομικών Επιστημών και Διοίκησης / University of Cyprus, Faculty of Economics and Management, 2022-12)
      A new generation, referred to as Generation Z, is entering the workforce as the business world continues to evolve. At the same time, it is becoming more crucial to identify the elements that keep these individuals motivated ...
    • Master Thesis  Open Access

      Γενιά Ζ: εργασιακή δέσμευση, παρακίνηση και οδηγοί καριέρας 

      Γιαννάκη, Κωνσταντίνος; Δανιήλ, Μαρία; Λυσάνδρου, Μάριος; Πολυκάρπου, Ναταλία (Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου, Σχολή Οικονομικών Επιστημών και Διοίκησης / University of Cyprus, Faculty of Economics and Management, 2022-12)
      Η γενιά Z, που γεννήθηκε σε έναν παγκόσμιο συνδεδεμένο κόσμο, μπαίνει αργά αλλά σταθερά στις πρώτες της εργασίες έχοντας τις δικές της προσδοκίες, προτιμήσεις και αποφάσεις όσον αφορά την καριέρα της, την εργασιακή της ...
    • Master Thesis  Open Access

      Facing the classic dilemma of family owned companies in Cyprus: To recruit or not? 

      Charalambous, Charalambos (Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου, Σχολή Οικονομικών Επιστημών και Διοίκησης / University of Cyprus, Faculty of Economics and Management, 2022-05)
      Αυτή η μελέτη διεξήχθη χρησιμοποιώντας ένα Applied Consulting Style σε οικογενειακό οργανισμό που δραστηριοποιείται στην αγορά χημικών πρώτων υλών της Κύπρου. Η εταιρεία αντιμετώπιζε καθυστερήσεις στην εφοδιαστική της ...
    • Master Thesis  Open Access

      Gender differnces in bargaining salary at workplace: Are Cypriot women less willing to negotiate their salary? If so, why? 

      Savvides, Andreas (Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου, Σχολή Οικονομικών Επιστημών και Διοίκησης / University of Cyprus, Faculty of Economics and Management, 2022-06-10)
      Previous research has focused on the role of gender in salary negotiations. Research investigated the determinants of gender and have concluded that women and men negotiate differently. One of the most contentious topics ...
    • Master Thesis  Open Access

      A qualitative exploration of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation: similarities and differences among public and private sector employees in Cyprus 

      Sofroniou, Christina (Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου, Σχολή Οικονομικών Επιστημών και Διοίκησης / University of Cyprus, Faculty of Economics and Management, 2021-12)
      Λόγω της ανταγωνιστικότητας και της ταχείας αλλαγής του σημερινού επιχειρηματικού περιβάλλοντος, η αποτελεσματική διαχείριση των εργαζομένων είναι ένα από τα πιο απαιτητικά καθήκοντα για οργανισμούς και εργοδότες. Το γεγονός ...
    • Master Thesis  Open Access

      Promoting accountable leadership through human resource management 

      Symeou, Efstathia (Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου, Σχολή Οικονομικών Επιστημών και Διοίκησης / University of Cyprus, Faculty of Economics and Management, 2022-05-23)
      Μία από τις μεγαλύτερες προκλήσεις που αντιμετωπίζουν οι οργανισμοί στις μέρες μας είναι η ανάγκη για υπεύθυνους ηγέτες. Η μελέτη αυτή στοχεύει στο να προσδιορίσει τι σημαίνει λογοδοσία στην ηγεσία ή υπεύθυνη ηγεσία και ...
    • Master Thesis  Open Access

      Employer Branding: Examining the factors that influence employees’ perceptions on the attractiveness of the brand 

      Iliopoulou, Spyridoula (Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου, Σχολή Οικονομικών Επιστημών και Διοίκησης / University of Cyprus, Faculty of Economics and Management, 2022-03-15)
      In our days due to the supplies and demands of the market, companies have started considering more seriously how they will attract and retain talent. In this study, I am going to investigate in what extend employer branding ...
    • Master Thesis  Open Access

      Artificial intelligence in the workplace in Cyprus: an employee perspective 

      Mylona, Antonia (Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου, Σχολή Οικονομικών Επιστημών και Διοίκησης / University of Cyprus, Faculty of Economics and Management, 2022-05-24)
      The present study aimed on placing Cyprus into the research map of AI in the workplace. It focused on investigating main variables job replacement anxiety experienced by employees, acceptance and trust of AI in the workplace, ...
    • Master Thesis  Open Access

      Mentoring as a tool for attraction and employer branding - A case study of the Sea of Experience Mentoring program 

      Korica, Ljiljana (Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου, Σχολή Οικονομικών Επιστημών και Διοίκησης / University of Cyprus, Faculty of Economics and Management, 2022-05-12)
      This master thesis argues that mentoring can be used successfully as a tool for attraction and employer branding, in order to address new trends and demands of the business environment. Those changes are mostly related to ...
    • Master Thesis  Open Access

      Employee voice and work commitment - the department of Civil Aviation Cyprus 

      Irakleous, Iraklis A. (Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου, Σχολή Οικονομικών Επιστημών και Διοίκησης / University of Cyprus, Faculty of Economics and Management, 2021-12-31)
      Κύριος σκοπός της παρούσας ερευνητικής μελέτης είναι η διερεύνηση της συμπεριφοράς φωνής – σιωπής των εργαζομένων σε σχέση με την οργανωτική τους δέσμευση, καθώς το Τμήμα Πολιτικής Αεροπορίας Κύπρου χρειάζεται ανθρώπους ...
    • Master Thesis  Open Access

      Remote working and job satisfaction during Covid-19 

      Christodoulou, Demetra (Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου, Σχολή Οικονομικών Επιστημών και Διοίκησης / University of Cyprus, Faculty of Economics and Management, 2022)
      Remote working plays a major role in organizations since it brings both advantages and disadvantages for both employees and employers. It is broadly described as a situation in which employees work mainly from home or other ...